Chapter 27

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-??? POV-

She gave me control for her own benefit.


Damn I hate humans.

I twisted my wrists in a curtain angle so the chains will...


Yes... I pulled at the chains on my ankles and broke them easily.

Now to find someone...

...To kill...

-Kendall's POV-

I wasn't controlling myself. I just looked from a first person view. I was both the spectator and the competitor in my own game. IT made its way down the hall ways and started chanting, "Hellooooo..." Step, "Where aaaare yooooou..." step. "I can hear your blood flowing..." Halt. I stopped moving.

IT reached for the axe, sadly I could feel anything IT did so if my body gets injured, I can feel it. With cat like reflexes, IT turned on its heel and swung at a man behind us. "Ah!" He held his face, Ty. His face started to bleed. "You bitch!" he yelled. Ty pulled out a diamond sword and slashed at me. I/IT dodged it.

((If I write I then I mean IT but it's getting a bit reparative))

I kicked his knee and he stumbled a little bit. I swung at him but he dodged it, "Kendall, no matter how hard you try, you can't kill me..." he said. I felt my lips curve into an unrealistic smile... "Kendall cant..." I lifted my head up, "But I can..."

I pulled out a dagger and threw it. He wasn't quick enough, it stabbed his shoulder, "GAH! F-Fuck!" He cursed and pulled it out. "Heheh... ha...hahaHAHAHAH!" I laughed. Ty slashed his sword and I blocked it and vise-versa.

This went on for a while until the axe handle broke and denigrated in my hands, little pixels flying in the air. "Shit," I swore under my breath, "What will you do now? You lost your weapon?" Ty smirked.

With no time for rational thinking, I tried kicking his knee again and he almost went down. He swung his sword, call me crazy, which I am, but I thought I saw a hint of red in his maroon eyes. Pure red, like blood. I rolled to the side and dodged his sword.

I kicked him over but he took me down with him. We where punching and kicking each other with all the force we had. IT didn't feel any of it but it hurt really bad... eventually Ty pinned me down on the stone ground. There was lava and a floating ring of tan and green looking things with crystal eye-looking orbs in some of them. He pulled me over to the lava.

"This is what you get... If you would have just listened all the time ago, this wouldn't happen..."

He pushed my head closer to the lava. It was getting hard to breath with his arm on my throat, "F-Fuck... You..."


-Zyncs POV-

"We're here..." I motioned to a cave entrance covered in vines. "Well what are we waiting for?!" Ven said angry. "Remember! Don't look at them!" I yelled and the two put their heads down.

I clicked a secret button hidden under some cobble and some pistons sounded opening a door. We walked inside and some enderman blocked the path below, hiding Halberds. I put on my goggles flipping off the X-ray.

"Nam" Said the right one. Their English wasn't so good, "Zync. Zync enders." I said and they let me in. A bunch of wandering enderman stared at us. "...cnyZ ris s'tI" some of them spoke. "Oh by the way guys, I'm kinda royalty around here..." "What?!" Ven sounded surprised. "I'll explain later..."

We arrived at a Black and Tan colored castel. The wise one was in there. I went in, there were guards bowing and talking Endish. I took a right an there was a tall white enderman standing there.

"Hey, dad..." I mumbled. He's not my real father but he adopted me. On my 17th birthday I decided to go out and seek vengeance on my parents murderer but they wouldn't let me leave at first. I had to sneak out.

"...ym hO ...dlrow eht ni ohW" He turned around, "Zync... Why you come back?" "Father, I need to get into the stronghold," "No. I won't let it happen!" "Dad!" I yelled staring at his eyes through my goggles. "Stubborn... Go now..." I motioned for Ven and Anthony to follow me down a stair well that opened. Before I knew it I was running down the steps, the others following close behind.

Into the depths.


Too short.


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