Chapter17:Towards The Temple

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Arc: The Temple. 

Thanks for the Unique music work by Toney Anderson from Ambient. 

Ayami as she shows her light blue tattoo on her arm:"I'll count on you , my fellow gardians."

It was a surprise , that eye , that shine . I was impressed of her passion , I knew that she was different in a way that I could not explain it in words. 

Greed:"Great , so shall we move on . "

Ayami:"Sure .....No , wait where is it , did I drop it somewhere ?"

"Looking for this?" said Christine , showing the pen .

Ayami:"Yes, I must've dropped it a while ago,thanks."

Christine:"It is not a pen ,right?"

Ayami:"It is a weapon , keep it a secret for me."

Master:"Do you mind If we use a car or a bus it is hard to move on without one?"

Ayami:"Ummm, It is impossible to use my  tour truck ....yes , I have exactly what we need..but it is a bit messy and I should finish some work before I can leave."

Tom:"I'm sure it's not that bad."

They weren't expecting to see the caravan miserably grimy when they got outside . The caravan was in a large size , with two front chairs , completely dirty brown and old and it seemed like it  takes more than one hour to clean it up. 

Tom:"Oy...Oy ....Oy, it is totally dirty and in addition it is old."

Greed:"Are you really a star?....You could've bought something better than this scrap."

Ayami:"I had to accept it , its a gift."

Jason:"You mean a gift taken from the garbage."

Christine:"Do you want me to travel in  this.....give me all the cleaning tools that you have and also paints."

Nichole:"And the repair equipment."

Marissa:"We all going to help."

So, Christine , Marissa and Tom were cleaning inside on the other hand, Greed and Jason cleaning outside . Nichole was fixing the damaged part of the caravan. 

Greed :"Aren't guys suppose to do this kind of job?"

Jason:" You should shut your mouth , If  you don't want to get hit , she is better than us in these things ,   Is everything alright Nichole?"

Nichole , takes underneath the caravan:" Almost done."

Then she continued with herself :"Repairing these parts was difficult, they are not modern in style, as if they were from another period, perhaps in the middle of the eighteenth century ... I do not know."

Tom, gets out of the caravan:"Finally !"

Jason:"We only need to paint it black."

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