Chapter 9

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Zyncs POV (Very short)

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Anthony yelled with Ven weeping in his arms. I was having trouble breathing again. "I... Ender magic..." I said panting, "Ender magic? Is this some kind of joke?!" "...No... I was... I was raised by End- Enderman..." I couldn't bare the pain anymore, and I gave up and blacked out.

Venners POV

I started crying in Anthony's arms. I was almost killed by my best friend. I tried to choke out words but couldn't. When I pulled away I saw Enders passed out on the side of the building and Kendall next to him. Anthony was rubbing my back telling me it would be ok but I wasn't too sure about that. He picked up Zync and took him inside. I looked at Kendall's pass out body, she was covered in gunpowder and bonemeal. Thank got she didn't kill any of us. I pulled her mask back over her face and took her axe away. "You should go inside, the mobs are respawning." Anthony ordered and I went back inside. He was behind me with Kendall in his arms, "What happened back there? with Kendall, I mean..." I asked, "I'll tell you later, just go get your pajamas on." I walked into the guest bedroom and looked for some cloths. There was a baggy dark green tshirt and some shorts, but I left my gloves on, I heard a knock at the door, "Ven? I'm coming in." He said and opened the door. "You always wear those gloves?" he asked, "Yeah, they help me climb, watch..." I climbed on the wall and ceiling but my feet fell off because my boots weren't on, "Heh uhh.." I let go of the ceiling, "It works better with boots..." I said rubbing the back of my neck, and he smiled "Well. I want to tell you what happened with Kendall..."

~Le flashback~

Anthony's POV

I was at Kendall's house because my mom and dad where going to the city for a week. "Hey, you wanna sneak out?" she whispered, "But won't that be dangerous?" "No... just don't tell mommy!" she giggled and went outside. Her eyes where sparkling purple as the sun hit her face, "Wow!" she started spinning around laughing and I was really skeptical, "Are you sure about this?" I asked "Come on! its fine!" she told me "ok..." We walked through the woods a bit and found a few wolfs, "PUPPY!" she yelled and ran towards them, "Kendall! no!" I yelled but it was too late. She pet the wolf and it attacked her. It was horrifying. She started screaming, kicking, "ANTHONY!" She yelled my name and took a quick glance at me. Her face was bloody and her right eye was horrible and I just stood and... watched...

I heard footsteps in the woods, it was Uncle Kirby. He had a gun and shot the wolf in the face scaring off the other wolfs. "Kendall! NO!" He ran over to her and picked her up. "No... no no no..."

-Le Time Skip-

I was in the house and we where by the enchantment room. Uncle placed her on a bed of enchantment tables and started to chant something. Her bloody right eye was barely recognized as an eye and her left purple eye started glowing. She was lifted into the air shining but then a portal opened in the book case, "Come on, Anthony, let's go get some carrot cake..." Aunt Lucy took me out of the room and I don't know what happened after that. But Kendall came out later on but her right eye was grey and her left eye was a bright red and she acted like nothing had happened, "Hi Ant!" She said and hugged me, "Wanna go play robots and aliens?"

~End of Le Flashback~

-Venners POV-

"Oh my god... I.. I had no idea..." I cupped my hands over my mouth, "So you're saying that whatever happened in that room is what caused Kendall to go insane?" "Well, that's just my theory..." he took off his hat, "That was the last time I saw Kendall. I was forbidden to ever see her again..." He said sadly and I sat down on the bed next to him, "and when I finally see her again, she tries to kill everyone, great reunion, huh?" he gave a sad smile and put his hat back on, "Well, you should probably get to bed, uh, you've had a long day..." he walked out the door, "Goodnight, Ven," "Night" I turned off the lamp and fell asleep.

-Le One Day Time Skip-

-Kendall's POV-

I didn't want to open my eyes. I was too tired. Something warm was next to me so I got closer to it. I opened my eyes a bit and realized what it was "AHH!" I screamed and fell off the bed, "GAHAHAHAHA!" Venners was in the door laughing, "That was awesome! You looked pretty affectionate up there," she started laughing again, and she had popcorn... "Shut up, prick!" I yelled. Why the hell was I in the same bed with Enders anyways?! And what happened last night?! "Venners, what happened last night?" her smile turned into a frown, "I think it's best if you don't know..." she told me but I didn't ask questions... it was probably about my... condition... All I remember is Zync getting stabbed and there was blood everywhere. Yeah, it's probably best I don't know...



Me: And I'm just adding fuel to the fire...

Harv: //flails// But it's OTP


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