Chapter 36 [Game Over]

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And then they all died. The end.

Okay, listen, I'm discontinuing this book bc F U C K is my "OC" Mary Sue. What the hell was I thinking?! Make an OC, give it an insane side, make everyone love her, and make her super strong?! Seriously!!!!!!!! I disgust myself. I'm sorry to all of you that really wanted me to continue. Fuck though, man! I've got a lot of shit on my plate and 88888888 irons in the fire atm! I've even improved my art skills A L O T since I've made this piece of shit. Don't even comment "IT WAS GR8 THOUGH!" Because I know that's a load of shit. My Ocs were shit. My writing is shit. I might (by might I mean 20% yes, 80% no) make a remastered version of this book. I had an ending planned and everything but I put too much filler in this book as it is. The ending would have seemed abrupt and awkward. I apologize to all of yall who really wanted read the rest but it was gonna be shit. It will probably be completely remastered and only have 20 chapters in the future with WAY longer chapters, better wording, less spelling errors, ect. I'm rambling here so I hope you all who still read this piece of shit have a good life and... Yeah, bye.

>>>>>>>>Instagram: @SomeHomestuckTrash
^^^^^^^^Keep track of me if you want ^^^^^^^^

iNsAnItY (Minecraft fanfiction) [Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora