Chapter 5

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I pinned her to the tree and she still wouldn't answer, she just smirked, "First... Tell me who YOU are" she said, "If you haven't noticed we're at MY house! And I don't have to do shit for you!" "Oh, so you're Kendall Kirby..." she said holding up a pair of black framed glasses. Those where my glasses! Damn! Why did I put my name on the side?! "YOU WENT IN MY HOUSE!?" I was screaming at this point. I ripped my axe out of my belt and held it to her neck, "Who. Are. You." I demanded to know. She started laughing, "You don't remember?" she asked satisfied with herself, "Kendy?" I backed off her, well more like stumbled away. I knew this person... "V-Venner?!"

~Le Flashback~

It was a breezy autumn day. I was sneaking out of the house because no one ever let me go outside... I'm eight years old now. This is my first time seeing outside. I read about trees in storybooks but I've never seen a real life one. they're beautiful! I started running around throwing leaves everywhere. I zipped up my blue jacket because it was kinda cold. "Hello!" I heard someone say. I jumped and was kinda scared now. Something fell out of a tree, "My names Venner!" she said, "Hi..." I said shyly. "Common! don't be scared! What you've never seen a girl before?" "...Only my mom..." I said. "Well, what's your name?" she asked an I hesitated, "Kendall..." "Well I'm gonna call you Kendy!" she said and smiled, "Have you ever been in a tree Kendy?" "I'm afraid of heights..." I stared at the ground shamefully, "Well I'll show you to not be afraid!" she started giggling, "Come on!" she grabbed my hand and pulled me to a tree. When she jumped on it her hand stuck to it. Actually I think it was her gloves that stuck to it. "Grab on!" she yelled and held her hand out. I grabbed on and she ran up the tree.

We've been hopping trees for a while, but we found the perfect tree. "Look at the sunset!" she yelled and we sat down on a branch. "Wooooow" I awed and she laughed. I've never been this happy in my entire life... after the sun went down I heard someone calling my name, "KENDALL! oh no... KENDAAAAAALL?!" it was my dad, "I've gotta go Venner... I'm not sopposted I be allowed outside..." "Ok, bye Kendy!" "Will I ever see you again...?" "Yes, I promis!" she flashed a smile and jumped away.

I climbed down from the tree and ran into my dad's arms and started crying, "Daddy! I met a friend..." I said and he picked me up and took me home.

~Le end of Flashback~

I couldn't believe my very first friend ever, the one I haven't seen in 10 years, was standing right before my very mask, "It's you..." I said and started crying. "Yup! it's me!" she said, just as optimistic as ever. "I knew you'd keep your promise..." I said as tears came down my face.

We all went inside and started talking, Zync just kinda sat in the corner eating Raman. "Hey, what's with the guy over there?" she whispered, "That's Zync, I'm trying to help him avenge his family," I whispered back, "Well, he's kinda hot..." she whispered and started laughing. Thank god for this mask or else she'd have seen my blush, "S-Shut the fuck up!" I said and punched her and she just kept laughing, "What ya guys talking bout?" he asked at turned our way, "N-nothing you should be concerned about," "Oh, she was just telling me how h-" I covered her mouth, "I think it's time for all of us to go to bed... Enders, there's a blanket on the first floor. Go grab it and get to bed.

-Zyncs POV-

I went downstairs to grab a blanket and headed back to my tent. I wonder what Venner was gonna say... I kinda heard they're conversation... I knew it was about me though. Heh, she actually said my first name. I bet you she's not all that cold after all... but I shouldn't get my hopes up. I just realized that I don't know what her name is... Well I'll find out soon enough...






So did you like the Venner feels? It was so sad but also happy! Feed back?

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