Chapter 14

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      I woke up to the sound of Emma giggling. "What the hell Emma?! I'm trying to sleep here!" I yelled turning the burying my face into something warm. Shit. I sprung up from my place on the floor when I realized what I was just hugging. "Emma, if you tell anyone about this I'll ring your little neck, got it?!" I gave her the best death stare I could muster and she screamed, running away. "Damn, who knew you would kill somebody." Ray laughed lightly "of course I would kill somebody. Why wouldn't I? I never talk about it but I've always wanted to experiment with different ways to kill people. Besides it seems kinda fun." I smiled a closed eyed smile at him the went down to breakfast remembering that I still had my normal clothes on.

      "My dear children, please let us not have any quarrels today as y/n is leaving." Mama spoke gently when everyone sat down for breakfast. A lot of the younger kids said ok while some of the older ones just nodded. "Hey mama, since it's my last day here I have one request." I said standing up "oh, and that is?" She questioned "let me curse all I want today!" I said cheerfully, she just sweat dropped and looked at me like I was an idiot. "Why would you want to do that? Oh never mind, go ahead." She gave in. "Hell yeah!" I yelled, sitting back down beside Ray.

       "Why in the world would you want to curse all day?" Norman asked me from across the table. "Well since I'm leaving I've got to teach a few of the younger kids to carry on my legacy!" I punched the air with my fist looking determined to teach kids curse words. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Ray smirked knowing he used a curse word before I yelled one. "Hey, that's bad you shouldn't say the fuck word!" I yelled at him. He just sweat dropped and looked away from me. Soon later Phil came waltzing over to me. He sat next to me and I spoke "yes child who is my favorite?" I questioned why he came over here. "Will you play tag with us today?!" He shouted.

I smiled softly at him. "Of course Phil, but only for a little bit because I promised Ray that we would read together, ok?" I finished "ok!" He cheered and went to sit with Sherry again. Later, when we were finished with the daily test, everyone went outside to play tag. "Ok everyone, Norman's gonna be it!" I yelled but then I turned to Ray. "Ray, do you think that you'd be willing to play today?" I asked him, he just sighed and stood up. I jumped around cheerfully and ran over to Mama. "Hey Mama, will you tell Norman when to go?" I asked her "of course dear" she smiled at me before Emma yelled go and I ran off. When I got to the tree line I jumped onto a branch.

         "You know if you aren't carful you'll get caught really easily." Ray spoke making me jump a bit because I didn't know he was there. "I guess" I mumbled. "So in about two more games we can go read." I said jumping onto a different tree branch, my necklace flailing up and down with every jump I took. "Yeah sure" he replied as I began to jump from tree to tree again. While jumping I over heard lots of conversations. However; one stuck out, between Mama and sister Krone.

      "You're really going to kill that girl? But she has so much potential to become a mom!" I heard Krone raise her voice at Mama. Bad choice sister. "Don't worry, what happens to her is none of your business." Mama huffed and by that time I got bored of the conversation. So, I droned them out and continued jumping. Hmm, judging from the sounds only Emma and Ray are left. Ahh, scratch that, just Ray. I heard Emma shout in frustration a second ago so that must mean she was caught. I started jumping in the direction Emma came from, seeing as she just ran past me. While I was headed there I saw Ray being chased by Norman.

     Ray ran in a circle a few times before seeing me and running towards the tree I was at. He jumped up only to catch my hand as I pulled him up into the tree with me, barely a millisecond before Norman could tag him. I just smiled and stuck my tongue out at him. I grabbed Ray by the hand and started to jump through the trees. I forgot that Ray really didn't know how to do this and almost fell a few times. "Maybe I'll just run on the ground." Ray told me, noticing that Norman had gotten left behind I nodded at him and helped him down.

     Not long after that happened Me and Ray had won because Norman ran out of time. We just decided to go inside to read because we won. I sat down on the carpeted floor of the library with my favorite book, Peter Pan. Ray sat down beside me and opened his own book. "Hey, nice necklace, where'd you get it?" Ray joked "oh nowhere, now hush I'm trying to read." I smirked at him before leaning my head on his shoulder. We sat there for a few hours until Emma and Norman came bursting into the library. "About time you guys got here." Ray spoke under his breath. "Sorry we're late Ray" Norman apologized, I just raised a brow when I saw the bag in Emma's hand.

       "Ok! So y/n get your butt up we're getting you outta here!" Emma cheered while I just looked at here dumbly. "What? No" I crossed my arms and turned away from them. "Yes, you are so get up let's go." Ray spoke grabbing my wrist and I struggled to get away from him. "Ray I can't!" I yelled at him, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. "Why not?!" He yelled back "because I'm doing this to keep Norman alive. I made a deal with Mama." I told him softly and they all just looked at me. "T-to save me?" Norman asked and I just nodded at him. "She said that it was either you or me so? The obvious choice is that I go. I need you for my plan." I said to him.

     "Look guys the point is just let me go. I want to." I said smiling at them. Ahh, perfect timing, I heard Mama walking to the library, probably to get me. "There you are y/n, it's time to get ready. Come meet me in my room." She spoke when she came into the room. "Well, I guess it's that time!" I jumped up and walked out, hearing Emma still calling out for me. I just ignored her and walked to Mama's room to get ready. "I'm here Mama!" I said cheerfully as I entered her room. I was dressed soon and went to pack my suitcase. I looked around for what I wanted to pack but I couldn't really find anything other than Ray's pocket watch and all my letters.

        I put the pocket watch in my suitcase and walked to the library briskly. When I got there I could see that nobody was there. I went over to a shelf and grabbed Peter Pan, stuffing the letter to Ray in there, knowing that he would read that book when I was gone. When I was gone I yelled for Gilda and Don to come to me quickly. They entered the library. I didn't say much "here, don't open these until I'm gone, take Ruth, Carter, and Luke's letters, get the letters to them, call Emma and Norman here please." They nodded and swiftly went to fetch Emma and Norman. Not long after the y left Emma and Norman showed up. "Here, these are your letters, Emma, I want you to take Phil's and Marko's, you'll know when to give it to Phil and give Marko hers in two days when you guys meet up at the tree."

         About ten minutes later we were all at the door ready to send me off. It was a whole crying fest but I just hugged everyone until I got to Ray. I walked up ti him and embraced him tightly. "I think I love you Ray." I whispered to him before letting him go for probably one of the last times. I turned away and walked to Mama, knowing that if I looked back I would cry. We walked out the door and headed towards the gate as it opened.

       Mama was humming for a while until we walked up to a door inside the gate. "Y/n, do you think you could wait in this room for a minute?" Mama asked politely, opening the door. I looked inside at the brightly light room. Looking around my eyes widened.

Word count: 1523

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