Chapter 3

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We arrived at the city in no time flat. The square was full of people running around, buying things and talking and I wanted no part of it, "Hey, honey, could you go get a few bottles of water over there?" "Uh, sure mom..." I said and ran over to a stand that said "Food and drinks" on top. There was a shady guy leaning on a building in a dark alleyway. I brushed it off and got some water. When I went to take the water the guy was staring at me, "Uhh, thanks..." I said, running back to my family, "Here guys." I handed them all a water bottle. We started walking to find a seating area to watch the fireworks. My kimono (OR YAKADA -cough cough- Haley) was getting in the way of walking and I kept tripping and Mea started laughing, "Shut up!" I yelled playfully and lightly hit her, "H-hey?!" she yelled between laughs.

By now I felt like someone was watching me. As we all sat down I thought I saw a red cloak flash into an alleyway, "Excuse me for a minute guys, I've gotta find the... bathroom." I said and ran away. I ran into the ally as fast as lightning and pinned a guy to the wall, "Who are you and why are you following me?!" I yelled in his face. He wore black shoes and grey pants. He had a red cloak thing the went down to his thigh, his shirt was a checkered grey and black. He had black gloves on his hands. He had a scar along the left side of his cheek and green eyes. His hair was brown and messy like it hadn't been combed in days, but what I really questioned is why did he have goggles on his head? "I-I'm sorry!" He stuttered, "M-my name is Zync, Zync Ender..." he said shaking under my grip. I put him back on the ground but still held the collar if his shirt just in case, "That's one question, now tell me why you're following me!" I yelled and started to lift him back up, "No no! please! Listen!" he yelled frantically and I let him down letting go of him completely, "I'm following you because you seem different from everyone else... listen... HE killed my family when I was young... I want, no, I NEED to get my revenge!" "Why are you telling me all this and who is HE?" He stared down the alleyway ignoring my question, "Listen, we'll talk later, ok? here's my number." he slapped a piece of paper in my hand and ran off. 'I knew I shouldn't have let him go!'

I went back to the table where my family was at and I couldn't help but notice my sister had her necklace on. "Kendall! the shows going to start soon!" she yelled at me and as soon as I sat down the first firework went off. They went high, low, big, small, all different kinds. The big finally went off with a green creeper face in the center of a circle of rainbow fireworks, "Wooow..." I heard Mea say next to me. She always loved fireworks.

~Le time skip of derp~

After the fireworks where over they opened a new faris wheel and a bunch of people got on leaving the square almost empty. I took out my emergency phone and put Zyncs number in. I tried calling the number and after 3 beeps he answered, "Good, you called. Now you see that stand with the black hoodie?" I searched around, "The black on with the creeper face?" "Yes that one. Go into the ally behind it..." I got up and headed in that direction, "Kendall! Wait! Where are you going?" my sister called behind me, "Uh, bathroom..." I said and tried to run but she grabbed onto me, "Kendall..." she stared at me with such manipulative eyes... wait! Am I about to be manipulated by a 10 year old?! "Tell me the truth..." "I can't! It's for your own safty!" I yelled and yanked my hand away, "I've got to go!" I yelled and ran into a crowd. I made my way behind the building and sure enough I saw goggles shining at me, "You actually came," he said, "Enough with the sarcasm, why do you need me so bad?" I almost screamed trying to get to the point, "Ok ok, look, my family was murdered when I was 4, alright? After trying to find a new home I came across an endermans cave. The head enderman took me in and showed me the ways of the Ender and..." he squeezed his eyes tight and in the blink of an eye he was 10 blocks away from me, "I can teleport." I wasn't buying it, "You just threw an Ender pearl. I'm not stupid you know!" I yelled and turned back to leave, "Please!" he appeared in front of me, "Help me find my parents killer..." He plead in front of me, "I can't belive I'm agreeing to this..." I held my head in my hand and he got up and hugged me, "Thank you thank you thank you!" "Aye! No touching though!" I pushed him off, "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy I'll be able to avenge my family's death..." he said. It sounded like he was about to break out into tears, "Quit your crying!" I yelled, "You'll have to wait though. I'll call you I'm three days then teleport to me, I'm just here for the holiday, got it?" I got close to his face. My mask may be a poker face but it's still horrifying, "Y-yes" he said and poofed off.

~Le time skip~

After a ride on Iggy later we where back home. As we where walking in the door I grabbed my dad, "Dad, can I talk to you outside?" I asked and we stepped outside, "What's this about, pumpkin?" he asked, "I've gotta go." I told him, "Look, I don't know what this is about but you sound serious so go get your stuff and hop on Iggy," I ran inside and grabbed my pack as sneakily as possible. Running back outside I hugged my dad goodbye and flew away.

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