Chapter 35

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Are you harpy, harvestmoon_ and ELLA?!
☆★☆Kendall's POV☆★☆

I woke up next to something warm. I already know what it was, and I hugged it tighter, only to be met by nothing. Literally, there was nothing there. It was almost like an illusion. Suddenly, a felt tears pour down my face, but I didn't feel sad at all. I felt up to my face, where I was met with cold, hard, clay. Then the ground started to disappear, the wooden blocks fell down into a black abyss. The darkness creeped up to the bed, I then started falling.

I sprawled out, trying to grasp onto something, but everything started to move further away from me. It was almost like I was in Alice in Wonderland. Tears slipped down my face, then flying off into the air. I saw memories of my past pass me by, they looked like TV screens, each with a different memory on each one. One flew by of my childhood when my sister was born. Another of my first fireworks festival. The time I met Ven...

Then the bad memories passed. And, of course, the first one was of Ty. I quickly covered my eyes until I couldn't take it any more. I punched the Memory with all my force and it shattered into tiny, triangular fragments. Some more bad memories popped up, but not nearly as traumatic as that one. Like when I was little with the wolfs that attacked me, and another when Zync was bleeding out at Anthony's... I still don't know how he got stabbed...

Then, the ground sneaked up on me. I looked away from the memories as the green grass neared me. I expected my feet to pull below me because of the shoes, but they didn't. I was falling head first to the ground. The last thing I heard was a spine chilling CRACK before I blacked out.

---Dream end---

I woke up with a jolt, I had a falling dream. I had them a lot, but it always ended with a safe landing. Instead, I splattered on the ground. Gross. I turned to my left and saw a sleeping Zync. I sighed with relief. For some reason I felt like he wouldn't be there... Odd. I laid back down drowsily. It was already 11:00 AM but, damn, where the four of us up late last night. ((I swear, do NOT take that the wrong way)) what, with the water gun battle, and the music. I pulled the covers back over myself, it was freezing for some reason. Wait.
It was colder then usual.
Oh god.

I threw the blankets off and put on my jacket and shoes as fast as I could. My frantic scrambling must have woken Zync up. "Waah,-what time?" He asked, probably really tired still. "I just realized... It's the middle of November..." I said, ignoring his question. "Wha...?" "Just... I'll explain later. Right now, I've got to get stuff packed. You do, too." I ordered.

After an hour, I woke everyone up and told them to get their shit together. We all had suitcases and bags of stuff with us as we sat at the bar. "Okay, mrs. 'I can't let people sleep for the life of me', explain" Ven demanded, not too happy about the whole situation. She seemed more tired then the rest of us, but so did Anthon- oh, I won't jump to conclusions on that one, that thoughts for another day. "Every November, I move to a nearby pine tree for the winter because this tree-" a block of dead leafs fell on my head, "...disintegrates in the winter..." I said, tossing the leafs aside.

"Zzzzz..." We all turned our attention to the snoring sound. Which, of course, was coming from Zync. "ARE YOU REALLY SLEEPING RIGHT NOW?!" I yelled, slapping him upside the head. "Ahk- I'm tryina sleep!" "And we're trying to escape my collapsing house, can we do this later, please?" I asked semi-nicely.

We all got on the lift with our stuff and headed down. I zipped my jacket up and headed in the direction of the new tree. To be honest, I wasn't sure if it would be big enough for this many people, it's probably grown from last year, but I don't know. "Ahhh... Im too tired to do this!" Zync moaned. "Carry me, Anthony?" He asked. "No way in hell." Venner laughed at them. I felt a vein popping out of my head. They could never take anything seriously, can they?

After a half hour of walking, we finally made it to the pinetree. Ven stopped dragging a sleeping Zync as we entered the front door in the bark. There was a spiral staircase all the way up the bark. We reached the first floor and there was a small kitchen on the right and a cozy looking living room on the left. The staircase went up more to reveal two small bedrooms. "So, how are we gonna decide whos room is-" I was cut off by the left door slamming shut and Anthony and Venner were gone. Okay, I might know whats going to happen...

I threw my stuff carelessly into the right room. I was expecting Zync to do the same, but he wasn't up here. I walked back downstairs and saw Zync snoring on the couch. Damn, I was gonna ask him to make some food. I went into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate. I grabbed the hot cup and sat down in front of the couch, where Zync was sleeping. I lit the fire and stared at the flame as I set my mask beside me.


My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and read the text. It was from Venner, even though she was right upstairs.

[VA began texting KK]

Va: sup
KK: Nothin much, why are you texting me? I'm literally right downstairs!
Va: idk im to lazy to go downstairs right now
Va: can you bring me a bag of chips
KK: Get it yourself, lazy asshole
Va: ;(
Va: ive been waiting how come you havnt gotten me any chips
That was a lie
Va: oooh i getcha
Va: ill leave you 2 alone now and i promise i wont come downstairs
Va: ;)
Va: whatever you say.... heheh
[VA ceased to text KK]
((Okay. I've recently become obsessed with Homestuck so these chats might appear sometimes. Deal with it))

"So, what are you so busy with?" I heard a voice say behind me. I jumped a little, I thought he was asleep! "Huh? Oh, I just wanted her to get off my ass about getting her chips" I replied. He laughed, "By the way, did you get any hot chocolate for me?" I gave him a death glare. "J-Just kidding, heh... Anyways, I'm gonna go make some food." 

Before he got up, he kissed my forehead lightly. I blushed hard and I grabbed the mask to cover it. 



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