Chapter 21

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-Kendall's POV-

"It's the police!" They called from behind the door. Haley motioned for us to hide and we did. Ven, Anthony and I piled into a small closet thing that led into an attic. We quietly listened to the conversation downstairs, "We're looking for four wanted criminals and Sir Ty Lox. They're names are Kendall Kirby, Anthony Adventure, Venner Kicks, and Zync Enders." They asked, "Oh, sorry, I don't know anything about them, what do they look like?" Haley questioned, "We don't have exact pictures but Kendall has some sort of mask that she wears, Zync has Goggles and Anthony wears a fedora." They said, "Ma'am, may we please search your house?" I froze at that moment, I whispered, "Zync is still sleeping downstairs!" in the darkness I dimly saw Venner and Anthony's eyes go wide. "We have to make a plan." Anthony stated as the conversation went on downstairs. Henley seemed to be trying to shoo them away but they wouldn't leave. "Those idiots wouldn't expect to look at a ceiling. Once they leave for the other room I'll climb out of here then Anthony will make some noise to attract them to this area then I'll get Zync and we can get our asses out of here" Ven. Always smart under pressure, never any other time. "Did you just come up with that?" Anthony asked, "Yes. Now I'll go. Stick with the plan."

-Venners POV-

I made my way out of the attic room and climbed to the ceiling just in time for Anthony to knock a punch of stuff over and make noise, "What was that?" The police piled into the living room and I quietly crawled on the ceiling. Eventually arriving at the spare bedroom I opened the door which made a creek. This is going to end bad. Turns out Zync was already up pulling on his gray and black t-shirt. "Ven, what's goin-" I stopped his talking and motioned for him out the window when we heard stomping, "ITS THE KIDS!" One of the men yelled, "ONE MORE STEP AND ILL SHOOT!" He yelled. They came closer to us and I didn't know what to do 'til Zync grabbed my shoulder and we where suddenly outside with purple particles floating around us. "How-" Zync just started to run. Somehow he grabbed his cloak before we escaped. I think we where in the back yard because Vegeta was punching the crap out of a tree. Jesus. We ran past him quickly and made it to a window. We broke it and I yelled, "KENDALL, ANTHONY LETS GO!" I yelled and they crawled out the broken window.

Gunfire was suddenly filling the once peaceful area. "Shit!" A deep voice yelled. Anthony stood up gripping his shoulder, "It's fine, GAH, The bullet went through so I'm fine... I don't think it hit any bones..." He tried to say. Thank god it was only his arm. We started to run into a woodsy area, Anthony left a trail of blood though. Kendall called Iggy with no hesitation and the dragon appeared, "Lets go!" Kendall yelled and we piled on the dragon, and made our way home.

-Time skip-

We finally made it home and Anthony was so pale he almost looked gray. "We need to fix that wound..." I stated the obvious as we went on the lift. Kendall looked away the whole time trying to steady her breathing, "I swear to god if you change on us here, I will slap you..." I informed her and her breathing finally steadied. Anthony walked into a spare bedroom as I ran into the bathroom to get some first aid supply's, "Anthony, you've gotta tell me what to do," I said. I had no experience with gunshot wounds. I pulled the cloth off his shoulder to see the wound and it made me want to hurl, "is the wound, AHH... open... on the other side?" He asked, "Y-Yeah" "Good... that would have been painful... Put pressure on it to stop the bleeding." He tried to stay calm but I knew he was in pain. I did what he said and earned a few yells in return. "Ok... now, now wrap it in a bandage..." He said and I obeyed.

Once I finished I went to the bathroom to wipe the blood off my hands and in the process, I threw up in the toilet. How does a toilet work in a treehouse? I have no clue. I flushed it and decided to get a snack and drink and this time I kept quite to see if "anything" was "happening" between the two complicated lovers... I wonder what a good ship name would be? The lift was slow so I decided to write a bit in my book of fanfics, 'Zendall' 'Kync' that just sounded wierd... before I knew it I was at the second floor and put away my book.

-Kendall's POV-

After Ven took Anthony to their room I immediately made the lift go to the second floor. If you haven't noticed, blood has a strange effect on me. I walked to the balcony to get some fresh, non-metallic, air. I suddenly got lost in my own thoughts and hadn't noticed Zync standing next to me. "Well. We can't ever go into the city again" His words surprised me. I looked over at him but he couldn't tell with my mask on. The breeze picked up, shuffling his hair around a bit. It was kinda cute. ... ... ... What the fuck did I just think?! My face started burning. "Yeah, it sucks but you know what? we've all had a long day so I'm just going to go to my room now!" I said quickly turning around when I ran into an oncoming Venner, "What's the rush Kendall? Tired from all the tongue wrestling with your boyfriend?" She said with a smile, "SHUT THE FUCK UP! You KNOW We arnt dating and we DONT like eachother!" I yelled and went to the lift. My face was probably red as a rose now. I ran to my room only to jump into my bed, burying my face in my pillow, 'I don't like him'

-Zyncs POV-

She doesn't know my feelings.



-throws phone-

Fans: -Picks up phone- but the ships....

Me: FIIIIINE! For my fans!


Me: ...

Also 700 reads? WHAT THE FUCK!? XD

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