Chapter 55: The Combat part II

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Arc: The Black Arrow 

Thank you very much for the exciting music from Panadura Journey.

* Note: Play the music later please. 

As the insulator goes from the ditch to  Lyuol  Sea, the  princess  slowly begins on the second stage ,while the fierce Redeyes attacks continues at the beach.

Ayami stands on the Army's headquarters wall ,  attacking the Redeyes by her whip in which they  were climbing it . Soldiers fire bullets and magic attacks at the Redeyes . Diana jumps on the wall to stab a row of soldiers with her nails, then she cast them into the sea. Ayami hinted a bucket of oil, and she tied  the bucket  with her whip , then threw it over a group of Redeyes. The soldiers continue to shoot , killing a large number of them. Diana is moving away from the sea to avoid fire blast coming form the headquarters.

Diana's eyes turned into dark red and her nails were planted into the  sand:" let's change the shape of the place a little, shall we ! " 

Ayami: "What ... an earthquake?!"

By surprise, thin thorns coming from the bottom of the headquarters, penetrating the building, penetrating the bodies of the soldiers and crashing the headquarters as if they were giant  serrated trees. They were Diana's  nails and her sharp claws . Ayami avoids these giant thorns, Ayami gaze at  the sands of the beach , the amount of the high and huge  dismaying thorns that killed half of the remaining soldiers.

Ayami: "Diana, you !!!....God! , one of these thorns would've hit me !"

Diana raises her fingers from the sand and then implants them again to break the entire headquarters building with her massive thorns, then extends her arm towards the sky: "Oh oh this is it  ... this is the taste of victory then!"


Gezal is skillfully fighting Christine despite the slight wounds in both their bodies. Both continued to repel the attacks of each other with a force and transcendent speed. Christine kicks Gezal's  head  and then retreated. 

Christine with herself: " Damn it ! ... I can't get close to her and give her  another punch ... she reads all my attacks."

Gezal launches more small arrows towards her:" Haha!'re so awesome!... awesome!"

Christine makes a fiery shield with a Tanto  to repel the arrows , Gezal jumps behind her pulling her hair to fall  , putting  Christine on the ground and compressing her hair  by the arrow on the sand. 

Gezal gasp heavily over Christine while holding her arms:" Stop resisting  ... We have been fighting for a while ... Be my friend, Christine." 

Christine extends her hand with difficulty, trying to reach her weapon: "What about you, aren't  you tired yet ... I can see you hardly breathing ."

*Note: Play music now, please.

Gezal in terrifying expressions, indicating an arrow  towards Christine's eyes: "Do you know what is inside this? ... It's my blood ... a drop of it is enough to  burn one of your inner organs in your body, I wonder what if I pour it on your eyes .... First you will feel  a terrible burning ... Hehe, although you are a fire guard ... secondly, hallucinations will start ... thirdly you die! The end .... a beautiful story isn't it ?!"

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