Chapter 29: The Legendary Team

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Arc: The Magic Championship 

Thanks for the rainy music from Anne-Sophie  Versnaeyen . 

The Battle land , was not like it seems . , it was all green and restful . The unbelievable magical  creatures walking by us . I remember seeing a Griffin flying above us while we were heading to the twins house , what a spectacular view that was !

At the twins average size home away from the crowds of the games . The team was sitting on a wooden , modest dining table as Lasto and her mother host their guests after explaining the misunderstanding that happened earlier . 

Ms. Sharman , offers some tea: " There you go, and I apologize instead of these two . " 

Marissa :" It is alright , no need to apologize . "

Mr. Sharman enters with Farsto :"Is that true , the legendary guard are here , in my house ?!"

Ms. Sharman : " Calm down ,honey . "

Farsto , comes and sits beside his sister:" Is this suppose to be  exciting ? !"

Master Valko : "Hello Mr. Sharman ."

Mr. Sharman:" Hi Ya , old man, how is it going , I see you gathered a lot of brave youths ." 

Master Valko  :"Hahaha!, they are still children . "

Farsto whispers to Lasto :"Hi, Lasto, why did you bring them here?.. Do You know who they are ? "

Lasto :" Yeah, Lasto knows ."

Farsto :" Then way ?!" 

Lasto :" To get more candy ." 

Farsto :" How is that ."

Lasto confidently : " You see , after all the 12 guards be together , we will restore the kingdom ,then Lasto will have a prize then get more candy . "

Farsto : " We discussed this, we are not helping people who despise us ." 

Lasto with a serious look on her eyes : "What if there are people who have faith  in us ?" 

Ms. Sharman : " Hi , you two , what are you blabbering about ? "

The Twins : " Sorry! "

Ayami: " How old are you ?"

Farsto proudly : " We are 16 , what we look younger aren't we ? "

Jason: "Haaa, you're dwarfer then the dwarf ."

Farsto and Greed : " You wanna fight me ?"

Mr. Sharman : " It is a magic that change our appearance , it is easier to live here as dwarfs with all the magical creatures around . "

Tom : " That's so cool, you can appear as a girl and sneak into their rooms , even more you ca..." 

Nichole , smashed his head on the table :" Pervert ! "

The Legendary Guards Of ExterminationWhere stories live. Discover now