Chapter 35

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I cleared my throat, "anyways, back to to how we're going to escape and kill Levuis." They all kind of dropped to topic of my weird healing rates and began giving me icy stares. I sighed and pulled a piece of paper and pencil onto the table we sat around. "Ok, let's start things simple- how do we kill Levuis?" I somewhat directed to question towards Emma and she started to think really hard. "Wait Y/n, didn't you say you already know how to kill Levuis?" Oliver cut in and I nodded. "Then why are you asking us this question?" Emma was still thinking in her own little world while we were talking. I shook my head dismissively. "I know what to do so that we can kill him but not how. We have to put him into a situation where we have the opportunity to kill him."

Lucas' eyes widened slightly at my statement. "Y/n- I don't think we should kill Levuis unless absolutely necessary. Why don't we try talking to him?" I let out an airy laugh at Emma's idea. "There you go again, sticking to your weird ideals and principles." I turned to her with a slight glare, "Emma, you do understand that Levuis isn't like normal demons right? I don't mind if we incorporate you idea of talking things out into the plan but I can assure you that they won't work. Levuis is a hunter. He kills for the hunt- the thrill of finding a worthy opponent to play his sick little game is the reason this place even exists." I gave Emma a type of glare- not a threatening one but more like, 'if you do this you're going to get yourself and others killed' Kind of look. I could almost feel my eyes flash white for a split second.

I suppose Emma noticed this too because she stood up abruptly, holding her head down. "Y/n, tell me what's going on with you. What happened to the girl from Grace- field that everyone loved and got along with?" She shot he head up at me and yelled "what really happened to you after you got shipped out?!" She looked like she was going to cry any moment now and everyone else just sat there with blank faces- watching the scene unfold. I sighed and crossed my arms- closing my eyes with a sort of content look on my face before answering her. "I grew up Emma. I had to. This is the real world not the make believe life back at the house. This isn't some neverland where everything is a child's delight and they never grow up. You have to look at it from a mature point of view if you want to survive." I blew a few strands of my brown locks out of my face.

Emma grit her teeth and sat back down- silently telling me I had to fess up later. "We're getting off topic here." Lily spoke up and I smiled at her, grateful that she changed the subject. "Ok, myself and Emma had a chance to see Levuis earlier and I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was intrigued by me and Emma. Mostly Emma. He's also waged war against us. I don't think I'm the one who was supposed to find his message to us but either way it was brutal and I'm glad Emma didn't have to see it." Everyone seemed a little curious about what said message was so I elaborated further. "He killed Jake and Monica, Theo's older siblings. I think he did it because we saved them. Well, it's more like and act to make Emma and me hate him."

    Emma had a fiery look in her eyes after hearing the news. "So was he challenging you?"Lucas finally spoke and I shrugged. "Maybe but right now let's talk about actually killing him." Emma cut me off before I could start speaking again. "We're only going to kill him if my idea of talking doesn't work!" Damn it- how is she still so optimistic? "Yeah yeah, whatever." I brushed her off and started to talk again. "First of all- even with my 'power'" I put air quotations around the word power. "There's no way we can kill them all if they're together. I say we split people up. We have to divide and conquer here. I'm thinking it would be best to put Nigel and Violet on a team together because they are some of our best shots and seem to work well together. I'd say we also put Gillian on that team. They would be assigned to kill Nous and Nouma."

   Everyone seemed to agree with that, well, accept Emma because she was just confused on who everyone was. "Myself and Ace will take care of Luce before joining Emma, which I'll get to later. We have a little score to settle." So far everything was going to plan. I don't think I'll have to worry about Bayon showing up out of now where. The only time I've ever seen or had contact with him was when me and Ace first got here and that was almost 8 months ago. " I'm thinking that we'll have Emma meet up with Levuis in the middle of town while everyone else takes out their targets. If you ask him for, oh I don't know, 10 minutes maybe- he'll give you the time. After all he wants all the players of his game to be equal. That will be plenty of time."

    "Plenty of time for what?" Lily questioned and I gave her a small smile. "It will give us time to kill out targets and get into position to kill Levuis. If we're in the middle of town there's lots of places to hide. We'll hide until Emma's time is up and then we strike. I've looked in the armory and found that there's a flash-bang type of gun there. If we shoot him right in the face we'll be able to break his mask and he'll be blinded for about five minutes. This will give us the perfect opportunity to get a few good shots on his eyes." Everyone seemed somewhat dumbfounded from my plan. I just smirked and stood up. "Lily, Oliver you two are the one I'm putting in charge of the flash gun. It's extremely important that you get a good shot or we could all very well die. I'm counting on you."

   They stood up and spoke simultaneously "we promise to do our best!" I nodded and turned to Emma. "Emma, your going to be the most important part of the plan." Her eyes widened and she gripped her head in a stressful manner. "Me?!" I let out a small laugh. "Yes you silly. I want you to stall pretty much. If you meet Levuis or n the middle of town tell him to give you 10 minutes for your friends to prepare for the battle. Until that time is up- comply and answer anything he asks you. Got it? You can still propose your idea of not fighting at all during that time. Ok, does that sound good?" She smiled and nodded confidently. "Good, now we just have to tell everyone else."

Word count: 1223

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