Chapter 7: Rain Of Rocks

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Arc: The Return 

 Thanks for the nice music "Sunder" for making this Chapter interesting 

The sky was clear and had a scattered clouds, the sun was slightly bright. After the alarm that everyone heard from the Master a strange incident occurred,rocks were falling from the top seemed like rain of rocks.

Tom asks sacredly:"This makes me go crazy,what is happeining?"

Nichole:"Why strange things happen whenever I'm with you Jason?"

Jason:"I didn't threaten you to come here ."

Said Jason to Nichole who was hiding under the table with Christine while Jason and Tom were behind the sofa. Marissa with the old lady were under the window. 

Marissa cries out of anger:"Stop It all of you, are you really friends?"

In a second she noticed something and said:"Wait a minute, I know this trick."

Out of the basement came a voice yelling :"If you want to stay alive come on out and face me."

Marissa replied:"Wait Greed, you won't convince them like that."

Tom drowsily:"So they know each other."

Then they all went out and saw a young man with a yellow hair and green eyes carrying a brown long fighting stick . What distinguishes him was the brown tattoo on his chest ,which is the word Earth in Japanese ( 地球)Chikyū. 

Greed:"Hey Master, why are you so kind to him and why are you wearing ladies clothes?"

Jason,Tom ,Nichole and Christine stood with shocked faces.

Marissa madly:"Do you have to throw your rocks at us and destroy the place?"

Greed:"It's better than treating a fool as a guest."

Jason:"Who do you think you are calling us fools you jerk."

Greed:"It's Greed, and open your eyes and see who is the real jerk here."

Jason:"You wanna fight don't you?"

Greed:"No, I'll kill you."

The Master appeared behind Greed and hit him on his head:"That's enough."

Greed:"But Master."

A strong wind gets by , resolving a horror in the place:"I SAID ENOUGH....get in."


After they sat down Nichole started the conversation  .

Nichole:"So you suppose to be a man."

The Master:"I apologize ,whatever initiate from us, I thought I would  convince you to come with us...The whole thing is that It has been a while since we left home, May I introduce myself again, My name is Master Valko and the three of us  are from Alanazia."

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