Chapter 10

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       "Ok, I guess Ray was right. I can't remember what I was doing." Ray always says I have the worst memory and I guess he was right. Let's think about this for a second. I'm getting shipped out not tomorrow but the day after and so is Marko. I have to figure out how to set my plan into motion before then. "Damn it! Remember already! Why did you want Krone to find out about us?!" I whispered "oh wait, I remember now! I've just got to talk to Norman!" I smiled and started to walk to the house.

       I carefully walked into the house as to not wake anyone. I tip toed up stairs just to hear Krone's voice. "Dang that woman!" I heard Krone shout and just as she was about to close her door I stuck my foot in between the door and it's frame. "Wanna talk" I smirked  "w-well I suppose" she stutter, opening the door. "Is there anything you need?" She asked "as a matter of fact there is." I walked over to her sat down. "You'll be dead before next week" I spoke firmly "she gonna kill you because you're trying to get in her way." "How do you know that?" She questioned "it's clear as day and that's why I want you to help me." I motioned her to come sit beside me.

       She sat and when she did I hugged her. "I might think your crazy but everyone has feelings" I said and she just tensed before I felt something wet on my shoulder. "I know it's a lot to take in but death is inevitable no matter what we do. And hey, at least you get to live longer than me!" I giggled, letting go of her "anyways I came here because I need your help with my plan." She sniffed and then composed herself. "Ok what do I need to do?" "Do you happen to have a certain pen?" I questioned. Her eyes widened "how do you know about that?" I looked at her with a hard stare. "I know a lot of things but do you have it?" I asked again.

         She nodded slowly at me "is there anything else?" She asked cautiously "well yes, if you would be willing to help me." I spoke "what is it?" She questioned "I need you to ask everyone to team up against mama tomorrow. You can't tell them that I told you to do so. You can use the excuse of Ray snitching on you to cover for yourself. Norman will agree and you need to tell them to meet you here tomorrow night. Oh, and one last thing, can you ask them when there walking through the woods tomorrow?" I finished. Man that was a mouthful. "I'm sure I'll be able to handle that." She looked directly into my eyes as she spoke her next words. "But why do you need the pen?"

        "Well you see, I would like you to give it to Norman after I leave. I have a feeling something major will go down after I'm gone and I believe that he'll be able to use it. Now, in the case that something would happen to Norman I would like it to go to Gilda." I said with a small smile. "Why Gilda?" Krone tilted her head "um? A hunch? But whatever happens don't give it to Ray or let him find out about it." "I will do my best to carry out your wishes!" She saluted "thank you very much!" I copied her actions. "Well I've e got to get going talk to you later!" I waved, walking out the door and into the hallway.

     Now I need to talk to Norman. Emma, Norman, and Gilda are in one room and Ray and Don are in the other so I should be fine. I walked over to Normans bed and sat down. I shook him lightly "Norman" I whispered "Hmm?" He hummed "tomorrow Krone us gonna ask us to team up and I want you to agree. I have a plan, ok?" "Yeah that's fine but how do you know that's what she's gonna do?" He asked sitting up "well I heard her whisper shouting from outside, so I came inside and heard her talking about it." I said pretending to be embarrassed by rubbing the back of my neck. "Oh ok, well you should get some sleep ok?" "Yeah I guess so" I said standing up and walking away.

      I was walking through the hallway and I saw the light of a lantern go into the library before the library light turned on. I decided to go see who it was even though I knew it was Ray. "Psst!" I stuck my head through the doorway. Ray turned to look at me, sighed, then motioned for me to come in. "What are you doing up this late?" I whispered to him. "I could ask you the same question but I'm just up to read." "Dumbass! You need sleep!" I whispered yelled at him. I was done with him for the moment and went to grab the blanket we used the other day from the loft. When I was climbing back down the latter I made and oopsy and slipped.

     I think Ray tried to catch me but he failed. I fell on top of him and crush him. "Oof!" I said "can I get an f in the chat for Ray" I said with fake tears running down my face. "Geez, I'm not dead and what's an f in the chat mean?" He groaned when he sat up " oh I read it in a book once about video games! Apparently gamers use it to pay there respects when a player dies or something like that." I smile, holding a hand out to help him up. He takes it and I pull him but, when I help him up, he pulls me into an embrace. "R-Ray are you ok?" I ask hugging him back. I feel him nod "y/n are you ok?" He reciprocates. "Just peachy, why do you ask?" I smiled a bit.

     "Well you're being more serious lately and you've sort of distanced yourself from me. I-I just want to see you smile like you used to, is all." He spoke in such a gentle tone that I couldn't but smile. "Ray you do realize that I'm gonna die in two days, right? So I guess it's just normal that I'd be tense." He stiffened, "I know that but, I" he cut himself off. "Look y/n, I..........I, I don't want you to go." He hugged me tighter "geez, your such a big baby. You act like you'll never see me again." "But I won't! Don't you get it?! Your gonna die in two days and your fine with it?!" He raised his voice "Well um, I guess it doesn't bother me. Besides we talked about this when we were younger so it doesn't matter. You already know my opinion on death."

He let go of me with tears brimming his eyes. "I-I know that but I guess I felt differently when I was younger. Death it, it didn't scare me back then." I looked at him funny, smiling a wide grin. "You act like your the one whose dying or shit." I laughed " your a weirdo ya know that? And what did you mean by felt different? We're you talking about death? Or do you have a secret crush on Emma?!" At this point I was rolling on the floor with laughter. "Gosh, you really are an idiot. Let's just go to bed." He said reaching down to help me from the floor. "Who you calling idiot, idiot!"

Word count:1301

(A/n: I'm sorry to anyone who reads this. Ive been really busy lately and haven't been able to post! Sorry!)

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