Chapter 7

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Kendall's POV

"Who the hell are you?!" I heard a deep voiced man say. My eyes widened behind my mask as I turned around. There was a man standing before my eyes, he had a black fedora and he looked like he was fed up with our shit. He had longish brown hair and a black skull t. He had black skinny jeans and CD shoes (Copy right issues just in case) "Oh my god." The man gasped and dropped his sword and ran towards me, "Cousin...?" "Uhh what?" he aimed his question at me and I was very confused, "Your my uncles daughter right? Larry Kirby?" "How do you know who my dad is?" "Because you're my cousin. You don't remember? When I was nine and you where three you had your... accedent..." Oh. My. God. Anthony, "A-Anthony?" he was there when that wolf attacked me... and did... THAT to me... "You remember now, Kendile?" That nickname he used to call me... this is definitely Anthony...

"But who are those brats?" he pointed at Zync and Venners, "Who are you calling a brat?! I'll have you know I-" "Cool it, Ven!" I yelled, "This is Venners and Enders. Venners was my first friend, and Enders needs my help to avenge his family," We where in a hidden area of the Temple, Anthony told us we could just have what we found, "Hey, Ant, where's your toilet?" Venners asked, "Haha, don't call me ant. It's just down the hall, Kendall, can you show her?" I got up and walked out of the room with Ven leaving Zync and Anthony in the room. I don't think Anthony likes Zync all that much...

Zyncs POV

Kendall and Venners left the room leaving me and Anthony, when they walked out his expression completely changed. before I knew it I was up agains a wall with daggers at the sides of my head, under my arms and between my legs. Jesus this guy was fast, "Listen here, you do anything to Kendall, I will shoot you. I will take a gun and shoot you in the face. I will hang your body by the ankles and cut your libs off letting all the blood flow out of your body and slowly cut your head of-" "OKAY! I get it! And What do you mean 'do anything to her' you mean like kill her?" I asked which was a stupid ass question, why would I kill the only person that can help me? "No. I saw you making Goo goo eyes at her all night, You KNOW what I mean" "What!l?! no I-" Did he think I like Kendall?! No! why would he...? just as he finished the girls came in but my jacket was stuck to the wall by the daggers, "The hell happen to you?" Venners asked, of course, "Seriously, Enders, why are you attached to the wall?" "He freakin-" Anthony glared at me with a horrifying look, i cleared my throat, "Oh, you know, just... Chillin..." I tried to pull my cloak away from the wall but it was really stuck. "Enders, are you feeling alright?" "Why are you acting so nutty?" Anthony just stood back and smirked. He planed for me to look like an idiot... Damn it!

After a while of leaning against the wall, smirking, and pulling my jacket tore, Fucking Anthony! I loved this cloak. I sat down behind but between the two girls and yet again Anthony glared at me, god this guy! "I'm going to the rest room." I stood up angrily and walked out. I found the bathroom and splashed my face with water, 'Why does he think I like her?!" I continued to splash my face, 'I don't! and even if I did she'd hate me anyways!' I looked in the mirror and instead of my usual green eyes I had purple eyes, "GAHH!?" I fell backwords on the floor and the think started to come out of the mirror, my- it's skin started to go black and reach towards me. it's mouth opened and it looked like the jaw and head where connected by strands like the mouth hasn't been opened in a while, "mi gnimoc rof uoy..." It whispered distortedly and it was about to touch my face, "S-STAY BACK!" I took a bucket of water that sat near the bathtub and splashed it on it and it screeched and went back into the mirror and disappeared. "Uhh, Enders? Are you ok?" Kendall asked through the door but I couldn't respond. I was having problems breathing actually. There was a piercing sensation in my torso area and I put my hand over it. "GAH!" I breathed trough my teeth and it just hurt more. I was stabbed by that thing. "Enders?!" she sounded frantic right now, "Enders, this is NOT funny! Answer me!" I tried to catch my breath but couldn't, I just let out a small squeak though, "Kend..." is all I could muster. "ZYNC?! IM BREAKING THE DOOR IN!" There was a pounding on the door and it broke down, with a gold axe shining in the light, "ZYNC?!" she ran over to me, "What happened?!" I could barely talk which didn't help the situation, "You... said my.... na..." "Shut up Enders! Don't talk, and don't move," she started screaming for everyone and I blacked out.


I did not plan for him to get stabbed but I turned out better then expected. Sorry for the long wait BTW


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