Chapter 52: A Letter From a Cursed Child

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Arc: The Black Arrow

*Note: Quiet music by Scott Buckley , please play it later.

It's 12:00 midnight, and the struggles continue from every side in the capital and Lyoul Sea against the Redeyes. Ajax pursues in his fight against Francisco near the outpost of bunkers.

Francisco holds off the iron pillars of Ajax with his eyeball: " You missed your chance to escape."

Ajax: "My pride does not allow me to escape a fight which I have started it."

Francisco: "Are ​​you holding on to your manhood despite the femininity of your face?"

Ajax:" I will take that as a compliment."

Francisco: "Well, I will continue to praise you after you die by my own hands."

Ajax runs around Francisco, throwing more poles. Ajax throws a metal ball and it explodes in front of Francisco while some pillars are embedded in his body.

Francisco pulls the pillars out of his shoulder, stomach and thigh that oozes blood from his body: " Oi!. . Are you lenient with me? ! . . These pillars cause superficial wounds. . Also, do you really have magic? . Your throws aren't that fast! !"

Ajax raises his hand proudly: "I have it. . . I have wonderful magic."

Francisco: "then, have this . . ."

He said his sentence, throwing the three iron pillars that he took it off his body , sending them with his strength witch it moved the ground below , towards Ajax the pillars goes who was staring at him in shock . The pillars stopped in front of Ajax's face, to which from the severity of their sudden stop, his forehead hair flew with the strong breeze , and then he gathered them at once with his hand.

Ajax smiling: "Bingo! "

Francisco was surrounded from all sides by iron poles of huge iron buildings coming towards him. The first iron poles hit his back and the second hit his right, then he stopped the iron poles facing him with the eyeball by turning the iron pole into a stone. He removed the two pillars in order to catch a pillar that came to him from his left side , so he stopped it with the eyeball, then prepared to punch the pillar, but Ajax sent a thin pillar that pierced the eyeball.

Francisco with anger and blood dripping from his hand:" YOU FOXY FEMINIST ! . This is what you were aiming for! ! . . But I will come back standing even with 100 pillars more."

He rushes again to Ajax, dodging all the pillars and other explosives thrown at him, Ajax's weapon shouting: "Close your eyes! !"

Ajax closed his eyes, then slowly opened them: "Where? . . . Where did he go? !"

Francisco clasps his hands and punches Ajax: "Above!"

Ajax puts his arms as a blocking wall and shuts his eyes again. Ajax twisted his foot a bit due to the thrust of Francisco's punch compared to Ajax's diminutive size. With Francisco's flexibly, he kicks Ajax in the neck and falls away.

Francisco, looking at his feet: "Tch!. . This arrogant, he planted four pillars in my feet as I kicked him. . Also, I can't I remove it, it looks sharper than the others? !"

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