Chapter 61: What we don't Know Yet

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Arc: Fragrance Of Memory 

Thank you so much for this amazing dramatic music from My Soul Your Beats ,The Other Side. 

 Nicole: "How is it possible for this world to own a modern car? . Or rather, from our world? !"

Tom: "Wait, wait, wait, it's a Mercedes !"

Jason: "What does this mean? !"

Nathan: "Don't be surprised, we still have a  bunch more , as they've  been exporting these vehicles to us in a secret  trade. . . Oh! Again, I spell out something I shouldn't have . Keep it a secret for me . . .  And that if you stayed alive."

Jason to himself: " We spent more than six months in this world? ! And we still don't know a lot. This world is also a wide, and none of us knows what it hides yet."


A tree with a frozen stem , its branches barely holding on to the tree, Lucifer was captured  with his arms tied to it while members of the headquarters surrounding him and questioning him.

Christine: "Why do you have this sort of phone? !"

Lucifer: "Do you know what this device is? !"

Christine grabs him by his clothes: "Answer me, you! . . . How did these cell phones get here? . . Are there more of them? !"

Lucifer:" Yes, and lots more."

Christine was annoyed and raised her head to him: "Where ? !"

Lucifer: "Hey! As if I will tell you where , no one knows except me."

Pixas punches him with his strength, knocking him to the ground and hurting  his lips . Cole: "Calm down, you two."

Cole advances towards Lucifer, pulls out a Farsto's  rifle and points at Lucifer's forehead. 

Lucifer  terrified: "Yo. . You just asked your men to calm! !"

Cole puts the rifle in Lucifer's mouth: "I asked them to calm down, not to stop threatening you."

Farsto, with his thin body, holds  Cole's muscular arm:" Hey, what we're not going to do here is smear my gun with spit."

Lucifer is shocked and terrified, fearing the frightened looks of the headquarters members. Christine opens the phone, clicks on the photo gallery  to see several pictures of a suspicious cave from several angles, then showed it to Lucifer:" You're only using the basic applications, that means, you don't know how  it works yet. . . Is it here?, where you  hide the rest of the phones?"

Lucifer was trying to speak and his looks were positive that it was the right place.

Owen: "So, it's the place."

Christine:" Merissa, can you find it?"

Merissa holds the phone, stares at the picture, and unleashes the magic of finding the location:" Let me try, it's near here."

The Legendary Guards Of ExterminationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon