Chapter 56: A Sorrow Dawn

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Arc: The Black Arrow 

 Enjoy the chapter by listening to this emotional music in the following two scenes. Reality is Lonely 

Those who remain will leave, and the loved ones will meet again in another universe. That's how life is, and therefore there is no choice but to move forward until that meeting comes.

The kingdom's clock strikes at four o'clock in the morning. The cold sun rises up for the next day, after a battle that lasted for hours. Time repeats itself, and the tragedy is repeated. The building's  wreckage were everywhere, the smoke arise after the fires were extinguished by the heavy rains, and the thick clouds still scattered in the sky laden with little amount of  rain with the onset of dawn.

The empty market square and the quiet streets of the kingdom, the citizens look out at once to salute the soldiers carrying a brown coffins with the blue flag of the kingdom engraved on them. It is a condolence for more than 200 male and female soldiers, and a condolence for the citizens who suddenly lost their lives. With a military gait, in four lines and in one direction, the soldiers take their steps to the burial site, for they have lost more than they have gained.

I opened my sleepy eyes, removed the towel from my forehead and straightened up with difficulty from the sofa towards one of the door rooms and looked at my companions furtively. Owen is still in a deep sleep, Ajax is awake fighting the drowsiness, while Ayami was holding back her tears as she read Master Valko's letter that she received it from him in our first meeting with them, while Farsto was in the opposite room covering his body with a blanket pretending to be asleep.

Jason headed to the balcony, resting his head and leaning his back on the wall, and slant his eyes towards the street path, towards the sad and pained faces walking towards one destination.

Jason grabbed the pillars of the balcony. He looked in front of him ,at the little girl who was living with her mother in the apartment opposite them, but this time without her mother. Then he fell hard and despaired, crying without a sound.

Jason speaks to himself, crying, with his fingers over his eyes and mouth: "Master.. What.. What should I do.. This mission is beyond my capacity.. Master, how will I confront the team, the headquarter , the  members of the headquarters?.. What will I say to the members of the headquarters.. Why, why can't I do anything... Master, you haven't completed your journey of finding the last guardian yet. This... This is not fair."


 Residents and soldiers stand saluting the warriors , led by Commander Enzo, next to Major General Eyan. Lieutenant Colonel Lucas stands firmly with a sad eye, Captain Alexander grips his robe to restraint the bitterness of the situation, First Lieutenant Lisa is next to Sergeant Major Ares in deep sorrow.

Lieutenant Reino picks up a rifle to fire 20 rounds of black smoke into the sky, which resonates throughout the kingdom. Colonel Felix stands in front of Brigadier General Harry's grave broken hearted after few people remain at the funeral and then Major Lloyd comes by his side.

Colonel Felix:" Harry appreciated you very much, Lloyd. Despite his marriage to his work, he never complained. I remember you were in the same room with him during the training days.. You and Lucas were making a mess and he would come to me to complain about your neglect in cleaning duties and so on.. He loved his job and leaving like this is a little frustrating."

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