Chapter 8

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When I was walking to go outside I saw Norman and Emma talking to each other. Norman made eye contact with me and I nodded toward Emma. Then I walked outside and into the woods. At this point it's just before dusk. I got to my flower patch in no time, I didn't even bother to leave me tracker somewhere else. 'There's no point, it doesn't matter anymore.' I thought to myself, sitting down messing with the flowers.

Then I got to thinking about what's been happening lately. Ray, for some reason I can't get him out of my head. I've been getting more embarrassed around him too. 'Wonder why that is' I thought. Not two minutes later Norman and Emma showed up. "Whoa! Y/n how come you never showed us this before?" Emma asked "because I didn't want it wrecked. It's the only thing I have left of Lily." I said solemnly "Lily? Who's that again? She has a pretty name!" Norman and I just tensed up at her question. "Lily was someo-" Norman started but I cut him off "it doesn't matter she's dead anyway." I said clenching my fists.

"Alright time to get down to business!" I said having a mood swing. They both sat down after I said that. "Tomorrow meet here just the two of you. No Ray. You need to meet the people we're escaping with." "Wait who?!" Emma yelled "and why can't Ray know?" Norman asked "I've been in contact with one of the neighboring plants for a while now. Grand valley. Marko is who we'll be meeting." "Who's Marko?" Emma questioned "one of my dear friends and family." She looked at me for a moment but softened when she looked at my face. "Alright we'll be here!" She yelled standing up.

Ok everything is going to plan. Now for Don and Gilda, how do we tell them that we lied to them. They've been so good about helping us and we can't even tell them the truth? That's just cruel. I was thinking so hard I didn't even notice that Xavier came and sat in front of me. "X-Xavier? But you're dead! I saw you die!" I said confused " y/n I'm a hallucination. But I can help you with your problem." He said smiling at me. "Oh, ok then" I said looking at him "do you remember how you were gonna tell me about the secret? By sending me to Mama's secret room?" He asked me "I do! So are you saying that I should find a way to get Don and Gilda in there?" I questioned him while he just nodded his head. "I'm leaving this to you Peaches, do what you need to do and take care of them for me, ok?" He asked me and I just nodded.

By this point it's dark out and I'm glad fo that. This way no one who comes out to get me can see my tears. No one's called me peaches since he left. I remember he told me that the buns in my hair looked like peaches and that's why he called me that. "Y/n dear, are you going to sleep out here again?" I heard Mama ask me, I guess she just showed up. "Oh my, why are you crying?" She asked me "just a good memory and yeah I'm gonna sleep out here again." I told her. I think the only reason she's been letting me sleep outside all this time is because she knows I won't run away. Especially now.

         That's when I remembered that Emma had been looking for Mama's room earlier with Gilda.  "Tonight's perfect! And dinner hasn't even started!" I yelled jumping up and sprinting to the house. When I got inside I ran to Mama's office just to find them already there. "Y/n you scared us!" Gilda whisper shouted "shh, I know how to open the door. Do you have the key?" I asked and Don held it up triumphantly. "Wait how did you know about the room? You weren't at the meeting we had?" Gilda asked "everything will be explained but all you need to know at the moment is that you've been lied to." I told them while sliding the bookshelf out of the way of the door.

          "Don the key," I said holding out my hand . He handed it to me and I unlocked the door. We went into the small room and I turned to ask them "are you sure you want to know the truth?" They just nodded. I walked over and opened a trap door and we all walked down. They were looking around  the smaller room until I pressed the button to open the com system. Just when I did Don saw little bunny. "Wait y/n, you don't mean" he looked at me terrified "she was my cousin Don" I told him looking to the left at Gilda who was about to cry. "I know this a lot to take in but we need to go or we'll get caught." I said picking up the lantern and climbing up the ladder and out to Mama's office.

          They followed me out and Don looked more angry than sad. "Let's go eat" I said blankly "wait don't tell anyone I was with you" I told them before running out the back door. "Damn, I hate running" I said as I got to the tree line, turning around and running back to the house. Can't let anyone now I was with them. "I smell food!" I yelled as I got back inside. "There she goes again" Ray deadpanned. "Ray!" I yelled jumping on his back "y/n, what was that for?!" He yelled catching me. "Take me to the food horsy!" I yelled, he just dropped me. "Ray," I growled at him while he slowly turned to look at my death stare.

          "You're the horsy" I said in an almost demonic voice. I must have scared him to his limit because he just bent over so I could get on his back. "Horsy!" I happily shouted while everyone just looked at us like we were crazy. He took me to my seat and set me down. "Your mood swings are scary" Norman said while laughing. 'I'll miss his laugh' I thought while giving him a gentle look. "Y/n are you ok?" Emma asked me "of course sunny my boy" I told her. She just looked confused when I said 'boy'. I sat down and started shoveling food into my mouth. "Y/n we haven't even prayed yet" Ray said smacking me on the back of the head. I just swallowed and waited for the prayer.

            When Mama was done speaking I ate all my food in about 2.5 seconds. "Geez if you're that hungry have some of mine." Ray said about to give me some of his peas which were the one thing on my plate I hadn't eaten. "Eww no, I'm mentally allergic to peas" I said shoving his fork away "I wanna be mentally allergic to peas too!" Phil yelled from the other end of the table. "See this is why Phil is my favorite!" I yelled standing up and pointing at him. "Oh, that reminds me! Children if you would please quiet down" Mama said. "Y/n" she motioned for me to come to her.


        She placed her hands on my shoulders while I faced everyone with an innocent smile on my face. "In two days y/n will be getting adopted"

Word count:1263

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