Chapter 29

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-Kendall's POV-

It's 1:00 am and I can't sleep. I've just been thinking. I remembered when I went to the city for the Fourth of July. That was when I met the strange teleporting boy. Then a few days later, I met my old first friend, then finally reunited with my cousin after so many years. I sighed.

'Damn it!' I thought 'If I would have just ignored him that one day, non of this would have happened!' by that I meant, Ty, the teasing, the pain, and this god damn feeling! Its not pain but I hate it!

My eye twitched in frustration. I've been thinking about this all night an occasionally my personality just changes. Well, not literally but my brain is bad, ok?

I decided to waist my energy by going to the top floor, Like I used to before everyone joined me. I walked to the railing and sat down by it, dangling my legs through the gaps. I stared at the stars. It's was like some cheesy film, girl sits some where, stares at stars and thinks. I sighed.

"What's wrong with me..." I whispered to myself. There was a splash noise behind me and I turned around. "Oh, Sup Kendall" Zync was climbing out of the pool with a smile on his face, "H-How long have you been under there?!" I asked, I felt my face turn red. Damn it, brain! "Hmm? Oh, I was testing out some water breathing spells I learned."

"So, What are you up to?" He walked over to me, drenched in water without a shirt. Why can't you make this easy for me, god? "Well, I couldn't sleep. This is where I went before you all joined me. It's been a while, too" I said without stuttering, surprisingly.

"Well, I'm actually kind of glad you're here..." Oh god. I'm scared. This is the exact same situation before but instead it was Ty, "I have to... Well, I gotta tell you something..." I gripped the fence posts until my knuckles turned white. I prepared for whatever he says or does... "I... I like you" Except that. I was not ready for that.

-Ven real quick-

I feel like I should be interrupting something...

-Ok back to Kendall-

"O-Oh uh..." Did I hear him right? My face burned like it was on fire, especially my right eye, the gray one. "Zync I... I just..." I put my hands on my mask, "I don't know... I'm just really confused right now..."

I glanced at him through the side of my mask. He looked sad but suddenly perked up and smiled.

"It's okay, Kendy I'll give you some time." He used my nickname and walked away, "Goodnight," He said before going down the lift. This just adds to my confusion... Dammit...

-Venners POV-

I heard someone coming down the corridor. I'm up late like usual, writing books and such. I creaked open the door and Zync was walking down the hallway. He had a sad look on his face, "Yo, Zync" I whispered, leaning on the doorway. He turned his attention to me before walking out of his room.

"Sup Ven, you're still up?" "Yeah, I'm always up late, but why the long face?" I asked. He turned his head towards his door and shook his head, "Nothing. Don't worry bout it." He walked into his room and shut the door. Curiosity got the best of me so I knocked on the door, "Zync, I'm gonna keep knocking 'til you open the door."

***15 minutes later***

"Zyyyyyync!" I knocked on the door again. "Why do you want to know so bad?!" He asked for the millionth time and it was the same answer everytime, "Because, I like gossip!" I knocked again, "ZYYYYYNC" "Oh my fucking god. I'll tell you just shut up!" he said pissed. He opened the door and explained everything to me.

"Hmm, So you are into Kendall..." I did one of my famous sly grins and his face reddened, "But really though, just give her some time to think and eventually she'll answer." I gave him some advice. He thanked me and shut his door. Heh, I don't even need to make up my own dramatic book tonight, I got one in real life...

***The next day***

I woke up next to Anthony, as usual. I smiled and got out of bed. I heard a knock at my door, "Ven, can I talk to you?" I opened the door and Kendall was standing there. "Can you come out here?" I closed the door quietly behind me, "Sup?" "Well last night I-" "Lemme stop you there..."

"Kendall, you and I both know that you like Zync and he obviously likes you. I know that you're too dumb to notice that yet but eventually you'll figure it out. You're not an idiot, just dumb." I told her, "How did you-" "Zync told me everything" she nodded.

"I just don't know, Ven. I'm so god damn confused right now!" She slammed her fist on the wall. "Here, listen to this. It'll help" I handed her an IPod, "Ven where the hell did you get this?!" She yelled holding the IPod, "Remember on that crappy double date we had on my birthday where those sluts tried to take Anthony away from me? I stole it then." I smirked and she thanked me and went to a room I wasn't paying attention to because Anthony wrapped his arms around my waist, "Morning babe."

-Kendall's POV-

I played the music, sitting in my bedroom.

It hurts god damn it hurts so much!

The song suddenly turned screamo. Meh

Like a car crash man, I think I burnt the clutch!

Stuck in the far past that consumed you,

I stayed lucky for as long as I knew you!

Now I look at the memories, replay them again, and again, and again!

And I can't even pretend til I'm back to the world and tell it

'No sir no sir'

'There's no way in hell I intend to let her go sir!'

I guess this song isn't the best in this situation.

Ok, I have to truss cuz I really don't want this to be the last of us, no

It's too soon,


You were MORE of a cure then you know,

God dammit I Love you-

Thank you Venner for the worst possible song that could play right now...


Song: Limelight by Boyinaband Ft Cryaotic.

I'm sorry this chapter is short. I have major art block ;-; and if you're not from Instagram ((@Kendall_the_Gamer))

Then I'll have you know I am using an iPad, and my birthday was August 2nd. :3 ok bai

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