Chapter 23

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-Venners POV-

I'm seriously about to just smash their faces together. It's annoying me so bad! It's obvious that they like eachother but the crush is always the oblivious one and in this case, it's both of them. It was, what, 2:00 am? I couldn't sleep well, like always. 'Really though, it's like a bad fanfiction!' I thought. Suddenly a girl bursts through the door. She had medium-shortish blond hair, green eyes and square glasses with a "Sup" t-shirt on, "STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL, VENNER! ITS NOT RIGHT!" She yelled and flew out the ceiling like it wasn't even there ((I'm so sorry. It's late and I got bored)) 'It's like some crappy movie!' I thought. I rolled over on my back and started to scribble in my book that no one shall ever see. Ever. But right now I was just doodling now. I drew four stick figures on a crappy dragon. The first one had gloves the second one had a fedora, the third one had a mask and the fourth one had goggles. I smiled dumbly at the picture as I held in my laughs. I flipped trough some other art I had, there was one of Anthony I drew on a rainy day. One of Kendall and Anthony as children, or what I thought they looked like then. I flipped a page and a picture fell out. It was the first time we all went on the top floor in the pool. I was incredibly close to the camera holding up a peace sign with one of my eyes closed and my tongue sticking out. Anthony was just standing in the background with his usual plain 'I don't really care' face. A little more closer to the shot was Zync being shoved in the water while Kendall smiled at the camera like she didn't do anything. I smiled at the picture and put it back in the book and placed it in my belt and fell asleep.

~Le time skip~

I woke up pretty late this time. Anthony wasn't even by me anymore. I looked at the clock, it was 12:43. I sat up rubbing the drowsiness out of my eyes. "I feel like today is... going to be a dramatic one" I said to myself while yawning. I got up and decided to get dressed. After that I went to the lift and went to the kitchen. The same routine everyday, get up, go to the kitched, bug Kendall, do some other weird shit. I sighed. I walked into the kitchen and nothing was out of the ordinary, "Hey guys, what you all doin?" I asked hoping we did something exciting today, "Nothing much" Anthony replied, and he was the only one that did. Zync was fixing his goggles with a screw driver and Kendall was watching tv. I just stood there waiting for something to happen. "Ok, really funny guys but seriously, are we gonna do something today or what?" I was getting a bit annoyed, "Ven. It's Sunday" Kendall said, "Yeah, so?" "Sunday is lazy day..." She told me like I was an idiot. "Ugh! You guys are boriiiing!" I groaned. I sat on the couch and swung my head back and decided upon drawing. I redrew the dragon picture but a lot more detailed. I was just putting the finishing touches when, "What ya doin?" Kendall said in my ear. I jumped and dropped the book on the ground. I smiled, "Don't scare me like that!" I said and she picked up the book, "Fanfictions?" she read the cover, "No! Give it!" I yelled reaching towards her, "Nah, I'll keep it!" she said and made a run for the lift but she just jumped off it, "TRY TO CATCH ME VEN!" She said running away, "You little shit!" I yelled and slid down the tree.

-Anthony's POV-

Ven and Kendall just jumped off the tree and Zync and I where just sitting here. I rested my head in my hand, "what are you even doing?" I asked Zync. Kinda strange that I'd be the one starting the conversation, "The XRay in my goggles needs adjusted. Instead of 10 blocks forward it can only see 7 blocks forward..." He said still focused on the goggles. "well I'm gonna go after them before they kill eachother." I walked to the lift and let myself down. Once I got to the ground I heard yelling from the girls, "DONT LOOK IN THAT BOOK!" "BUT I WANT TO!" They where arguing. So much for having to find them. I walked I'm the direction of the noise and eventually found them running around chasing eachother like dogs playing.

-Zyncs POV ((So many POVS))-

I was tightening my goggles as Anthony went down the lift. I didn't really care about the situation, They all just kinda did there own thing anyways. I tightened one last screw and suddenly I heard a strange... warping noise I guess. I turned around and there was a lady with long brown hair coming out of a swirling purple thing. She flicked her wrist and my cheek started bleeding. Did she throw knifes at me? and more importantly, WHO is she?! "Ah, What that fuck?" I asked, "Who the hell are you?!" "Call me Harv. Come with me, Zync, my boss wants to talk to you." Harv told me, "Why would I go with you? You just broke in and thre knifes at me, and how did you know my name?!" "I know many things, Zync, and I also know your friends could die if you dont..." She threw some sandy stuff into the air and a sort of screen like thing appeared with some hooded guys holding Kendall, Venner and Anthony back against their will. "You son of a-" "Hush now, Zync, with a snap of my fingers they'll die..." I hesitated on going with her. "Fine! Just let them go!" She smirked and snapped he fingers and like that the vision was gone. "Come with me, Zync" I slowly walked closer to her but I wasn't controlling it. Trust me, I would have kicked her in the face if I could. It's like something's controlling me.

Why is everything always so fucking dramatic?



Please enjoy this Octopus -> 🐙

And for all those android users, enjoy this nyan cat --=--=--=~[, ,]O

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