Chapter 11

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-Venners POV-

I woke up with a warmth behind me. I liked it, and I snuggled closer, "Morning" He whispered. 'Oh that's right! I moved to his bed last night' "Hey..." I said sleepily. Last night it was freezing. The window had broken hinges and swung open. I tried to close them but they just blew open again so I gave up and sense this hotel is cheap, the blankets are crap too. I started shivering. I got up to get a glass of water and when I came back, Anthony grabbed onto my hand, "You look cold, you can come here with me if you'd like" I liked Anthony. A lot. So I agreed and ended up in bed with him. Obviously nothing happened but it was nice of him to do that. "Howd you sleep?" he asked and we sat up, 'Best sleep I've ever had' No I can't say that 'It was alright' Then he'll think I'm ungrateful. "It's a lot better then sleeping in trees" I gave him a smile, that sounded alright, Right? "Good, hey, uh, where's Kendall?" I saw a scrap of paper on the counter, "Went to hospital. Come when you feel like it." She is so into him. "What's it say?" Anthony asked, "It says she went to the hospital and to come when we want to, heh, She's so into him." "She better not be" He sounded really protective. Well he hasn't seen her in a while and after what happened when they where kids... I can understand it, "She's a grown woman, and if Zync tried to do anything, he'd be dead before he even stepped an inch" "Yeah, but... I guess I could try not to worry so much. But I still got my eye on him." I rolled my eyes playfully and slipped my boots on, "Well, I'm off to the hospital," I started out the door and when I was about three doors down I heard a door slam shut and a person running. "Wait! I'll walk with you" he ran up next to me.

We entered the Main Street and made our way to the Hospital. On the way I thought I saw the guy from yesterday. Eh, probably just my imagination. "Uh, Ven" "Yeah?" he paused, "Never mind" He was nervous I could tell. That's cute. "Hey Anthony?" "Wusup?" "Do you think Zync will be ok?" "Don't worry about that, I'm sure he's fine." "Ok..." after a little walking we came across the hospital and I went to the front desk, "Visitors of Zync Enders?" "Room 257" We went in an elevator and reached the second floor. Many corridors later we arrived at his room, "Sup, Guys?" He said like he was perfectly fine. "Hey Zync! I brought you come pie but I ate it." "aww, Ven!" he said and Anthony rolled his eyes, "There was never any pie, was there?" Zync asked "No..." I ran over to Kendall and whispered in her ear, "You guys make out yet?" I giggled a little and she shoved me away, "NO VEN SHUTUP!" I broke out into laughter. "What are they talking about?" Zync asked Anthony, and he shrugged. I pretended to wipe a tear off my eye "Comedy gold..." Kendall stared at me like shed strangle me but I could see her blush behind her mask. Suddenly she perked up though, "Venner, come join me in the bathroom please, I need to tell you something" She said and we headed out the door.

A few more corridors and we found the bathroom, "Why'd you want to talk to me?" I asked, "I ran into that guy that we saw yesterday" "And?" "His name is Ty and I don't want to admit this but he is SO FREAKIN HOT!" "What'd you just say?" I tilted my eyebrow up and you'd think I'd have a smirk but didn't. "Wait, wouldn't you be happy for me?" She asked, "Yeah, I am but... What about Zync?" She gave me a puzzling look, "What about him?" "I thought you liked him." "I never said that... Why would I? You're the one who made that up!" She was getting angry. We heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Girls, we can leave now." Anthony called. Where they listening to us? If so, I don't know what reaction Zync will have.

-Zyncs POV- ((Shit be gettin juicy))

Right as the girls left the nurse came in and told me I'm free to go. I quickly threw my cloths on in the small private bathroom and after a bit of horrible pain I was ready, "Lets go get the girls." I said to Anthony and we walked after them, "His name is Ty and he is SO FREAKIN HOT!" Wait what? "What'd you say?" Anthony came up behind me "What's taking y-" I shushed him. "Wait, wouldn't you be happy for me?"

"Yeah I am but... What about Zync?"

"What about him?" "I thought you liked him..." "I never said that..." Ouch "Why would I?" Double ouch "You're the one who made that up!" I was offended. I didn't show any emotion though. "I think we should stop eavesdropping" Anthony whispered. "Girls? We can leave now." He said knocking on the door. The girls walked out and I still showed no emotion, like I never heard anything. We got out of the hotel and on the sidewalk, "Just a second Ant," In the formation we where walking, I was in front, Anthony and Ven next to each other behind me and Kendall in the back, "Did you... Hear our conversation?" Ven asked. Should I lie or tell the truth? Well I need all their trust so... "..." I ignored her, "Is that a yes?" "..." she fell back with Anthony and I just walked ahead. We stopped every once in a while so I could catch breath, "A playground!" Ven shouted, "Lets gooooo!" she crossed the street with Anthony. Kendall and I crossed, "How does your torso feel?" "It hurts like hell, because, yaknow, I got stabbed." Heh, I'm a smartass, "How'd that even happen?" "I... can't even remember... It had to do with the mirror though..." I honestly could not recall what happened. "Hmm" she said and sat on a bench, I did too. Anthony sat next to Kendall while Ven swung, "Come on, Kendall!" She got up and played with her. "Do you like her?" Anthony asked me, "Hmm?" "Kendall." "Oh... uh..." I didn't know how to answer that, "I don't know how to answer that." Say it as it is, Zync. "I don't care if you do. Ven helped me realize that." "Ven flashed a smile at Anthony, "Wait do you-" "Shut it!" He cut me off mid sentence and I blurted out laughing. It hurt me but it was worth it. He was blushing and tilted his fedora down. When I looked back up Kendall was talking with some guy. She doesn't do that... Is that the Ty guy they're talking about? Some other person was next to him... He had shades and grey and black cloths with red shoes and a gold amulet with amethyst in the middle. Anthony was eyeing the shades guy. I don't like them either but I don't make it obvious.

-Kendall's POV-

"Oh my god. It's Ty!" I whisper yelled in Vens ear, "Who's that other guy? He's pretty hot too!" She replied, "Hey, it's you again!" Ty yelled over to me. I feel like a teenager, a normal, everyday teenager... "Hi!" I jumped off the swing and Ven followed, "Hi, My names Sky!" Sky said and shook Venners hand. "I'm Venners but my friends call me Ven." "Oh, and I'm Kendall by the way..." "What are you guys doin here?" Ty asked, "Well We where going to take our injured friend to the hotel and just hang out for the next few days" "Oh, if you want you guys could stay at my place," Ty just invited us to his house. A gentleman too, "Oh we wouldn't want to be a both-" "We'll come!" Venner cut me off and Answered. She must really like Sky, heh. "Alright, you can just follow us home then, we don't have minecars (See what I did there?) so.." "Oh that's fine, neither do we."

I walked back to get the guys and they just walked behind us. I could feel their cold stares on us the whole time. It was creeping me out a bit... "Here we are!" holy fuck, it's a mansion. "It looks like a mansion!" I said is awe. We walked inside yada yada yada

-Time Skip because too lazy to write-

We where having dinner, Zync and Anthony just sat there slurping their Raman. They didn't even speak and it was kinda awkward. After we all finished we went back to our rooms. Mine was across from Ty's and Vens was across from Sky's. Zyncs and Anthony's where across each other's.

I don't like this situation that much





Person: //throws book// NO FROZEN

ok ok... Jeeze... Well anyway, for the next few chapters its gonna be drama so don't get your hopes up for insanity. I promise after that it will start up again. I'm just the one to like romance and drama and shiz... ((Also I love Deadlox so deal with it))

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