Chapter 17

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-Kendalls POV-

I woke up by a beach. My normal jacket and shorts attire was on and my mask was next to me, shattered, my glasses where next to it. I put my bulky square glasses on my face and stood up. I checked my belt for my axe but it want there. I didn't have anything in fact. I heard sort of a hellish whispering noise behind me, I turned around to see a black monument with glowing purple in the middle. Out of curiosity I touched it and was immediately sucked into it. I popped back out into hell, it had red hellish rock everywhere and lava poured from the sky into an ocean of it, "Welcome..." I heard someone say. I turned my head towards the noise, "I've been waiting for you..." It was a man with glowing white eyes, a real shirt and jeans, "Why don't you come closer?" He waved his hand and pulled me closer so that I was kneeling down in front of him, "Its been a while, darling..." He walked closer to me, "Kendall," "How do YOU know my name?!" I yelled and he just smirked, "I know because my power is inside of you..." Wait what?! "What do you mean by that?!" he gabbed a lump of souls sand and threw it in front of me. It glowed slightly and became clear. There was my dad in an enchanting room, Anthony had just left with my mom. I was levitating in the air then suddenly this guy appeared, "Herobrine..." My dad spoke, "My daughter... She's going to die... please help us!" The guy, proclaimed as Herobrine, just looked at him, "On one condition..." he said, "Anything for my little girls life..." "She will serve as my assistant once she leaves the safety of your home to live alone," My dad thought for a minute then looked up at my bleeding face, "I accept..." Herobrine chucked a dark chuckle and the room filled with a red darkness color. After it was finished, I fell onto the enchantment tables and Herobrine disappeared. I coughed a bit, "Daddy?" My once purple eyes where now a light grey on the right and red on the left, "Punpkin..." he hugged me, "Don't ever go in the woods again..."

The soul sand faded back into normal sand the blew away, "Wait... so..." I was realizing what that meant... I was going to have to join this guy, "Yes, darling, you shall stay by my side forever..." I felt tears filling up my eyes but they didn't fall. I wasn't going to give in, "Who do you think you are?! YOU CANT JUST DO THIS TO ME!" I yelled, "Well, yes I can because I am the god of death, Hell, all evil things in the world," He got up out of his chair and lifted my chin, "And now I'm in control of you.." I yanked my head away, "How are you in control of me?!" he started talking and so did the voice in my head.

I've been controlling your insanity. I was the one who gave it to you, so now I OWN you...

I grabbed my head and started yelling, "NO! I'm my own person! I can control the insanity! You can't control me!" Suddenly some girl came out behind him, she had long brown hair and seemed pretty affectionate towards HIM, "Don't you think she's had enough?" she asked, defending my case, "By the way, My names a secret but you can call me Harv..." She flashed me an evil glare. Herobrine just brushed her off and kept his attention at me. "So now, you'll do my bidding in the real world..." He smirked at me and I teleported to blackness.

=Dream End=

I woke up with a jolt. Was that just a dream? It seemed real... "I WANNA COOK BREAKFAST!" "BUT YOURS IS JUST BLACK CHUNCKS! I ACTUALLY CAN COOK!" Venner and Zync where fighting. I put my glasses and jacket on and went to the lift. When I got to the kitchen Zync and Ven where fighting over a spatula while Anthony tried to break them up, "I WANT TO COOK!" "BUT IM BETTER THEN YOU!" "Guys. Break it up." Anthony had shoved them apart but Ven had the spatula and I just sat there until they noticed me, "Hey, Kendall. Can you break them up?" Anthony asked me and I grabbed to frying pans and hit them both with them. "Break it up! Ill make breakfast!" I said and they awed. I swear, I'm living with 5 year olds. I was cooking eggs and they where both over my shoulders. "Make sure they don't burn..." Zync said on my right, "We should add some salt..." Ven said on my right. I dropped the spatula on the counter and slapped them both in the face, "Now go sit in the corner. Anthony, could you watch them?" "Sure thing" he walked over to the corner and made sure they didn't kill eachother. I made breakfast and we all ate, "Its a bit bur-" Zync tried to complain but I looked at him with an annoyed expression that looked like I would kill him, "If you finish that sentence you'll never eat again." We all ate in silence.

"Our main goal is to find Zyncs killer and get revenge, correct?" Everyone nodded their heads, "But we don't know who did it," Venners pointed out, "No, I have a pretty good idea." I said "Wha- How do you know?" Zync said surprised, "Well I had a dream last night... it's just a theory but maybe it's true..." I said "We just have to get a black rock substance..." I continued, "We gotta go mining."


New chapter out later.


There's gonna be fluff

Just to warn you

And also, 300 reads in a week? Jesus, you guys are awesome and Harv, how much did you fangirl? Lel.

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