Chapter 62: The Drawn Curtain Of Secrets

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Arc: Fragrances Of Memory

*Note: Continue reading the chapter while listening to the dazzling mystery music from HDSounDI، Beyond Doubt. 

Pain suddenly invades a person's heart, accompanied by despair, grief, and misty eyes holding back tears, especially when doubts initiate from a long time ago, Where he only  had to wait for the curtain to drop down .

Cole removes the blanket from the mountain of goods  in the cave, and everyone is shocked by the weapons and electronic gadgets that seemed strange to the inhabitants of the Alanazia .

Carter: "I've never seen these weapons before. . Moreover,  this much ? !"

Ajax:" I remember . . . When I was in the organization, the members were always talking about  the privilege in some units in the  organization, getting weapons with high and strange capabilities. . . You must be the merchant who sells it to the organization. From where did you get them? !"

Lucifer: "I am just an intermediary for a merchant from the human world. I receive money from the organization and deliver it to them. . Let's say I hand over some of them only and sell the rest to other client."

Edward in shock: "Do you sell to other people too? !"

Nicholas: "From what you said, they don't know where the goods are. Let's stay here for a while. It will get dark."

Farsto enters the cave: "Yo!, we have a guest."

Owen:" Hugo! . .the princess too. . how ?"

Hugo: "I was  heading to the headquarters, but I saw many soldiers surrounding the library, not to mention your pictures hanging on each corner in Marcel, after that  I saw Farsto by chance."

Merissa: "We're officially criminals now."

She continued and looked at Nicholas sadly. Nicholas: "Isn't it dangerous for you to be here, princess?"

Violet: "Don't worry. . I won't do anything rash, I wanted to check on you guys."

Christine approaches her with her bag and looks at her:" I... . I found the original copy of the Black Hoop Book."

Shrine: "What? !"

Valentin:" How is it in your possession?.. Since when ? !"

Christine: "Before the organization attack, it suddenly appeared inside Laura's bag."

Lucifer smiles: "So, what is said about this book is true. No one believed that old man."

Pixas approaches him:" I see  you have more information to reveal."

Farsto:" Well, wait, let's read what's in it and reveal the secret of the Redeyes."

"We won't. You CAN'T!" the princess shouted.

Christine: "I just took a look, and I couldn't understand what was in it."

Valentin:" You're just reading  it like everyone else does . Do not underestimate the secrets of the book. I think this person knows what I mean. It wouldn't be that difficult if it weren't hard to find."

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