Chapter 30

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Y/n POV:

I smiled softly at Ray and pulled him back in for another hug. "Gosh, Y/n hasn't even been back for 10 minutes and they're already sucking faces!" Marko complained and I chuckled. I missed her complaining. Soon I ripped myself away from Ray with a worried look. "Where are the others?!" I almost yelled but remember that the demons could hear me. Emma started flailing her arms and then answered my question. "Everyone five and older are back at the shelter we came from!" I sighed in relief but then it dawned on me- why were they all the way out here and not back at this shelter they speak of? I cocked an eyebrow and I think Ray already new what my question would be. "We're out here cause we're on our way to A08-63."

He pulled out the pen and showed me where they were going. Then they showed me the placement of the shelter they came from; which happened to be in the wasteland I was looking for. I took another look at the map they showed me and my eyes widened in terror. The man noticed this and spoke up. "How do you know where exactly we're going?" I gulped, "it's where I came from. Ray, Emma, Marko: you have to turn back. You can't go there. It's a bad place. Almost worse than all the others that I've been sent to." I told them, sweat dripped down my head from the dusk sun. Emma was the first person to speak. "What do you mean it's a bad place?" I shook my head "Lucas, the one he" I pointed to the man "was talking about earlier, calls them the poachers. As far as I know- other than him" again I pointed to the man behind us. "I'm the only other person to ever escape. After this small mission I'm working on, I'll head back and find a way to get everyone out."

Marko looked confused and was about to ask a question when the man whose name I had forgotten, interrupted her. "Look your friend said it herself- we should go back now." He pointed his thumb over his shoulder. I nodded my head but then had an idea. "Well, what if you guys keep going and when I'm done I'll meet you there but whatever you do, don't go inside until I get there. If I'm not there in 3 days you can go ahead. You'll have to find Ace and Lily. They'll recognize you." I finished and my face fell. I pulled out Ray's pocket watch and checked the time. 4:13. Ray's eye twitched. "So you really did take it?" He seemed irritated but let it go. I smiled at him but then my face fell once again.

   It was already mid day and I was losing daylight. "I have to go." I sighed and the three of them started to tell me no. "I have to. It's to help a friend out." I smiled at them one more time. I pulled Emma and Marko into a big hug. Then I turned to the man. "If you let any of them die- I'll kill you." He held his gun up and I could see my reflection. My eyes flashed white. I brushed it off though and turned to Ray. "I'll explain everything when I have the time. See ya" I kissed his cheek lightly and then turned towards the sunset. I turned back to wave to them and started sprinting until I got enough momentum to jump into a low branch.

Time skip- A day and a half later

I finally made it to lambda or at least what's left of it. From the looks of it, Norman already got out. I searched around the rubble for maybe half and hour before I found something useful. I found a pen, just like the one that Ray and the girls had and a folder that was a little burnt on one corner. I opened it and found that it was Ace's file. It contained pictures taken of their experiments. I quickly shut the folder and shoved it into my backpack because quite frankly, I didn't want to look at it right now. I have no idea where Norman is at right now and it would be a waste of time to look for him. I know that we'll meet again though. I soon started to trot my way through the forest and it took around five hours worth of sprinting to get back to the wasteland.

I took a break to eat for a little and sat down on the ground. I was looking down at the can of food in my hand but looked up when I saw an animal not to far from me. Though, what I thought might be a deer- was actually a demon. It wasn't one of those wild ones either. It looked smart and somewhat human like. It stared down at me and to others that crawled on all fours came out from behind him. "Is that one of the escapees?" The largest one questioned. So he's after the others? He, or what I think is a he, looked me in the eye. I shook my head no. "I'm not an escapee" I said, standing up and tossing my can onto the ground. He didn't seem to believe me so I pulled up the bottom of my shirt about halfway up my stomach "I have proof," I pointed to that tattoo on my stomach "I'm from lambda." I answered and the demons eyes widened. "Aren't you one of the three that got sent to lord Bayon?" I nodded. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Well as it seems, your not there at the moment so we'll have to take you back the Mr. Ratri." At the mention of his name i grimaced. 'Rat man' I thought. I grit my teeth and stared at the three demons. I won't go without a fight.

I just got everyone back and I won't let it go this time. He signaled for the two dog like demons to come after me and I merely squeezed both of my hands into fists. All of them stopped moving. I stared the tall demon in his eye and brought both of my fists into fist bumping positions except my arms were overlapping and created an X shape. This, as I found out- is how to stop blood flow within the body. I'm not sure how long this will take but in around five minutes the two dog like demons dropped and I couldn't sense any type of pulse. I figured out that when I start to stop something's blood flow it'll stop their heart beat as well. It looked like the standing demon was going to drop soon but- before I knew it his head had been chopped clean off.

    It scared the crap out of me and I almost fell down. Almost. I looked up to see what looked like a male and female demon. The male had red hair and the female was short with purple hair. "Are you ok?" The female asked and I just stood there wide-eyed. "Oh Sonju, do you think that she's the girl that Emma and Marko referred to?" I cocked and eyebrow at this. "No, I don't think so. Didn't they say she was shipped out." The male who I know now as Sonju stated. "Who the hell are you and how do you know Emma and the others?!" I yelled at them. I was a little angry that they were pretty much ignoring me. They turned their attention towards me. The girl spoke up, "oh we're sorry for ignoring you. My name is Mujika and this is Sonju. We saved Emma and the rest of the escapees from those who you were just about to kill. And may I ask who you are?"

Word count: 1333
(A/n: sorry this is out later than usual.)

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