Chapter 22

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Third person POV:

Emma and the others were walking to the house before Norman spoke up. "I think we should go check on Ray. We need to talk to him about some plans too." Everyone nodded and began to jog back to the house. When the got there Don and Gilda were pulled away by the younger kids. Emma and Norman headed to the library, knowing that's where Ray spends all of his time now.

    The two of them climbed up the ladder to the loft that Ray sat on. He didn't even look up at them, only kept staring blankly at the book that sat in his lap. "Ray, can we talk to you about the plan?" Emma asked and Ray merely lifted his head to stare at the two of them. In doing this action though, he revealed the dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week, and it's quite possible that he hadn't. "Ray, tomorrow we're going to do an inspection and we need your help." Norman spoke as softly as possible and Ray finally spoke. "No" One simple word and the other two understood. Norman had figured this would happen though.

    "Ray, are you really just going to sit here and sulk? Look I know you miss her and we could never comprehend what you're going through right now but think about her. What would she really want you to do? What would Y/n think of you right now and what would she tell you?" Norman demanded an answer from Ray. "She would tell you to get off of your ass and get the hell out of here!" Emma butted in, saying exactly what she thought Y/n would say. Ray's eyes showed just a tiny spark when he started to process what Emma had said. The sad part though, was that his brain has turned Emma's words into Y/n's giving him a hope that she was sitting right in front of him. "Fine, what do you need."

    Ray was willing to this so they had to make the plan good. They told him the plan and before they knew it the day for the wall inspection had come. They had all gotten ready for the inspection, Emma and Norman on their way to the wall, Don and Gilda standing near the house distracting the children and sister Krone, who was no where to be seen, and finally Ray was in the house distracting Mama. Ray and Mama were headed upstairs to the children rooms and Mama spoke. "I got rid of her"


     "No! Stay back!" Sister Krone tried to fend off that demon in front of her with a letter opener. 'Well the kid was right. Good thing I already left everything she asked me to with the white haired boy.' She thought before tripping over her luggage. The demon picked her up, positioning a flower to impale her chest. Her whole life flashed before her eyes. 'You kids are great at playing tag right? So you brats better escape! Survive! Run away! Escape! And... destroy this awful place of a world we live in!!' She thought as she slowly went limp in the hand of the demon. A flower protruding from her chest, a small noise being made when the flower bloomed and turned a bright red.

Back at the house:

     "What?" Ray asked Mama and she answered. "I got rid of sister Krone" Ray ran up the rest of the stairs and into Krone's room, no one was there. He stood in the doorway as Mama gripped his shoulders. "I didn't need her anymore. That's what I got rid of her." She spoke briskly into his ear. He turned to face her as she spoke her next sentence. "You too." "Huh?" He said, quite perplexed at the situation. "Our deal is over, right here and now." She seemed so calm as he fought back. "What I'm fired? Why? You need me, don't you?" Mama only smirked at him. "You can still use me!" I shot once more "oh but Ray, I can't. You're broken. And broken people can't necessary things." He cocked an eyebrow and tried to talk again but was cut off. "I'm getting rid of you because you can't get over the fact that Y/n is dead. You can't even lie properly." She smiled darkly at him and he just stood frozen in place.

      'How could she use such a thing against him?!' He thought while trying to get out of the situation. "I'm sorry Ray, but the situation has changed. I have no choice. So, please forgive me for what I'm about to do." She spoke quickly and coldly to Ray before shoving him further into Krone's old room. "Let me out!" Ray yelled at her when he heard the door lock. "Judging from the speed of these two, it must be Emma and Norman." Mama spoke before stepping away from the door and heading outside. Ray grabbed a chair, hitting the door with it but ended up breaking the chair instead. He heard Don loudly rapping on the door and calling his name.

     "Don I'm in here!" Ray shouted to Don before he responded. "Watch out Ray!" Don yelled, kicking the door in but falling with it. "Don! We have to go get up!" Ray yelled before helping Don from the ground. The two began to sprint, when the got outside they yelled for Gilda to follow them as they ran. Don explained the situation to her and the finally reached the placed that they had hoped to reach. Only, they had hoped to reach said place sooner. There lay Emma on the ground, Mama kneeling beside her. Emma's right leg, twisted in and unnatural position. "I'm glad you noticed Norman." Mama spoke tentatively and Emma layed there with a very pained expression.

     "You won't be able to move for a while. I hope that you'll be able to move soon, so that you can welcome tomorrow." Everyone looked at Mama with very confused faces before she spoke once again. "I got a notice from head quarters. Congratulations Norman, you'll be joining Y/n. Your shipment date has been set."

Word count: 1041

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