Chapter 10

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-Kendall's POV-

"Hey, wanna go get some breakfast?" Venner asked me, "Sure but, is he gonna be ok?" I pointed at Zync, "I don't know, you'll have to ask Anthony about that." We walked to the kitchen and Anthony was eating waffles, "Mornin', how'd you sleep?" He looked at me, "Well for some reason I woke up next to Zync," I turned my head towards Venners, "H-Hey! It wasn't me! Anthony did it!" now THAT I was shocked at, "I wasn't paying attention. It was a long night last night..." "Well alcohol better not have been involved!" I said and grabbed a waffle and ate it. Venners took a wet cloth to my mask, "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked somewhat annoyed, "You had blood on your mask so I got it off." B-Blood?! Did I do something? N-no. It was probably Enders blood... yeah, but how did it get on my mask? Jesus, what the hell happened last night?! "Also you're probably wondering about what happened to Zync, and I can't quite tell you because I don't know." Anthony explained, "But he needs a hospital, I don't have any stitching supplys left. But it's too far away so we're gonna need something to either get him there or stop his suffering." I slammed my fists on the table and stood up, "Are you telling me that we're gonna kill him?! Do you think I'm willing to let a friend fall back? WHO DO YOU THINK WE ARE!? I REFUSE TO LET HIM DIE!" I yelled and no one held me back surprisingly. Ven looked kinda scared, but why? "Listen, Kendall, Then you tell me any good ideas to get him to the city because I'm all ears!" Anthony argued back and he was right. We don't have a way to get... wait...

I dialed a number on my phone, "Larry speaking." "Dad, Send Iggy to pick me up, "(That one person who said they loved Iggy, I told you he'd be back :3) "Kendall? Why? What's wrong?" "We need to get to the city, someone is injured!" There was a silence, "Ok. Just take the flute, you'll need it more then me." He told me the flute was in the pouch and Iggy was heading our way. "Anthony, go get Zync, Ven, why the hell do you have my axe?" I asked, "Oh, uh... I think it'd be better if I held onto it..." she said trying to hide last night. "Ven, I need that axe." "No." "Give. It. To. Me." I demanded and she winced. She slowly pulled it out her belt and gave it to me and I put it in my belt, "Grab yours and Zyncs stuff. I'll attract Iggy. I ran out the temple and there was dried blood on the side of the wall. I covered my eyes and I heard a rawr and Iggy landed. "Iggy!" I gave him a waffle, "Guys, come on!" Ven loaded the stuff in the saddle sack and Anthony held Zync on. "Iggy up!" Iggy flew upwards and we headed to the city.

-Le Iggy Time Skip-

After an hour of flying we arrived at the city, "Iggy, down, and stay out of sight." We landed and I took the flute out of the pouch and put it in my belt, "Hurry! we gotta go!" We started running to the city and we made it to a sidewalk, "Excuse me." I said and tapped on a strangers shoulder, he turned around. "Could you direct me to the nearest hospital?" He had long brown hair that covered his left eye. He had a white V-neck and green headphones. There where these purple wristbands on his hands and his pants and shoes where nothing special. "Uh, you go down Sakura rd and head on the main road and take a right at Birchwood." He directed us, "Thank you," I threw a butter nugget at him and ran away with everyone else. The sidewalk was packed. "UGH! WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" I yelled and Ven started looking through Zyncs pockets, "Ven, what the he-" "Shut up real quick." She took out an Ender pearl and suddenly yanked all of us to her and tossed it on a building. We teleported there, "Good thinking, Ven." Anthony said with Zync over his shoulder. We started hopping buildings and finally met the hospital but we couldn't get down safely, "Fuck" I said. "Give Anthony your boots," she told me. I see where this is going, Ven works really good under pressure. "Will they fit?" Anthony asked, "I have really big feet." I said and gave them to him, "Now Kendall, grab onto me." I got on her back and we slid down the side if the building and Anthony jumped.

We ran into the emergency room, "Our friend got stabbed and is gonna die, help him!" I yelled at the front desk lady and she looked so calm. She spoke into a mic, "Bring out a stretcher please." Some doctors came out and took Zync from us, "Does this mean I'm a part of your guys 'clan' now?" Anthony asked "Yes you are," Venners said.

-Le time skip of hospital stuffz-

It was 12:01 now and Zync still hasn't come out yet, "Do you think he'll be ok?" Ven asked, "Of course he'll be ok! Don't even think he wont!" I told her and she looked back down at her cupped hands. Anthony sat slouched and a chair with his arms crossed. A doctor came out finally, "He's going to be fine but we're going to keep him over night, why don't you three go home and get him tomorrow." The doctor said. We all cooperated and went outside, "What do we do now?" Anthony asked, "I say lets find a hotel, I got some lapis to pay." We walked around and found a cheap hotel. "A room for one night please?" I asked and payed. The lady was chewing gum obnoxiously and looked like she hated her life, "Here's the key and..." she sighed, "Thank you for choosing Brick by Brick hotels. Have a good night" she went back to her phone and we walked out. "257... room 257... hmm" I mumbled. We eventually found our room and didn't even care for anything else but sleep. And that's what we did.

-The Next Morning-

I woke up and everyone else was still asleep. I wrote a note to them telling them how I had gone back to the hospital and left them the key. I looked at them and realized Ven switched beds last night. Anthony had his arms wrapped around her and I gotta say it was adorable. Even though they have a 7 year age difference, but hey, I don't judge! I walked out the door an my phone buzzed. I got a text from my little sister,

Mea: Aye! Dad said someone got hurt, but who is it????

You: Just a friend named Zync.

Mea: Ooo, is he just a friend or is there more you're not telling me ;)

You: Jesus fucking Christ, you're only 10!

Mea: I'm 11 -_-

You: Well SoooOooOoOoOoOorry!

Mea: Gtg now, I shouldn't be using my phone

You: Bye

I typed that last text but ran into someone, "S-Sorry," He said in a deep voice. I looked up and it was the guy from yesterday, "Are you following me?" I asked him. I'm not very good with people, "What? N-No I-" "What's you're name then?" "Ty, my names Ty" he said. My mask must be weird to him because he kept staring at it. "Well then, Ty, it's just a coincidence that you where waiting right by the edge of the city. Or that we meet again?" I asked. "I was near the edge because my friend, Tyler lives over there, and I came here because I need to bring a game back to Adam." He explained, "Well, whatever. I'm going now." I said and walked away. I could feel his gaze on my as I did so and I have to say, he is pretty good looking.





Another shout out to you, Gurl :3

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