Chapter 6

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-Venners POV-

I put on my white tank over my gray one. I looked in the mirror. I have long dark hair, a little longer then Kendall's. I have combo boots and black gloves. They help me climb. I was really skinny because I've been running away since I've been 7. That was the first day I found Kendall in the woods... she was my first friend too. I might have looked happy when I hopped away from her that day but once I got to a safe point alone I started crying.

~Le more flashback~

"KENDALL! Oh no... KENDAAAAALL" I heard someone scream, "I have to go... I'm not even sopposted to be outside..." She said with a sad smile, "Ok bye!" I said "Will I ever see you again?" "Yes we will! I promise!" I said and flashed a smile. I hopped away and my smile quickly faded. Once I was far away from them I sat on a branch and started crying. "I- I lied to her..." I said between sobs. "I-I'll never s-see her aga-again..." I couldn't stop crying. For about 15 minutes I couldn't stop. After my sobs dyed down a bit I took some rope out of my belt and tied myself to a tree.

I sat there for ten minutes thinking about my life. 'Im only seven...' I thought 'But I feel so old... my family dissapeared! I have to live for myself... IM SEVEN!' I yelled in my mind. I felt a perfect tear slide down my cheek and fell asleep.

~Le end of Flashback~

Remembering my past I let another tear roll down my cheek. It was true, my family disappeared when I was seven, "Aye! you're up!" I heard Kendall ask behind me, "I always get up early." I said still looking at the mirror. I saw her face out of the corner of the mirror and covered my eyes, "Kendy, your mask is off..." when we met she had really short hair and she didn't have a mask but I knew about... her secret. It was quite obvious, "Oh shit!" she said and started looking around for it.

When she found it she threw on her t-shirt and jacket, "We gotta go wake Enders up," she told me, and I smirked, "Why are you helping this guy? Is it because..." I leaned in to her ear, "You like him?" and I bursted out laughing while she pinned me to the wall and I knew she was scolding me under that mask but it was still funny, "I swear to god, Ven, if you say one more thing about that, with notch as my witness, I will kill you." She said sternly as I calmed down.

We walked to the lift and went down, "This is boring." I said and jumped off, "Venners!" she screamed behind me. I latched onto the tree and slid down it. 'Damn I love these gloves'

"Why don't you just jump down?!" I yelled back, "Because..." I saw her mask disappear behind the lift, 'Oh heights...'

-Zyncs POV-

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! MOVE OUT MOVE OUT! SOLDIER, IF YOU WANT TO AVENGE YOUR PARENTS THEN YOU MUST WAKE UP EARLY!" I heard, who I think was Venners, yell. "Jesus Christ, Ven, you don't have to break the damn kids eardrums," I heard the girl say. "Hey, I'm just as old as you!" I yelled back and exited the tent. She looked like she wanted to strangle Venner, "By the way, uhh, What's your name?" She sighed, "How have you NOT found out yet...?" she pushed her mask up slightly, "You're not the brightest person are you? My names Kendall." she finally told me and threw the Iron sword at me, "Get ready, Enders, we leave in 5" Kendall turned and walked away, "Hehehe I knew y-" Venners tried to say but got cut off by Kendall punching her. I feel like something is wrong with them today. Or maybe it's just the fact that Kendall found her old friend.

-Kendall's POV-

I swear to god I'm going to ring Venners neck, "Listen. I don't like him. I've never liked anybody. And I don't NEED anybody, OK?! so shut the fuck up about it before I get mad." I whisper yelled in her face and she finally agreed to stop talking about it. "Now on to a different subject." The lift stopped and we where on the third floor, "What weapon are you best with?" I asked but before I knew it there where two daggers on the sides of my head, "I don't know, what do you think, Kendy?" she started laughing, "Ok, I see your point. Well then, we're going dungeon raiding so you might want some armor." I went to the 'Tools and Armor' chest and took out a budder chest plate. "Ooo! Diamond helmet!" she said and snatched it up and put it on, "Do I look fabulous?" she said with the stupidest pose of all time, "Yes, your so fab," "To fab for you!" we both laughed then got on the lift, "Seriously, this lift is too slow." She, again, jumped on the tree and slid down. It did look kinda fun...

I decided I would jump. I stood on the railing, feeling the wind blow through my hair and fell. I started to plummet to the ground but it was so fun. My jacket started to fly up, "WOOOOHOOOO!" I screamed and hit the ground with a THUD breaking the dirt blocks under me. Now my hair was all frizzy but I didn't care, "That was the best thing I've ever done." I stated as Venner came up behind me, "Still afraid of heights?" "Nope!"

~Le time skip of derp~

We where in the plains biome now. I didn't think the forest ever ended! There was a jungle on the horizon, "Guys, Look!" I yelled. I zoomed in on the jungle an saw an old temple hidden inside, "Temple!" I started running and Venner started to race me while Zync just threw his enderpearls, how many does he have?! After running a bit we arrived at the temple, "I totally beat you!" Venner said, "In your dreams!" "Hey, I beat both of you girls!" "Because you use enderpearls!" Venner and Zync got into an argument over who won, "Guys! shut up! someone could be here!" I whisper yelled and headed inside the temple. We had to disarm a few traps and flipped a few levers and found some stuff. Zync got a looting II iron sword, I got a flame I and Unbreaking III budder axe and Venner got Diamond Daggers. "Who the hell are you!?"

Shit is about to get real.


Don't you just LOVE Cliff hangers?

Be mad all you want! >:D

Also, who do you ship in this book? I ship Kendall with nobody because she's a bad ass lonewolf who fights her own battles!


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