Chapter 28

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-Zyncs POV-

I was sprinting down the corridor at almost an inhuman speed. "Zync... Slow... down!" Ven yelled behind me but I ignored her. I heard some yelling down a hall way, "Fuck... You..." Kendall. "This way guys!" I took a sharp turn down a hall way.

I saw a pit of lava and an end portal. Kendall was being held over lava by the douche. "Ty, you ass!" I yelled getting his attention. "Oh, it's the brat and his friends." He scolded. He lifted Kendall away from the lava but still prevented her from running or fighting.

"Come fight me, Enders. I dare you." He intimidated me, "There's three of us and one of you!" Venner said behind me, "Really?" he snapped his fingers and two other people appeared, sky and some other person with glasses an a checkered unbuttoned shirt with a T-shirt under it.

"Sky, Tyler. Take them somewhere else, this battle is mine..." Ven, Anthony and the others where encased in walls leaving me, Ty, and Kendall. He swayed his hand in Kendall's direction and she was chained to a wall, What is this guy?!

"This is your last chance Enders. Turn back, if you don't you're just committing suicide." he warned. Kendall didn't have her mask on and out the corner of my eye I saw some of the red glow go away, "Decide, Enders."

Ty demanded.

-Kendall's POV-

Ty had me chained to the wall by my wrists and suddenly I fell limp. 'No, not now!' I thought. The insanity was fading and I couldn't help it. "Im not going to back down no-" Zync started talking but I cut him off, "Zync, Don't kill yourself because of me! I can handle this on my own!"

"No you can't! Listen, Kendall, you can't do everything on your own, I'm going to risk my life wether you like it or not!" He gave me a serious glare and I let my head hang down. No one should have to risk their life for me... I let a tear fall from my eye.

"I'd love to see you two argue more but I really want to kill him now." Ty said "Now then, lets fight, shall we?"

-Zyncs POV again Sorrynotsorryagain-

Ty lunged at me with his diamond sword and I blocked it. I nudged him off and swung my blade. He barely dodged at and jumped at me again. He kicked my knee, hard, and I stumbled but recovered quickly. He took the chance and cut my arm deeply. Another scar to add to the collection. I threw myself at him kicking him in the chest and he fell over. I went to stab him but he blocked it, "You can't defeat me, Zync." "Bite me." I forced my blade towards him but he pushed me off and tripped me. I fell over and hit my head on the stone. I dropped my sword in the process and he kicked it away, placing the tip of his sword on my neck, "I told you that you can't kill me." I glanced at Kendall and she had my sword under her foot. "Any last words?" His sword pierced (Haley stfu) my skin and blood came out. "Yeah... Fuck you." Kendall kicked the sword to me and I grabbed it stabbing Ty in the leg. I rolled over and got up feeling my neck. There was definitely blood. Ty grabbed his leg, "You brat!" He yelled in pain. I swung my sword one last time and it slashed his stomach deeply. He fell to the ground. "I'll... just come back" He said coughing up blood. "No, I'll make sure you don't." I pulled him up by his throat and he struggled, "What are YOU going... to do?! You're just... a weak kid..." I smirked, "Then how the hell did I beat you, Twice?" I asked in a low voice, he looked shocked at my response. "Now for your punishment..." I dragged him over to the square of lava, "See you in hell, you fucking freak." I threw him in and he screamed in pain. Maybe I finally got rid of that sonofabitch.

At that very moment, Venner and Anthony came out of a opening in the wall. They had some scrapes and cuts, Ven had a black eye and Ant had a cut lip. "I'm pretty sure that Tyler guy is dead." Venner said, "I beat the shit out of Sky." I kinda felt bad. I looked the least injured out of the three of us.

"Uh, Guys?" Kendall said behind us, "Oh, R-Right..." I mentally slapped myself for studdering. And blushing. Damn it face! I cut the chains with my ,now bloody, sword. "I-" "Kendy! You're finally ok!" Ven cut me off and ran past me and hugged Kendall, "V-Ven! You look like shit right now." Ven giggled. "I know, Lets go home and eat food!"

••Le Time Skip••

-Also Kendall's POV-

We arrived home and my mask was lying on the counter, "What?!" I picked it up. It didn't have a scratch. Maybe he never broke it... Nonsense. How could it possibly be here though? I put it on, tying the strings in the back, pushing it up so my mouth showed.

I had to thank them somehow. If you hadn't noticed, I don't like thanking people. "Well, I'll cook food, I'm starving-" Zync told us but I interrupted, "No, Ill cook. You've all been fighting and should probably clean your wounds. Just think of it as a thanks" I smiled at the three of them. "Thanks Kendy!" "Yeah, Thanks cousin" Ven and Ant walked out the room, Zync followed behind, "What's with the sudden gratitude? That's not the Kendall I know," He gave. Playful smile and walked out the room.

Yeah, what the fuck was wrong with me?! I'm never usually this nice and also I'm not sopposted to blush! I realized I was standing there, looking like an idiot and got to cooking. 'It's almost like a third personality' I thought referring to my insanity.

I flipped the pan. I was making breakfast for dinner, Bacon pancakes! 'Makin pancakes, Makin bacon pancakes! Take some bacon and put it in a pancake...' I hummed a song as it played in my head. I felt arms snake around my neck and I jumped, "Wha- What the!?" "Sup, Kendall?"

"Z-Zync?!" "Listen, Kendall, I-" "Hey guys! We're back!" Ven and Anthony walked around the corner, I was gonna get so much shit for this later. "Hey! Not in the kitchen you two! You know better!" She teased. I shrugged Zync off and told all of them food would be ready in a minute.

I stacked a huge stack of bacon pancakes and brought them to the bar table thing. "Bacon pancakes!" I said enthusiastically. Why was I so happy and nice today? It's scaring me. "Yay food!" Ven cheered, "Im starving." Anthony added in.

Zync acted normal like nothing happened. Anthony had bandages on his face but still acted normal while Venner smirked at me, "What?" I asked. The boys weren't paying attention, they started talking about weapons and stuff. "I see you staring at him..." "WHAT?! NO! IM JUST NARRATING FOR THE READERS! I NEED TO SEE TO WRITE!" I yelled and they started staring at me, "What?" Zync asked.

<Take two Please ignore before>

"What?" I asked. The boys weren't paying attention, they started talking about weapons and stuff. "I've been paying attention to you and Zync lately, It confuses me though..." My face burned immediately. Have I said how much I love my mask? "Wh-What do you mean?" I answered with a question. "I mean just always. Some examples are when you ran to your room and locked yourself in, or in the kitchen just now..." "Hey! He lock picked my door and that thing in the kitchen! That had nothing I do with me..." I took a bite of my pancakes, "Riiiight... Next you're gonna tell me that you're not MADLY in love with him..." (See what I did there? mad, insane... :3) Was I really discussing this with her? I grunted and hit my head on the counter causing my mask to hurt my nose, "I just don't know, Ven, I don't fucking know what's wrong with me right now..." I picked up my plate and put it in the sink. Despite my face feeling like it was on fire, I told everyone I was going to bed. It was 10:30 anyways and we all had a very long day.

I went face first into my bed, shoving my masked face into a pillow and screamed. Damn, I've been wanting to do that all day...

Can someone tell me what's wrong with me!?


Long chapter for you all ;3 and I can practically hear the shippers screaming. From now on any intense romance will be written by my assistant, Haley

Haley: Yes... Intense...

Me: No, fuck! that's not what I meant!

Haley: Oh, you mean that stupid makeout crap you write?

Me: SHUDDUP! It's hard to write ;-;

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