Chapter 22

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-Kendall's POV-

I was on the balcony just chilling. Suddenly Zync appeared next to me, "Oh, sup Enders" I said calmly. "Uh hey Kendall, uh..." He just kinda paused for a minute. I looked over at him, suddenly he started to take off my mask, "Z-Zy-" he leaned in and kissed me, cutting off my words. I was shocked, I honestly didn't know why to do. All I could do was stand there and let it happen. I don't know why but I kissed back, it was like I had no control over myself. My face was burning but I didn't care. He deepened the kiss by pulling me closer and I wrapped my arms around his neck. In the back of my mind something told me it was wrong but my body wouldn't let it stop.

That's when everything went black

~End of Le dream(TROLOLOl)~

I woke up panting. My face was burning like fire. 'Why in the fuck would I even have that dream?!' I got up and decided to hop in the shower to clear my thoughts. When I stepped in something didn't feel right. I realized I hadn't taken my cloths off. I face palmed. 'And suddenly I'm an idiot'

-Zyncs POV-

Everyone decided to go to the pool after Kendall stormed out. Ven was chillin on a chair and Anthony was in an inner tube. I decided to fuck with them. I quietly got out of the pool and climbed up the ladder to the high dive, "CANNON BAAAAALL!" I yelled and jumped in the pool. When I came up, Anthony was flipped out of the the tube, hat floating around and Ven was flicking water off of her arms. I started laughing, "Hahaha! That's what you get!" I yelled at Ven. She gave me an annoyed look and suddenly launched at the pool, diving in. She came up swiftly and shoved me under the water. Something grabbed my leg and held me down. I looked down and Anthony was pushing my foot to the bottom of the pool. I was pulled up and I coughed, "Are you sorry yet?" She asked and Anthony came up for breath, "ILL NEVER SAY SORRY TO YOU!" this time, Anthony shoved me under which was much worse. I struggled to get up but I failed. They pulled me back, "Sorry yet?" "N-Never!" I said between coughs, "Really?" Ven asked and went to push me back under, "No! No please! I'm sorry!" I said flailing my arms, "Fine, peasant!" She agreed to stop and I swam away from them. The lift started to move, "Kendall!" Ven yelled climbing out of the pool. She was in her normal attire, mask and all but her hair was wet. She looked so much better without her mask, I don't know why she still wears it around us. "Hey Kendall." Anthony said in his usual tone, "Hi" She said smiling, "Sup, Kendall?" I finally greeted, "Oh, Hello Enders." She avoided my gaze, still a cold as ever. And after all this time.

-Kendall's POV again sorrynotsorry-

I wasn't going to wear my mask but just to be sure, I did. I avoided Zync as much as possible, I couldn't get my mind off that dream and every time I thought about it I blushed. "Hey Kendall! Your turn to be Marco!" Venner snapped me out of my thoughts, "Hey you alright? You've been like this since you came up here..." Ven said concerned, "I-It's nothing. Just a dream I had," NO WHY DID I SAY THAT?! She smirked, "Aah, I know what you mean, allow me to guess who it was about..." she glanced at Zync. ((I'm imagining her with a Hikaru and Kaoru face when they smile devilishly.)) "No! It was no where near that!" I lied. "Then why are you blushin?" She asked. How could she see under my mask? No. This is just a Venner mind game, "Pff, your seein things..." I said and dove under the water.


Sorry this chapter is short. I have writers block. What's that... I hear a noise... OH SHIT! ITS THE SHIPS RUN! -Drops book-

You: -Picks it up- History of the story. I originally had no intention of this many characters and side characters. It was sopposted to be Kendall and Steve in a world agains Herobrine where there would be two endings. 1) Kendall chooses herobrine a side and kills people. 2) Kendall falls in love with Steve and theirs a gay ending where the power of love defeated Herobrine. But I wanted to scoot off towards my followers. I posted a app for a character on my account and two people made them named Zync and Pixel. Zync made Zync and Pixel made Venner. My friend from school made Anthony and I modified him just a bit. This was sopposted to be a bloody love story with horrible gore. Then once is had four people I knew some ships had to set sail so I decided on AnthonyxVenner. People loved it! everyone said as soon as Zync was introduced in chapter 3 they thought they should be a couple. I wanted to gradually make it get better but it just got awkward. And I loved it. Herobrine has only been introduced twice but he is the main antagonist or protagonist. I'm bad with words. He's the evil guy, K? I have so many ideas for the future.


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