Chapter 30.

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Liam's POV.

The next morning I woke up and went to the kitchen and shadow was busy making breakfast. I checked the time and looked at her confused. I wanted to say something but she quickly opened her mouth.

"It's amazing how kids love their parents without knowing anything about them. Kids would do everything to always have their parents whether the parents are bad or not." Shadow looked at me. "Angel loves you a lot despite the fact you abanded her when she was still in the tummy. Her mother begged you to be her father but you refused yet today, she still loves you."

"Why are you awake so early?" I asked.

"Kids are innocent, sometimes I wonder why we have to go through childhood." She smiled. "In the life we live, our childhood determines how good or bad we become and I hope Angel never grows up to be like us."

"You done?" I asked and she switched the stove off.

"You never told me why you left her?" She fold her arms across her chest. "Why leave Stacey if you love her, why leave your own daughter Angel?"

"Sometimes you are crazy."

"Liam, I have spend five years with you. You know I love you and I am always here for you but last night--." She smiled, holding back her tears. "it hurt when I saw you with your daughter but it's nothing compared to how Angel and Stacey felt over the years. You are heartless but you would never intentionally hurt a kid so why did you do it? That's all I want to know. Liam, I deserve to know why you left Stacey and Angel."

"Shadow, I don't know what to tell you." I replied. "I left them because that's who I am. I don't want to be that girl's father nor do I want to be with her mother."

"I don't believe you." She is stubborn.

"Daddy." Angel came running. "Why did you leave me." She hugged me. 

"Shadow was making you breakfast so I thought of helping her." 

"Angel, come here." Shadow picked her up. "Breakfast is ready so do you want daddy to feed you?" Shadow is playing with fire. I swear she's starting to annoying me like Angel used to.

"Yes!" Angel answered excited!

"Well, then you have to promise to go to mommy's house after breakfast." Shadow said.

"What?"  I snapped. "Put the kid down and let's talk, privately." 

"Go take a seat my Angel, Liam will come and feed you now." We left Angel alone in the kitchen. 

"What are you trying to do Shadow?" I asked.

"You said you don't care about her and you don't want to be her father that's why I am sending her back to her mother." She replied. "Liam, she deserves to be with the people who love her not a father who uses her."

"I am not using her."

"At least you agree that you her father." She smiled. "Liam, as soon as we done eating breakfast I will take her to Stacey. I am sure she misses her daughter." 

"I don't care if she misses her daughter or not. That kid is not leaving my house and that's final." 

"Okay." She walked away. I know Shadow, she's stubborn, there is no way she will just sit and not do anything. She probably has a plan I won't be happy about.

As soon as we ate breakfast Shadow picked Angel up to give her a bath. She is too attached to this child. I hope she doesn't start saying she wants to be a mother.

I got a call from Peter and I answered it. 

"Sometimes I wonder if I am married to you!" I said, the second I answered his call.

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