Chapter 4

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When I arrived home I pet Iggy goodbye and he flew off, I pulled out my phone and called Zync, "I'm home now. Teleport here." I demanded but something fell from the strap in my kimono and broke on the ground. "I'm here!" he said, "So you WHERE just using enderpearls!" I yelled in his face as the broken enderpearl faded away, "L-look! I can explain-" "Save it! I'm done with your explanations!" I yelled an walked away. I was aggravated now. How could I trust this guy! We where already so close to my house! "If you lie to me one more time, ONE. MORE. Then your ass is out of here!" I screamed. As I walked up to my house, pissed off, Zync tried to talk to me, "You sure do get mad easily..." he mumbled, "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself for trusting you..." I told him, "That makes me feel a little better..." he said.

We walked up to my house, "This is amazing!" he exclaimed and I covered my mouth so he couldn't see my smile. I've gotta maintain that tough girl look, yaknow. "Stay here" I ordered and ran inside. After a few minutes of searching around I found a tent set and took it outside, "What? Are we sleeping outside tonight?" "Nope. YOU are." I lifted my mask up a bit to reveal a smirk and laughed my way back inside.

-Zyncs POV-

I knew she was cold but Jesus she's colder then ice! I set up the tent and crawled inside. She could have at least left me some blankets...

-le time skip-

I woke up from a dream... I can't remember what it was about but I saw a poker face staring at me through the opening of the tent, "I heard screaming so I came looking for you, I think you had a bad dream." She said waiting for an answer, "Oh, uhh... yeah, sorry." I said, "Whatever. You can't control your dreams. Just get your ass out here. If we're gonna find the killer you have to train." She demanded. I got up still sleepy and exited the tent. Once I got out I stretched and yawned while she just stared at me. From what I could tell she was waiting for me to finish, "Ya done now?" I knew it. "Are we gonna eat first?" I complained, "That's your first lesson!" she exclaimed "and your only lesson!" "Wha?" I was so confused.

~Le more Timeskip because potato~

Right now we where in the woods hunting pigs and cows. "Ok, first we test your archery..." she said very excitedly, should I be concerned? I could tell she started smiling because she pulled her mask all the way over her face. I pulled the bowstring back loading an arrow and aimed it at the pig. 'three, two, one...' I thought and let the arrow fly. It went way past the pig and it went running, "Ugh! So you're not good with a bow..." She said sighing and pushed her mask back up, "Lets find another one and practice your two handed skill." she said an handed me a stone axe pulling out a golden one for herself.

We found a group of cows and snuck up on them. She got this creepy smile and swung her axe over a stray ones skull making a ear splitting CRACK, "Heh..." She giggled a little followed by a sigh. I'm fucking horrified right now! "Now you try," she ordered cooking some steak with a torch. I gripped my axe and jumped towards another stray cow but missed by a long shot, "Shit..." I cursed and suddenly felt a small pain on my arm, "You're horrible at this!" she yelled scaring away the last few cows. "Throw the axe away" she demanded and I threw it to the side, holding my lower arm which was now bleeding from a small cut. Damn, I'm surprised she didn't cut my arm off... actually that scares me that the cut is so precise...

We found a few more pigs to kill, or attempt to, "Heads up," she said throwing a iron sword at me, "Ack!" I moved aside and the sword hit a tree. I looked at the sword, it was so sharp. I pulled it out of the tree and swung it a few times, "Ok, now kill those pigs." she opined to a heard of them and I jumped out and took ones head off an some porkchops fell on the ground, "Whoa..." I whispered and killed a few more, and she jumped out and joined me. She started splitting their skulls right down the middle and collecting their meat. She started to laugh like she did when she killed the cow but more this time. It was very unsettling. She turned towards me and I saw a faint red glow out of the right eye hole of the mask but only on the right. Once she saw me she stopped and held her head, "Ah, sorry about that..." I knew she was different.

-Kendall's POV-

I forgot how fun it was to kill... My mind got lost and I couldn't stop myself. I knew my left eye was glowing... I could feel it. I didn't care, I just kept swinging my axe down... but I turned my gaze to Zync and for a second, I thought of killing him. My mind went back into place and I held my head in agony, "Ah, sorry about that..." I said and picked up my axe. "Let's go home." I ordered. Zync didn't look at all scared but actually quite pleased, "What are you smirking about, Enders?" I asked sternly using his last name, "Nothing, it's just that I knew you where different..." I ignored that comment and flipped my hair. When we arrived at home there was something on the tree branch... not something... SOMEONE!? They hadn't seen us yet, "Get down." I whispered and Zync got down, "Give me an enderpearl" I said and he handed it over. I threw it up at the branch with the person on it. "Who are you and how did you find this place!?" I yelled and the girl just kept her cool which aggravated me, "ANSWER ME!" I yelled in her face.



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