Chapter 46: The Insulator Process

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Arc: The Black Arrow 

*Note: Music by HDsounDI (Lord Of the Lankhmar) I recommend you to play the music in the next scene.

A group of soldiers gathered in front of the hall's  entrance , and Master Valko announced that the plan had failed, causing our fellow guards to hesitate to take the next step.

Colonel Felix, running with his squad and passing through the library door, touches the door handle which its design has changed.

Colonel Felix, using psychometric magic: "Three people have passed by here, and what's  this  strange feeling, is there something inside?"

"Who is here?... It's Colonel Felix, didn't  you hear the call, the king's Parade will move to implement  the insulator field ceremony ." The Minister of Housing, Mr. Phyllis, objecting him.

Junethin (one of the soldiers who was with Hugo): Colonel, Hugo thinks there are more of them in the hall.... Excuse me. Was I a hindrance to your conversation?" 

Mr. Phyllis: "No, it's fine, Colonel Felix was about to go."

Colonel Felix: "Oh, yes."

Felix, continuing with  himself: "What is Brigadier General Harry thinking, asking me to find the guards before the other squad!"


Last night, after the Brigadier General and Colonel left the guards' residence. 

Felix:" Sir, why did you leave them , shouldn't we capture them , they will carry out with their plans, they are traitors?!"

Harry: "Do you really think that?!....Didn't you see with your own eyes what happened on the train, and what about their protection of passengers, what if people's view of the guards was wrong, maybe it's just human chatter that may be true or incomplete."

Felix:" But what about the separation incident , and the delayed evacuation?"

Harry turns to him seriously: "Were you there to judge ?"

Felix with a look of shock:" N.. No!"

Harry, smiling spontaneously: "Whatever your view or the worldview of something ..if I don't check it myself, I won't publish my conclusions, didn't I tell you this in your first lesson? Well, I deducted five points from you."

Felix, returning to the hall:" I have decided , I shall always follow you, you have taught  me to keep  my word."


In the ballroom, until now things are going smoothly, Ayami slowly advanced to talk to the princess until Hugo entered with the soldiers, the people were confused and whispers became louder.

Hugo points to the guards: "This, and that, and the girl looking boy over there, and the two there  are traitors ."

The Supreme Commander  shouts:" Arrest them!"

Ayami runs towards the princess trying to get away from the soldiers, and Hugo gets in her way and they manage to arrest her.

Ayami, as her mask falls off, and she screams  out loud: "Princess, you know who we are.. Your mother's memory is still inside you. You know the truth. We don't want to postpone the eradication of the Redeyes  any longer...... Get off !..... Please think carefully."

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