Chapter 12

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Before you read...

This is minecraft, yes, but I imagine the characters like anime characters. Like in the mob talker mod! only the mobs are freaky ass mobs and not "kawaii" anime girls. Please read on.

-Anthony's POV-

I slept like a rock, but Ven was gone unlike last time. I liked her, I really do but I don't want to admit it. And I am not a fan of that Sky character, and I'm an honest guy so I'll admit that I'm jealous. I saw the way she looked at him! Ugh... Women. I got up and walked outside. Everyone was in the dining room/kitchen/ counter/ bar thing eating. "Hey, Ant!" Ven greeted me, "Hey." was the only thing I said and I feel like all the joy had been sucked out of the room when I sat down. "So, uh, Where's Zync?" I asked, "Sleeping" Ven answered "..." Kendall went quiet when I mentioned his name. Ven must have told her he heard, I guess it was kinda harsh I mean, if Ven said that about me I'd be depressed.

A few more moments of silence and Zync finally came out of his room, "Aye, How's everyone today?" he walked around the corner with a smile but it faded when he saw how joyless everyone looked and he hopped on the train. He sat on a chair next to Kendall and I just leaned on a wall. Go going, sit next to the girl who dissed you. I shook my head and it was just awkward silence. People finally started talking again and I heard sky complement Ven giggling. Disgusting. "Tch" I mumbled and walked outside. Zync must have been fed up with their shit too because he followed me out, "I don't like them, man." He said, "I know what Kendall said but Jesus..." I smirked a bit, "So you do like her." "N-No! It's not like that!" he studdered, "Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you if you do. Just don't hurt her and we're good." I took off my fedora and let the breeze hit my hair, "It's gonna rain," Zync said, "It looks like it" Just as I said that rain started falling, "Come on," I put my fedora back on and ran inside, Zync following behind. In the second living room sat Ven on a window couch. I walked over and sat by her, "When it used to rain like this I stayed in wolf and Spider caves. I had no where else to go" she blurted out of nowhere, "Sorry, I just had to tell someone. Rain always makes me like this," She flashed a smile and went back to watching the rain fall. I just kinda sat there with her watching the rain fall on the windows. "I finally found it!" Sky came out with a monopoly game, "Hey! It's about time!" Ven perked up. "Hey, Ant, wanna come play with us?" As much as I wanted to hang out with Ven I didn't like this sky character, "No thank you. I'll be in my room." I said and got up. I walked to my room and it was only 1:00. I got bored and started to count the number of stitches in my shirt.

-Le time skip-

Did you know I had 394 stitches in my shirt? I didn't.

-Zyncs POV-

I went out in the backyard and sat on the wet ground. I let the rain hit my face. Ty and Kendall where watching some stupid TV show. Some romance crap and he put his arm around her. I'm sick of this house. My torso hurt but I couldn't care less. I was laying on this grass. This wet grass. Sitting there. Just sitting there. Maybe I should do something. Yeah, tomorrow I'll do something. I got up and my cloak was soaked from the rain but I couldn't care. I knocked on Anthony's door and he opened it, "Remember the number 394" he said "What?" "Never mind, come in." He opened the door all the way and sat on the bed, "What do you need?" He asked. I breathed, "What does Kendall like?" I asked him and he smirked. "Shut up! Just answer me!" I yelled. "How can I answer you if I new to shut up? and I didn't even say anything," "Quit the blabbering!" I said "Please answer me!" "Hmm... she hates all things girly... No makup, not perfume, no flowers, she's not a fan of sweets..." He listed off the things she hates. He snapped his fingers, "But she can't resist a plushie." I smiled, "Thanks Anthony." I said and started to walk out the door, "You can't go into the city by yourself, doctors orders." Anthony said.

-Time skip because why not?-

We arrived at a small Japanese store filled with plushies, "What does she like?" "She likes Enderman... and squids... also cats..." He said, and I walked in the store. He said he's just gonna stay outside. "Uh, excuse me?" I said to a work lady, "Yes? How may I help you?" she asked, "Where are your Enderman plushies?" I felt stupid in this store, it was so... how do I put this... Fluffy? I don't know. It want my type of thing. "Yes, over there." She pointed to a corner with plushies. There where Cats, Enderdragons and... a plushie of everything really... I grabbed a Enderdragon plushie and headed for the cashier. I payed and walked back home, the rain had finally stopped.


We arrived back home and I hid the plushie in my jacket. I went inside and completely ignored everyone's greetings. I ran into my room and hid the plushie. Now to wait till tomorrow.



I give.

I ship it.

Harv: But Zync X Ven

Me: No. Ven x Anthony!


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