Chapter 47 : The Redeyes Attack

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Arc: The Black Arrow 

The enthusiasm of the music helps give the scenes of this chapter more suspense, you can replay it in any scene you like. (Darkness Below )

What did I see, will I be safe from this circumstance , what will happen to my sister Laura? Hey, Christen , don't get caught up in the action, just focus on what you're doing right now.

Two days before the insulator Commemoration date , which is  after the end of the Redeyes king's  meeting  with the Redeyes  dynasty in Zentral. The presence of General Tadashi near Russial by order of the King. The king, accompanied by Kai, comes out of a black hole that had transported them to a certain destination.

Tadashi salutes the king: "Welcome back, Your Majesty."

Kai, adjusting his jacket: "That minister, if he dares to betray the King, I will.."

King:" Even if he betray us, we need to secure a suitable place for Redeyes to storm the palace from the inside. Meanwhile, I instructed Guy to make sure that the Radians were near the fissure to confuse the soldiers. I just hope, that they fall into the trap and that I find the opportunity to take the book, I will not allow a secret that I have kept for years to be revealed in one night."


In Present time , after the parade  has reached the site of the ditch, our comrades descend down the stairs to the  basement cells , bound with anti-magic handcuffs and accompanied by two soldiers.

Ayami: "After all this hardship, they arrest us, they didn't even listen to us."

Greed:" Because of that lizard, why doesn't he  learn to be as silent as walls and let us finish the mission in peace!"

One of the soldiers interrupts them: "What are you whispering about?...Stop at once."

A loud explosion sound  shook the place and a little dirt fell from the ceiling as they stood motionless.

Ajax:" Whatever the sound of this explosion, it is close."

A soldier running down the stairs: "Run.... I said run away!"

In the corridor near the library, in horrific numbers, the Redeyes came out of the library, running behind the visitors obsessively, and the soldiers' bullets began to be fired at the Redeyes. With their slim bodies and their red eyes, they devoured the visitors until they turned into a lifeless black soot mass. The Redeyes  devoured the young men, the young women and the children, the precious dresses and jackets dyed red and ruined the upscale party.

At the palace garden, Jason and his companions run wile searching for the palace's entrance .

Farsto: "Oh shit.. what was that explosion a moment ago?!"

Jason: "We're late...  way too late."

A soldier shoots Redeyes in a corridor near the concert hall, where a girl and her mother almost would've been eaten : "Why? Why are they here, why are they inside the palace. Evacuate the visitors at once, then close the gates."

Another soldier unleashing his magic on the Redeyes: "It's no use, the numbers of the Redeyes are huge and they have increased  at the entrances, there are still a large number of visitors inside."

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