Chapter 33

102 6 12



Damn school

Damn life

Damn time

Damn brain

Can write


Is it weird I imagine everyone with anime voices?

Like, I imagine Zync with Sanjis dubbed voice

And Anthony with Zoros dubbed voice

And Venner with Namis dubbed.

But Kendall was based off me so...

She sounds the same as me... But older


○◎○Venners POV○◎○

We where back at the treehouse now. I'm starving. I took some fish out of the fridge at threw it at Zync, "Make sushi!" I yelled. He got up and barked in my face, "Why the hell did you just throw fish at me!?" "Because I'm hungry!" "That doesn't mean you can order me around!"

We argued until I won and he made sushi. "Whatever! Fine, I'll make sushi! Just don't throw anything!" He said and started to chop up fish, "Mak fries too!" Kendall yelled from the living room. Zync sighed "Yes you royal butts'" He said and got some potatoes.

I sat down next to Kendall and the news was on. She seemed pretty dazed. "Kendy, whatcha watchin?" I asked and sat down next to her. "Here we are, Live, from the scenes of where the masked woman and her crew were spotted"

"Crew..?" I asked as the news reporter went on, "Here is some footage of the chase..." A video came up. It was cut out in some parts. First there was Zync throwing an endear pearl, then all of us running on rooftops, then finally when we jumped in the water.

"It's been reported that the four jumped into the water but never submerged, but there were no body's at the scene. We now report with Detective Nicolas. Detective, what is your opinion on all this?"

He grabbed the mic and looked into the camera, "I know your out there, Poker Mask, and I will find you and your crew... And kill you..." He said the last part and I got chills up my spine. Kendall switched the tv off.

"What an idiot" she said, "We've all cheated death plenty of times... I doubt HE can kill us!" She said with a smirk. I stared at her mask. Why the hell is she suddenly so confident?

"FOODS READY!" Zync yelled from the other room. I ran there with an almost inhuman speed. I stabbed one of the sushis and ate it, "Hey... Has anyone seen Anthony?" I asked with food in my mouth.

♪☆♪Anthony's POV♪☆♪

I heard arguing downstairs. I'm guessing Zyncs about to make food. I dried my hair a little and put my hat back on. Suddenly I saw a purple light faintly glow out of a door that we never used.

I looked at it for a minute before brushing it off. I reached for the door handle to get out of the room when the closet door flew open and some lady with long brown hair, tied in a ponytail, and a red dress came out, "Hello Anthony"

I looked at her for a minute and opened the door, about to walk out. "Wha- ARE YOU IGNORING ME!?" She asked. "Mhm" I hummed in response. She looked at me with an annoyed face, "Arnt you the LEASE bit concerned as of why I'm in this house!?"

"Nope." I answered and she stomped her foot. "If you've seen the shit I have then you wouldn't care either." I walked out the door and suddenly flew against the wall. "What the-" I asked and she pulled me up by the collar.

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