Chapter 14

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-Kendall's POV-

I woke up and it was now 6:00 in the afternoon. I saw my cloths scattered across the ground. All the memories of earlier suddenly flowed back into my head. I quickly got up and put my cloths back on, jacket and all. My vision was really blurry because I didn't have my mask on, since there are glasses lens in them. I saw a white lump on the ground and when I got closer to it I realize what it was. My mask was broken on the ground, split in thirds. I picked up the pieces carefully and set them on the dresser. It was gonna take a lot of work to get this fixed. I rested my head in my hands, I can't believe my mask broke. After all the shit I've been through. I sighed heavily and kicked the dresser. I don't care if I destroy that idiots shit, after what he did I could burn his house down. Something fell off the dresser and hit my foot. It was a little enderman plushie, the tag said 'From Zync'. I smirked a little and put it in my jacket pocket.

'Damn. I'm starving' I didn't want to go out without my mask but I guess I had to. I pulled my hood over my head and shaded my face with my hair. I opened the door to make sure no one was in the hall and slowly and quietly closed the door behind me. I sneaked into the kitchen to grab some food and surprisingly no one was here. I grabbed a sandwich out of the fridge and when I turned around Ven was standing there, "GAH!" She scared me and I fell over, "Jesus, Kendall, I didn't mean to scare ya," She laughed a little, "But why is your hood up?" I got up, brushed myself off, and cleared my throat, "I have my reasons." I told her angrily just wanting to get back to an isolated area. Ven followed me to my room before I shut and locked the door. I took my hood off and slid down the door 'til I sat down. I ate the sandwich and stayed in the room for the rest of the day. I only came out to get food or water and each time everyone questioned me why I was so isolated. I just ignored them and went back into my room. I heard a knock on the door, "Kendy?" Venner asked through the door, "Can I come in?" she asked and I just ignored her. I was leaning up against the side of the bed with my hood on, "Hey" She said as she walked in. She sat down next to me and sniffed the air, "Have you been drinking?!" she asked surprised. "Just a little..." I answered and took a shard of my mask out of my pocket, "Y-Your mask!" she exclaimed and I took another sip of my beer, "That basterd, Ty, did it..." I told her. "Oh yeah, I have to tell you about that..." she said, "Earlier, I came into your room to see why you weren't up yet and Ty was lying on the floor in blood. I ran out and called the cops but you where out like a light. They took sky in for questioning and cleaned up Ty's corpse. They questioned all of us and Zync was taken to the hospital again, something about his wound" I listened to most of it. So Zync really did kill Ty. I wasn't too sure but thank god he did. "Remind me to never trust anyone again..." I told Ven with a smirk. "I'm sick of this house." Ven said, "Yeah, me too but I can't leave the city until this mask gets fixed." I put the other shards on the ground, "Well that may take a while but couldn't you just use your glasses?" she's right, I did have glasses but I wanted my mask, "Yeah, you're right..." I said. I tried to stand up but everything was spinning, "I think I'll just stay here for a while..." I told Ven and she took the alcohol away, "No more for you!" She smiled and left.

-Venners POV-

I tossed the empty bottles away and sat on the couch. I'm pretty sure Anthony should be back soon, he went to go get something, he wouldn't tell me what though. It was still raining outside, it's crazy. I didn't know the clouds could hold so much rain. The door flew open and a soaked Anthony ran inside, "Sup?" He said panting. He must've ran, "Nothin much. Just chillin..." I answered and he threw a pack of gummy bears at me, "CANDYYYY" I yelled and rolled off the couch. I took one out and ate it, "You're welcome!" he yelled playfully as I are my gummy bears, "Lets go scare Kendall!" I suggested and tip toed to her room. I used my fingers as a count down 3..2...1 We kicked the door open, "WE GOT CANDYYYY!" We yelled but she wasn't in there. Anthony and I walked inside and went to try and find her, "GIVE ME CANDY!" she jumped on my back scaring the shit out of me, "JESUS!" We fell over and started laughing, and I think I heard Anthony chuckle a little, "HE LAUGHED!" I pointed at Anthony, quickly standing up, "Pff, no!" he blushed a little bit, "YES! YOU LAUGHED! KENDY, DIDNT HE LAUGH?!" "Yeah, I heard it too" "You guys are crazy..." He smiled and walked. For the rest of the night we just laughed at stupid things, well, Kendall and I did but Anthony refrained himself as best as he could. It was a good night.


Writers block. Ehh

Candy is good.

From now on it will be adventure and blood and insanity. Yus. :Y not sure what else to say, uh... Chapters later... bai

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