Chapter 2

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Kendall's POV

I woke up all hot and sweaty. When I opened my eyes, I was in a whole new realm. It was both bright and dark at the same time... I stood up and walked over to the edge of a cliff and looked over it. My mask wasn't helping the fact that I was extremely hot. When I looked over the edge I saw a huge ocean on lava below with horrifying zombie pig people limping around. There where floaty crying creatures in the distance. Before I knew it there was a screech then a fiery explosion. I jumped out of the way just in time but then the ground started falling. I tried to get up and run but the ground came down beneath me. I started jumping up on the falling blocks. I saw a ledge that hadn't fallen and made my way up to it. Jumping off the last block with all my might, I latched onto the cliff watching the blocks fall into the lava below. Sighing in relief, I looked back up to the ledge pulling myself up, but then a shadowy figure appeared over me. I couldn't see his face, only his mouth. My eyes went wide behind my mask at what the next thing he mouthed, "Die"

~Le time skip of potato~

I had been falling in blackness for 15 minutes at least. Ground was no where to be seen until the blackness around me turned to a deep blue color and where I was falling turned to green trees. I hit the ground breaking the dirt below me but stood without a scratch. Thank you long fall boots! I looked around, this is my forest! but this is the dark part if the forest, for hunting... oh no. Once I realized where I was I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. A skeleton had shot me. I turned around to see the sender and it wasn't only a skeleton, but a jocky. I began running holding my shoulder trying to prevent bloodloss. I began to see a bright light, it was the path to my house! I ran towards the light but... it was the most horrifying thing I ever saw... my whole tree was burning... it was on fire, turning to ashes little by little. I just sat at watched... Upon further inspection I realized that people where hung from the branches... a young girl hung on the second floor, an older woman on the 3rd and an older male on the 5th floor... they where my family... them too in flames... burning flesh before my very eyes...
Then I woke up

=Dream end=

I sat up nearly falling off the side of my bed and threw up. That was the most realistic nightmare I've ever had... I checked my right shoulder just to be sure it wasn't bleeding and stood up wobbling around the room. I glanced in the mirror as I walked by and realized I could see the ugly face that I have. My eyes widened and I ran to the nightstand and grabbed my mask. Adjusting it slightly so my mouth showed, I walked out of my room. The lenses in the eye holes of my mask where blurry so I wiped them off. Yes, my mask has lenses. They're used for two reasons, one is that I can't exactly wear glasses under this mask, two I hate contacts, three if I move a lever on the inside of the mask, it zooms in. Neat huh?

Like usual, I took my budder axe off its display. It was slightly damaged so I went to the 2nd floor, aka, the crafting floor and repaired it with some budder I had in my pocket. I took the lift down to kill any leftover mobs but... about 30 to 40 meters away from my house there was small bits of blood scattered on the ground. Only humans in my world bleed and ever since I lived here no one has found my house... suddenly my head started throbbing and my right shoulder started hurting. I fell to my knees breathing through my teeth. I put my jacket sleeve in my mouth so I didn't chip my teeth. It hurt really bad and I started to groan in pain. "GAHHH!!" I screamed. After about 5 minutes if this continuing agony all the pain stopped. I slowly came to my feet and started back towards my house. I stood on the platform and went to the first floor of my tree. I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. It had some lapis, emeralds, and budder in it for trading. It also had new cloths and a kimono with sandals for the fireworks festival. I took a compass and a watch off the wall and headed out. When I ventured out I found some pigs and killed them for food. I used my torch to kill them so the meat was already cooked. It took me about three hours to get to my old house in the hole. I knocked on the door and my mom cracked it open slightly. When she saw who I was she slammed the door an unhooked a bunch of locks. She then swung the door open and hugged me tightly saying "Oh! My Kendall baby! are you alright? You look thin! Have you been eating?" The normal mom worries.

Once I was indoors I sat at the couch with my little sister, "Kendall! You're finally here! so... what'd ya have for me?" she said giving me a weird look. I pulled a necklace made of budder out of my bag. It had redstone in the middle. It held together because I mixed it with iron and it made a really cool look. "Oh my god! It looks amazing! Thank you!" she almost screamed. "Aye, what's with all the noise...?" my dad walked out of a hallway. "Hi to you too dad." I said playfully and ran over and hugged him, "Hi, pumpkin, how's it going...?" I could tell he just woke up, "Nothing much. My life's been good at my tree. Oh, and I have something for you!" I said enthusiastically. "No, pumpkin, you don't have..." he stopped when I pulled a brand new diamond pick out of my pack. It was enchanted with Fortune II, "It took me 4 enchanted books to get that!" I explained, "But it's no trouble with my skills" I smirked. "That's because you're related to your dad!" he said and I lightly punched him. He took the old battered pick from behind his back and put it on the table for now, placing the new one on his back, "I love ya, pumpkin..." "you too dad..."

My mom walked in with cookies fresh from the oven and placed them on the table. "Honey, why do you always wear that mask? You're here with your family, we all know about..." I shushed her with a reply, "Because it makes me feel safe." I said sternly and that was the end of it. I then pulled carrots out of my pack and gave them to her, "Also I went dungeon grinding and a zombie dropped this, I didn't have any use for it so I thought if give it to you," I handed the carrot to her, "You where wearing armor weren't you?!" she exclaimed, "Yes mom" I replied with a smile. "Well it's almost time for the Festival! everyone get ready!" my mom told us and we headed to our rooms. My room was the same as I left it.

~Le potato is gone so carrot time skip~

I finished my outfit by tying my hair back in a long ponytail. My kimono reached down to my ankles with my sandals at the bottom. My mask was fastened on my face again slightly above my mouth. Just as I finished tying my mask on my sister came in, "We're leaving now..." she told me. I walked out of my room and out the door where everyone else was. My father had a flute type object in his hands, "What's going on?" I asked and ran up to everyone else. They all ignored me with smiles on their faces, "Uhh, guys? you're kinda creeping me out now..." I stated but again they ignored me. My father started to play the flute, it kinda sounded like... was he playing 13 backwards?! Suddenly There was a huge rawr the echoed in the sky, "DAD?!" I yelled as the ground started to shake as something flew across the sky at an amazing speed. My side sweep bangs flew across my face when the wind hit. Before I knew it a giant beast landed on the ground. It was a red dragon with a few saddles on it, "Hey, Igg, it's been a while huh?" My sister walked up to it petting it, "Grrooolll...!" it... said? in delight. Everyone hopped on the reptile except me, "AM I THE ONLY ONE HORRIFIED RIGHT NOW?!" I cried while everyone just laughed. Even the dragon laughed! "Just come on, honey!" my mom told me and I climbed on holding the leather strap in front of me.

The dragon took off with a mighty rawr. I started screaming at first but once we where flying, I felt like crying. We where 50-70 meters up and I have Hight issues! My sister in front of me started laughing at me. I took my hands and covered her eyes and she screamed. After flying through the air for about 15 minutes the city was in sight. "Iggy, down!" my dad yelled at the reptile and it flew down. We landed and Iggy rawred. My sister pet it and gave it a sack of berries she pulled out of the saddle sack. The reptile flew away and we walked to the city.
"Uhh-" "Honey, that was our dragon Iggy. Your father found a flute in an old ancient mine when he went down a few months ago, he also found old music papers and when he read the notes he realized they where C418's music disc 13 backwards. When he showed us we thought it was fake til' he played it. Then Iggy appeared." "Uh... oh... kay..." I said still shocked.
That was a strange encounter.

LONGEST CHAPTER IVE EVER WRITEN. That was a cool chapter. Ok so if you want to be in the story then I need a few characters. If I don't get one ill use a youtuber.

If you want to enter for a chance to be in the book here's the forum.

Character name:

Age(must be over 16):





I need a male character really bad so in 2-3 days if I don't get a guy then I'll use Deadlox or something.

Be sure to check out my INSTAGRAM: @kendall_the_gamer

Goodbye potatoes and carrots.

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