Chapter 41

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   I climbed out of the bunker after a few people questioned me and I ignored them. Once I exited the bunker I started to walk around the wasteland aimlessly, kicking rocks. I made it to the forest at one point and decided against my better judgment to go in. "Tch, I knew this would happen. I shoulda kept to my fucking self." I held my hands in the pockets of my pants and rolled my head back. I felt around in my pocket, in search of Ray's watch but didn't find it. "Damn it!" I yelled and kicked a small tree, which resulted in it falling to the ground. After it fell I stood still for a few minutes because I heard the noise of a bird, flapping its wings. I looked up towards the sky until I saw an owl land on a tree near me. I frowned at it slightly "hey Norman, how's it going over there?" The owl tilted its head but then turned it as if to say no. Oh, I get it. It must not be Norman controlling the owl. Maybe a friend of his. "Well, if this isn't Norman, can you ask him when he's going to try and make contact with us? If he asks you can tell him Y/n was just wondering."

   The eyes clicked shut and made a clicking camera noise before flying off. I sighed and plopped down onto the ground, leaning against a tree stump. I twig snapped a couple hundred feet from me and I groaned in dismay. "Why can't everyone just go away?" I closed my eyes and waited until this person got closer to me, purposely drowning out their footsteps. "Hey," I looked up, expecting to see Emma or maybe Ray. But instead I saw Lily. I blinked and she smiled solemnly and walked over, plopping down next to me. "I heard everything and thought I should probably come check on you." I frowned "then I guess you had the same reaction?" She slung her arm around me and I leaned into her a bit. "I don't care if you turn into a demon, your still my little sister." I smiled slightly at the thought of us always being there for each other. It went quiet for I while until I spoke up. "Lily thank you. I love you and I'm glad your my sister." She hugged me tighter and we sat there. "So..." I looked up at Lily as she drew out her word. "How's it going with Ray?" She smiled and raised her eyebrows up and down.

My face turned a bright red and I shoved my face into my hands. "He asked me to be his girlfriend." I mumbled into my hand. "What was that?" Lily cupped a hand over her ear and laughed. I punched her lightly in the shoulder "bitch" "asshole." I glanced over to look at her "well, while we're on the topic of boy's- how's um, how's Oliver?" I smirked at her and she turned red too but then frowned a bit. "I- I like him, a lot but it feels like I'm betraying Xavier. I mean, we were never together but we had talked about it." I nodded at her words and stretched out my back. It was gonna get dark soon so I nudged Lily in the side. "You should head back now. I think that I'm gonna stay out here for a while." She huffed "alright but be back by tomorrow afternoon. Here." She reached into her pocket and handed me Ray's pocket watch. I smiled brightly at the sight of the tattered object. It's worn down and Broken in a few places but it continues to tick. "Thanks." She smiled down at me and walked away.

I stood up after a few minutes and decided that I'm to alert to sleep right now. The sun had just set so the nocturnal animals are going to come out soon. I was walking around for maybe half an hour until I found a clearing. I walked out to the middle of it and looked up, closing my eyes for a little bit and just standing there. When I opened my eyes I was amazed at the sight in front of me. All around me were what looked like hundreds of glowing dragon flys. It looked like a sky full of stars. It was beautiful.

Ray's POV:

  Y/n clenched her fists and walked out of the room, saying she was going out for a little while. Emma was leaning back in her chair. A slightly fearful look rested upon her face. I grit my teeth and stood up, going towards the door to go get
Y/n but I was stopped by Emma's hand on my wrist. "Ray wait-" I yanked my hand away "no Emma. I'm going to get Y/n so stay out of my way." I walked out the door but Emma still followed me. "Ray, you should wait! What if she gets mad and does something she might regret? If...If  what she says is true, you should let her calm down first." I sighed because she was right but, at the same time I felt anger towards Emma. She provoked Y/n. None of us have any clue what she had and has to deal with. I know it was all of our faults but I genuinely think Emma was the main antagonist.

   I sighed once more "I have to go get her Emma. Your right, she needs time to calm down but, it's times like these when she needs us the most." I turned back around slightly to face Emma. "And you weren't helping." I saw her eyes widen a bit but then scrunched up in and upset manner. I turned back and walked to the entrance of the bunker. Yuugo, Lucas, Lily, Oliver, and Ace were standing under the entrance. I pushed through them a bit to get to the ladder but Yuugo stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. "What happens to claws?" Claws? That must be the nickname he decided to give Y/n. "We accidentally upset her so I'm going out to go get her."

   "How'd you manage to make Y/n mad? It's kinda hard to make her mad enough to just storm out like that." Lucas spoke and Ace looked concerned behind him, saying "Ray, if you're one of the people who made her mad, don't you think someone else should do it?" I stared at the wall. He's right. I can't just blame Emma for everything that happened. I wasn't helping either. "I can do it, don't worry." Oliver stepped forward but Lily pulled him back. "No, I'm going end of story. Besides I heard about why she's mad. Just give me a gun incase." Yuugo left and came back with a small hand gun. Lily nodded and started to climb up the ladder. "Lily wait!" I called out and she looked down at me. "I'm going to find her when you come back. Knowing her she won't want to come back tonight so I'll go out there and stay with her." She nodded down at me and left the bunker.

   It was about three and a half hours until Lily got back. I had been waiting by the entrance the whole time, several people asking if I was ok. She came back and handed me her gun. "Go get your girl." Lily laughed a little and ruffled my hair before walking away and jumping on Oliver's back when she saw him. I breathed out slowly and started to climb the ladder. "Hey, cyclops, if you don't bring her back by tomorrow afternoon then I'll shoot you." Yuugo said his piece and walked away. I climbed out of the bunker and set off to the woods. I'm sure she's in there though, I probably should have asked Lily where she was. It took a while but I found her standing in the middle of a field, surrounded by what looked like glowing dragon flys. It was beautiful.

Word count: 1357
(A/n: 😃 lots of filler so I can figure what to write next.)

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