Chapter 24

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-Zyncs POV-

I was brought to some other dimension, or that's what it looked like. The ground was either sand or red gut looking blocks. I had control over my body again, the only way I knew was because I fell to the ground. The block under me was a purpleish red brick. "Zync Enders." A male voice said. I stood up and there was some guy standing before me. He had dark brown hair, a teal shirt and jeans. The only part that was off about him was that he had glowing white eyes, "Y-You!" I stuttered. "You're that guy that-" "Killed your parents? Yes, I am." I was staring wide eyed at the man before me, "And it was a joyful experience." He smirked "I remember it perfectly... There was painful suffering involved..." I was going to smash this guys skull in, even if it's the last thing I do. While he blabbered on about my parents murder I reached for my sword but it was gone. I looked to my sheath but my sword was gone. I checked my pockets for my enderpearls too but they where gone, "Looking for these?" Harv asked, walking over to the man holding my items. "DAMMIT! Just tell me why Im here!" I yelled, "Zync, no need to use fowl language. I'm here to tell you that one of your friends is going to parish." "What do you mean?" It was obvious but I wanted to see what he said, "I mean..." He snapped his fingers and a villager fell into the lava below. "W-who's going to..." "Who knows... It could even be you..." His eyes glowed brighter. That part didn't faze me, the fact that it could be ANY of us could did, though. "You look shocked." He said "Afraid it's going to be you?" He asked and waited for an answer, "I'm not that selfish, you bastard!" I yelled. "Hmm, noble. Well, that's all I wanted to tell you. Be gone, filthy human." I was thrown back by some force, landing in the portal, teleporting back.

I flew into the wall at the house from the previous toss. My weapons came flying at me and I dodged them. The portal disappeared without a trace, but there where words etched on an Ender pearl, 'Tell anyone and you all die' Die looked like it was written in blood. How do I tell them that we have to be careful from now on? No, I've seen movies like this. The person goes back in time to stop something from happening and the main character freaks out and it happens anyways so I just have to act normal...

Everyone came through the door, they didn't even looked like they where attacked. Was it an illusion? "We're back!" Kendall yelled. It was like Kendall and Venner switched personalities, "Now I know what it's like to be teased and messed with..." Ven said hugging her book. "You're both ridiculous." Anthony stated, "I second that!" I yelled. We all started laughing for some reason. Maybe it's just one of those days.

Once the laughter died down I spoke up, "Guys, I think we should be more careful from now on..." Well, this isn't what I want to say but, "Why? Scared?" Ven questioned, "No, it's just that..." I hesitated, "Never mind. Forget I said anything!" I got up and started to walk away, "No! Now we have to know!" Kendall shouted, "I just have a bad feeling." I lied. Suddenly the lift came up, "Hey guys!" It was Haley and Vegeta. How?

"You're probably wondering how we found you. Well, this tree lights up and it's taller then the rest, oh and Vegeta can fly!" She hugged his arm and he had an expression that said, 'I don't give a shit. Kill me now.' "Why are you guys here?" Kendall asked, "I don't know actually!" ...

-Kendall's POV-

The room went silent. "Heheh, anyways, nice place you have!" "Uhh, thanks?" I said questioningly "Oh and another thing!" she pulled something out of her orange messenger bag, "There was this note...?" She handed it to me. It read

'To my lovely Kendall,

I'm not dead. I am very much alive

and there's more to my story then you

think. Allow me to say this,

You can't kill a god.


I crumbled up the paper holding back tears. So he is alive... "I didn't read the note... what did it say?" Haley asked, "N-Nothing special..." "Well, obviously it's special! You're crying!" Ven said. I felt my cheeks and they where wet, "Really, it's nothing! Just forget about it..." I said brushing it off. My phone vibrated and I pulled the crappy flip phone out of my pocket,

'Don't cry, dear. You're not pretty when you cry...


I threw my phone and it landed on a pillow. I ran to my room, crying. I held my axe in defense and locked my windows and doors. I sat on my bed silently crying, Hands shaking, axe in hand. He's still alive... God dammit...

-Venners POV-

I opened her phone and read the text that was open. My eyes widened. I told the others quickly and ran to her door, pounding on it, "Kendy? Please come out!" I yelled, "Leave me alone..." She sounded scared. That's a change, "Please, Ven..." I pulled away from the door and held the phone in my clenched fist. I'll hold onto this for a while.

-Time skip of hatred-

It has been a hour and a half. We all socialized for a while, Vegeta really is a prince after all! But that's not the point, Zync was almost silent the whole time. He had a glint of hatred in his eyes and worry, probably from Kendall. Heheh Zendall, cute. IM GETTING OFF TOPIC AGAIN! I mentally slapped myself. We all tried to get Kendall out but the results where the same, "Please leave me alone..." or "Just let me think!" Actually, Zync hadn't tried yet but that was a long shot if it worked.

We waited another fifteen minutes to try to talk to her again. This time Zync spoke, "I'll go try to talk to her..." He said getting up.

-Zyncs POV again. Sorrynotsorry-

I walked over to her door, thinking of what I should say, "Hey Kendall?" I asked. No reply. "You ok?" Still nothing. "...I'm scared..." I heard faintly. I decided to pick the doors lock. I took a lock pick and a dagger and unlocked it. What? Surprised I can lockpick? I opened the door slowly. She was sitting on the corner of her bed, Axe in hand with an iron grip but her hands shook. "Kendall?" I asked and she tilted her head up a bit, mask still on. "You ok?" I asked again walking in. I held up my hands, "Don't kill me, alright?" I chuckled a bit but it didn't help the situation.

I sat down on the bed. I couldn't think of anything else to say except "Are you ok?" or "How are you" and stupid obvious questions. "...How is he still alive?" She mumbled, "I...I don't know..." I said truthfully, "He said he was..." she tilted her head up a little, "A god..." she finished. My eyes widened. Could he be...? No... that was impossible. "I..." She started crying. She suddenly sprung forward throwing her axe to the side and hugged me, "I'm scared..." She sobbed into my shoulder. I was a bit surprised by this whole situation, Herobrine, Ty, now this... I hugged her back, "It's ok," I reassured her, "I won't let anything happen to you," Did I really just say that?! She calmed down, surprisingly, "Really?" She questioned.

"I promise."



And I don't know why...

Also I know how to write paragraphs now! (Note the sarcasm)

I was shaking and my heart was pounding when I wrote the Ty parts. I love Deadlox but in this story, he's a douche. Just saiyin(Did I spell that wrong, Heiri-Kun?) Also...


$@$&$@$&$@$&$@$&$. Remember his eye color


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