Chapter 1

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"Conny, that wasn't her right?!" Emma asked with tears streaming down her face "Conny and the rest of our siblings they all got adopted and are living, right?!" She was getting desperate "I'm afraid that was Conny" Norman said to her then looking at me. I could barely cry, I knew this would happen and I did nothing to help her. A single tear rolled down my face as I looked at them. Emma then let out a blood curdling scream.

Earlier that day

"Get up everyone or you'll be late for breakfast!" Emma shouted from the doorway of the room I was in "no" I said mostly to myself as I got up with my blanket and pillow and crawling under my bed. I almost fell asleep again until someone grabbed my ankle and dragged me out from under my bed, hitting my head on the way. "Oh my god Ray just let me sleep!" I said clawing at the floor with crocodile tears. "Really y/n, we're having sausage this morning for breakfast?" He said with a slight smirk "sausage! Why did no one tell me this vital information!" I yelled getting up and running to get dressed and downstairs.

While I was going to run out the door I ran into the door frame. "Ow! That didn't hurt but still" I said actually running out the door this time. When I got downstairs I saw Emma talking to Norman and Ray. "Morning y/n!" Emma said "good morning y/n" Norman reapeted "morning" Ray said in a monotone voice. "Hi, where's the food at?!" I screamed, you see, I'm a total foodie. I love food. One of my favorite hobbies is eating.

"Y/n, please quiet down" Mama told me then began to talk again "alright children, please let us have no quarrels on Conny's last day here and instead fill it with smiles" she finished with a smile of her own. 'This woman is sick, but I suppose for Conny's sake I should act normal today' I thought to myself while looking down.

We all sat down after she had said that. Usually I sat next to Emma but today Ray sat next to me. "Now let us give thanks" Mama said.
"Here" Ray said while shoveling some of his sausage onto my plate. "Wait Really?! Thanks Ray!" I shouted, then I turned and gave him a huge hug. He looked away from me blushing? I just ignored it and started shoving food in my mouth.

"Y/n, be careful or you'll choke!" Norman said with a concerned tone. Just then I started choking and Emma being herself screamed and ran around the table and punching me in the back. "Bleh, man I hate when that happens" I said and started eating again. "Y/n That won't happen if you listen to us you know" Ray said "nah, I'm good." I said in a casual voice, everyone just looked at me like I was crazy. "What?!" I yelled as everyone broke out in laughter.

After we were done eating we had to take the daily test. 'Man these suck but if I want to live I have to do good on them' I thought. We all sat down and put our headphones on. The machine rang in my ears "you will have ten seconds to complete each question. When you here the tone begin" 'beep'. After about ten minutes I was finished, looking around I noticed I was the only one done yet. About five minutes later Emma, Norman, and Ray finished too.

When the time ran out everyone took there headphones off. "Emma, Norman, Ray, and y/n you all got perfect scores again! Great job!" Mama complimented us. While all the kids chatted with each other I noticed Don getting antsy. "Norman I challenge you to a game of tag!" Don yelled. Norman just smiled.

"Alright Norman's it" Don said while Norman covered his eyes as everyone ran away from him. The second I got to the tree line I jumped up into a tree. Running through the trees I saw as Norman caught person after person, my brown locks flowing from my speed. From what I could tell it was just me and Emma left. While I was jumping branch to branch I heard a noise in the distance. Running to see what was happening I stopped only to see Emma get tagged.

Before I was caught I turned and sprinted through the trees to get away. Before I knew it I was back at the tree line. Without even realizing it I was standing on the most open branch possible. When I saw that Norman was there I got a plan to win. Jumping throughout the tree line where everyone could see me and Norman could easily chase me. Once I got as close to the house as possible I jumped down and ran to the tree Ray and Emma were under and climbing up it. Walking out to the branch closest to the house I readied myself to jump. "Wait, y/n don't do that!" Gilda shouted but it didn't even matter because I had jumped and grabbed the lattice on the window. Climbing up the lattice I made my way to the roof.

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