Chapter 17

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Don POV:

      I don't why Mama would want to get rid of y/n. She was the kindest, smartest, strongest, and- oh, I get it now. She was seen as a threat. Mama loved her though, you could tell because when she looked at y/n it was different from when she looked at the others. But I still don't understand all that much. I know y/n was smart but what exactly was she hiding from us. I continue to question things before I remembered the letter y/n had given me. "Maybe this will answer some of my questions" I said quietly before ripping open the envelope.

      'Dear Don, If you are reading this I'm dead. I have quite a few things for you to do for me so listen up. I assume that Norman and Gilda have already read their letters so if some of this doesn't make sense to you, ask them. They won't tell you in full detail so I don't know how much information you'll gain but I'm sure you'll manage. Anyways, as you already know you guys are playing tag in teams so that you can practice for the real escape. However; the real escape has a few other things you need to learn. Norman will tell you why you have to do this but I want you, Thoma, and Lani to do something for the plan. You'll need to learn how to through a rock tied to one of the ropes and get it firmly wrapped around a tree. I'm sure Thoma and Lani will come up with some weird way to do this since they are younger and haven't had a much muscle build up.'

     Now I have even more questions! Talk to Norman and Gilda? Throw a rock and tie it to a tree with Thoma and Lani? Why is this so confusing?! I wish y/n was here to just explain this to me herself! There's not a whole lot left in the letter so I may as well finish it and then find Gilda and Norman.

     'Look I wish this was under better circumstances but I want you to promise that you'll listen to everyone. Promise that you'll at least here them out. I know you and Ray aren't the best of friends but try to get along, please. Well I suppose I'll leave you to it then little bro. I love you and everyone with my whole heart, even grime the grave. Good luck. Stay safe. Stay alive. Your big sis-Y/n'

    I promise! I yelled in my head. I promise I'll do my best to fulfill your requests y/n! Ahh, right I need to find Gilda and Norman! I thought as I jumped up from my spot. They're probably in the shared room they stay in by now. I run into their room and see that if just caught them before they went to bed. "Guys wanna explain to me why I have to learn how to throw a rock and tie it to a tree?" I asked while walking to the middle of the room, trying to be as quiet as possible, seeing as most of the younger kids seemed to be asleep. "Oh um, do you think that you might be able to wait until tomorrow?" Gilda spoke softly in a horse voice and her eyes looked red a puffy, like she had been crying for a while. She looked utterly exhausted and I couldn't bring myself to push for answers right now. "Yeah sure, goodnight Gilda, sleep well" I whispered to her before walking out of the room into my own shared room.

Meanwhile Elsewhere:

Y/n POV:

      "Well would ya look at that" I said saltily to the rat looking man beside me. I knew his actual name but it's stupid and I like rat man better. When I spoke a moment ago it was because the second we arrived at Lambada I was shoved into the building and we've been walking through a hallway for a hot minute. This hallway though, was unusual. The walls were glass and you could see different 'test subjects' as these people would call them and there were 'scientists' monitoring them from this side of the glass. To say the least, I don't like it. "So, rat man, are you gonna do some brainy tests on me and then do all that shit to me?" I pointed to one side of the hallway as I spoke, to get my point across. "First of all: my name is not 'rat man' and second of all: yes we will be doing some brain testing and then we will be doing some physical testing on you but, it will be a lot different than other subjects. I expect it to be a lot harsher." He spoke with out even glancing down at me.

      "Here we go, please go sit down in that chair, put on those headphones and then we will begin the test. The test is just like the one you took at your farm but a lot harder." He instructed me and so I did just that. I sat down in the chair and placed the headphones on. They felt kinda funny on my head but I forgot all about it when I heard a beep sound from the headphones. I looked at the small screen in front on me, picked up the pen for the device and began. It was pretty easy and stuff I already knew. I finished in around ten minutes I think, but who knows? Rays pocket watch was still in my suitcase wich sat beside me on the floor. I could check that, since they seem distracted and I was bored. So I hopped up out of my seat and bent over to open my suitcase.

     I didn't pack much, because I know for a fact that when I get out of here or get sent somewhere else, I won't be able to take anything that doesn't fit in my pocket. I flipped open my suit case and grabbed the watch. 10:40, it read. Everyone should be in bed by now, at home. I placed the watch in the pocket of my 'adoption' uniform's jacket. I had just shut my suitcase again when the rat man and a demon walked in. "Yo" I tried my best to mimic Rays voice the day that he had snuck up on Emma and Norman at the wall. The two of them just stared at me. "Well" rat man cleared his throat before continuing, "since you finished in record breaking time and got all the answers correct, we have decided to move onto physical testing as of tomorrow.  I will lead you to your room and you will receive dinner. I will come and retrieve you after you eat breakfast tomorrow." Rat man finished speaking and then motioned me to follow him as he turned to leave.

     I did as expected of me and followed him to my room. It wasn't huge but it had a decent bed and a bathroom, along with a book shelf, dresser, and small chess table. " you know, if you guys weren't gonna be testing shit on me then I might be able to get used to this." I sighed as he left the room, probably not hearing me. I flopped my suitcase onto my new bed and opened it once more, so that I can unpack. I had a small parasol that Mama had given me when I turned 7 and Lilly's old sketch book. I had one final thing in my suitcase. It makes me cry almost every time I look at it.

Little bunny.

Word count: 1300

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