Chapter 50:Against Them All

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Arc: The Black Arrow. 

In the midst of the lonely atmosphere and the attack of the Redeyes in the capital of the Diamond City . Soldiers try to keep as many people as possible out of the city or to shelter them in a steel bunkers that are placed between every 5 to 6 buildings. However, with the increase in the number of Redeyes, it was not easy at all.

Lieutenant-Colonel Lux between the shops and the houses, calling: "Hey!. . . Can anyone hear me? . Any survivors here? ! The city turned into ruins. . . Can't we do anything? !"

On the rooftop of the Diamond Palace in the capital, Jason rushes out of the door leading to the roof and shuts the door behind him hardly. Jason stares at his comrades leaning on the door:" They're coming! !"

Ayami: "The city is on fire!"

Everyone looks ahead of  them, looking from the roof, a sight chilling until their despair gets the best of them , the main gate of the palace is filled with soldiers, preventing the Redeyes in  the palace from going out into the city. They unleash their magic to deter these terrifying creatures. Those scenic views and roads ,sparkling with diamonds are in complete ruin.

Zeke:" Are  we gonna go back. . . Will time repeat itself?"

Owen: "No, not yet. . . do not lose hope ."

Farsto: "First, we have to get out of here, we'll find a solution after ."

Master Valko: "Princess. . . The king is supposed to start the second stage now, right?"

Princess:" Yes. . But the Redeyes impede the concentration of the breed at the ditch."

Master: "What if you could support them from Lyoul Beach? . . That you make the insulation from there too. . While we deal with the Redeyes in front of the ditch?"

Hugo: "That's impossible! . . . Even if we get there, they're coming from the Lyoul Sea too."

Marcus: "We will deter them from Lyoul  Sea . . the rest will help with the evacuation."

Owen:" Hugo, you can take us to the Lyoul Sea."

Hugo:" I can only take you to the Lyoul Sea and near the ditch. . . I can't get past the other side of the ditch though, I can't use Shadow Transfer magic to a place I haven't been."

"It's all right, I have a solution for this...what matters is your highness's up to you." Colonel Felix said seriously.

Silence prevailed. But, suddenly the screams of the soldiers rose in front of the palace gate, and the sound of the radiating explosion.

The princess tore her beautiful ,dazzling dress and shins  with determination, ready to fight: "Let's do it!"

With enthusiasm the other ladies , likewise tore their long dresses to join the battle. The eyes of determination overshadowed the atmosphere of fear and defeat.

Master: "So, it's settled."


Colonel Felix by the Lacrima: "Lieutenant-Colonel Lucas , answer me ."

Lucas flies his air sled together with his squad: "I'm with you."

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