Chapter 15

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-Kendall's POV-

"RISE AND SHINE KENDY!" I woke up to the sound of frying pans being smashed together repeatedly, "GET UP GET UP!" I apparently passed out on the couch. "Jesus! I was sleeping!" "Yeah! I know, By the way I have your plushie" she held the enderdragon up, "How the hell do you get that?!" I checked the inside of my jacket and it was defiantly the same one, "You where holding onto it while you sleep, and look who it's from," She read the tag and smirked, "Zync!" She started laughing hysterically. I'm pretty sure I was blushing, "S-Shut up! Give it back!" I jumped up and ran for her, "You're gonna have to catch me first!" She started to climb up the wall, laughing still. "You can't catch me!" she said with the plushie I'm her belt, "You little shit!" I said and giggled a bit and she gave me a raspberry and spit fell on my face, "Aww! Jeeze Ven!"

And while that goes on lets see what Anthony is up to!

-Anthony's POV-

I decided to go get Zync from the hospital since Venner and Kendall where sleeping. "I'm here for Zync Enders." I said in my usual deep voice, "Ok, room 257" I went through the corridors 'Til I found his room. He was already dressed and ready to go, "Sup, are the girls with you?" "Nah, they're home sleeping." I responded and we walked out. Some nurse came up behind me and tapped on my shoulder, "Um excuse me?" I turned around to see her. She was wearing entirely too much makeup and had a really short dress, "Here's my number, call me sometime." she blew a kiss to me and walked away, "Does this always happen to you?" Zync asked, "It did in school a lot but I turned everyone down." Tore the paper in half and threw it away. She looked like a slut anyways.

-Le time skip-

"GIVE ME THE PLUSHIE!" "COME CATCH ME FIRST!" I heard the girls yelling at each other and Venner laughing. We walked inside to see Kendall standing on a bunch of stuff trying to reach Ven who was on the ceiling, "What the-" Zync was cut off by Venner bursting out laughing, "I-I'm sorry... Uhh this is just too funny!" Venners said between laughes, "What's so funny?" I asked "Oh nothing anyone else here would understand," "She pulled a book out of her belt, "Fan fictions?" Zync tried to read the cover from here, "That's all you need to know, Hehehehe!" She laughed so much and it made me smile a bit, "Is Anthony smiling again?!" Ven asked again shocked and Kendall made a leap to grab her arm, "GIVE. IT. TO. ME!" She yelled and yanked a black think out of her belt and fell down, landing straight up. "I hate you." she looked up at Ven who had her tongue out ((:P)) And slid down the wall. "Uh, quick question," Zync started talking, "Why are we still in this house?" That was a great question, "Well I guess we could leave now. I need to go back to my tree anyways..." Kendall shoved the plushie back in her jacket and started to walk outside.

-Le more Timeskip-

-Kendall's POV-

We made it far into the woods and called Iggy to bring us back to my tree, "I have extra rooms for you guys if you want to stay there," I told them, "We where gonna stay anyways" Ven replied. "Yeah. I know." I said. Eventually we arrived at my house and everything was normal. We all got on the lift, except Venner, and went to the third floor where the rooms where, "Guys can share a room and Venner can have her own," I turned around and smirked, "Or Venner and Anthony could have there own" I started laughing, Now I know why Venner teases me so much... It's fun! They started to blush, "S-Shut up!" Ven studdered and I giggled my way to my room. I wonder if they'll actually share a room... That'd just make me ship it more...


-Zyncs POV-

I woke up from a nightmare at 1:00 am. It was something about my parents death. I sighed and went out to get a drink. The lift was called and I went to the second floor, it was actually really, really quiet for someone who made it on their own. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. I drank it and put the glass in the sink. It wasn't 'til I was about to walk out I realized Kendall was sitting on the balcony looking at the sky. She had glasses on instead of her mask which was a change. She still had her Enderdragon plushie in hand. Anthony was definitely right about how she likes plushies, "Zync" She caught my attention without turning towards me, "How'd your parents die, if you don't mind me asking..." "Why do you want to know?" "Just curious. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..." I sighed and leaned on the railing.

~Le flashback~

"What the fuck did you say to me, boy?!" I was only 13 years old. My dad was drunk and abusive towards me and my mother, "I SAID IM SICK OF YOUR SHIT!" I yelled in his face, "I am going to smack the SHIT OUT OF YOU!" He got out of his chair and smashed a beer bottle over my head but I was used to the pain by now, "Get up!" He grabbed my left arm and took me into the kitchen where he beat me senseless so I wouldn't move, "This is gonna hurt you ALOT more then it'll hurt me," He grabbed a knife and heated the tip of it. I didn't know what he was gonna do but I was horrified, "This'll teach ya..." He slowly put the blade into my left arm. He dragged it down the lower part of my arm as I screamed, "You're such a fuckin pussy" He continued to cut my arm, "I was sopposted to get a boy, not a girl!" He finally took the knife out my my arm and I ran up to my room before he could get to me. My arm was bleeding horribly and I used an old shirt to stop the blood. I had eventually lost so much I passed out. In the middle of the night I heard screaming from both my mom and dad. I ran to their room and saw them, blood pooled in the bed. I saw this guy with glowing white eyes look my way and smirk. He never said a word, his fist where bloodied and his sword looked like it had been red from the start. He suddenly disappeared like he was never there. I was so scared but I wasn't gonna cry. I didn't want to prove my dad's point so I called the police and they came. I told then everything, about the abuse, the guy, everything. I later went to out in the wild and a bunch of enderman took me in and taught me some Ender magic.

-End Le Flashback-

I showed her my scar to prove what my dad had done, "I'm not trying to avenge my dad, only my mom. She didn't deserve what she got from both dad and Him..." She looked at me with a surprised expression, "I never knew... I'm so sorry..." She apologized, "Well it wasn't your fault. Fate just has it's ways I guess." We sat there in silence for a couple of seconds, "Well, I'm tired so I'm gonna go back to bed," I started towards the lift, "One more thing," I turned my head, "Did Anthony switch rooms?" I laughed a bit, "Yes, he did actually," "Yes! I knew it!" she giggled and I went back up to the rooms and fell asleep.


Me: Captain, Sir, I just got done fueling the ships. They can set sail again!

Fangirls: Good. Thank you Kendall-Senpai for fueling them. We shall now aboard our favorite ships and set sail once again!

See what I did there :3

iNsAnItY (Minecraft fanfiction) [Discontinued]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя