Chapter 19

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-Kendall's POV-

I was sitting in the kitchen with everyone. We where eating breakfast burritos, "We should all go on a double date!" Venner said out of the blue, "What?" I asked, "Me, you, Anthony and Zync" I just stared at her with a blank expression, "No." "Pleeeeeaaase! It's my birthday tomorrow!" "Wha- Really?!" I didn't know, "Yeeeaaah!" She said. She looked like a dog begging for food. Anthony was holding her hand. "Ugh! I'll think about it!" "Wait do I get a say in this?!" Zync yelled, "Ha! no." Venner replied. "Oh! I also forgot," I took my glasses off and pulled my mask out of my jacket. "I fixed this baby!" I put it on and my hair fell over it, "Ahh, I'll never let anyone break you again..." I said petting my mask. I fixed it last night in the middle of the night when I was bored. I threw my plate in the sink and went to my room to think.

-Le time skip-

I had done some thinking and decided why the hell not? It was only for Vens Birthday and she was turning 18, I should at least try to do something for her. "Hey guys, I decided to go, but only for your birthday!" I said as I knocked on her door, "Really?!" She swung the door open excitedly, "Yeah, I'll meet you guys on the ground," I said and they walked off. I went to Zyncs door and knocked on it, "Enders, come on, everyone's leaving," I said flatly, "Really? You actually decided to go?" He asked opening the door, "Only for her birthday though," I said and went to where the lift was. I decided to just jump down instead of waiting for the lift.

-Le time skip because too lazy to write-

A dragon ride and a walk later we made it to the city. There was some restaurant called Panera and we decided to go in. "Hi, my names Haley, may I take your order?" She was really perky, and I didn't like it. She had blonde hair and black earrings with Japanese writing on them. We ordered our food and drinks and kinda just sat there awkwardly. A group of girls walked by us and sat down next to us. They where laughing and talking, I listened in on their conversation because I had nothing else to do, "...I like the guy in the fedora" The first one said, "I think the one with the googles in cuter" The second one said, "Lets go talk to them!" The third one squealed. They walked over to our table, they all looked like a bunch of whores. "Hey, what's your name?" Girl 1 asked Anthony, "And you, Goggles, what's yours?" Girl 2 asked, "Y-You talkin to me?" Zync stuttered. I held my head in my hand, annoyed. "Hey! Back off sister! He's mine!" Ven hugged Anthony away from the girls, "Oh, shut up, bitch, you arnt even that pretty, but I'm sure you'd want to be with me, riiiiight?" She reached for Anthony but he stood up, "Ladies, could you please leave me and my friends alone. I don't appreciate you calling my girlfriend names." He demanded more then asked, "Pff, whatever. Come on girls." They walked away shunning us, "Aww, come on Anthony! You could have at least let me one!" Zync complained, "..." I sat there angrily looking out the window, "Oooo! Is someone jeaaaalous!?" Ven teased me, "N-No! Those girls where just annoying is all!" I tried to defend my case, "No! I can see your blush out of your mask!" "I do not!" I yelled back. She giggled this really annoying giggle as the waitress came by, "Here are your orders," She set down our food and there was a napkin with writing on it 'Meet me out back' I showed everyone the note and we decided to go once we finished eating.



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