Chapter 37

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It's all happening to soon. Even I'm starting to panic. All I can hear is a ringing in my ears from the music. Music playing all around me as everyone prepares for an un-sure battle. "Y/n, I'm going to stall Levuis now. Good luck." I nodded back at Emma. "You too" and with that she was gone. The plan was officially underway. I nodded to Violet, Nigel, and Gillian's team and they set off. I looked over to Ace and we nodded at each other. We were running as fast as we could to find Luce before anyone had a run in with him. It didn't take long to find him however; he was simply at the edge of the woods- starring at us. I could hear him growling in the distance. Ace grabbed my shoulder before I could charge at Luce. I turned to him. "Remember the plan, don't do something stupid because if you do you could cost someone their life." I straightened up and tucked some of my brown hair behind my ear and away from my face. "Let's do this!"

Ace was going to take the right and I got the the left. The two of us were heading straight towards Luce before we were mere meters away and dodged him to our respective sides. I held one of my pistols and Ace held the other- both of us shoot Luce in his side's. Luce let out what most would call a blood curdling scream. He was injured but healing fast. I saw Ace quickly slip behind him "Now!" I held up the fist that didn't have a gun it in it. Luce could no longer move, he was immobilized. I started to walk forward with my pistol aimed at Luce and Ace came to stand next to me. "Ace- I don't want you to do this. I don't want you to have to take a life, even if it is a demon." He shook his head at me and I smiled at him. I turned back to Luce who looked like he was trying to get free but it was no use.

    I raised my fist above my head and then whipped it back down to my side. Successfully throwing Luce into the air and then slamming down into the ground. I walked up to him- my once sea green eyes turned to a faded whit color as I glared down at him. I pointed my gun straight at on of his six eyes, pulling the trigger and moving onto the next eye, one after another until I knew he was dead. I sighed in relief and stepped away from Luce's body. I pulled Ray's pocket watch out- "shit! Ace we gotta go! We went over our limit of three minutes!" I grabbed his wrist and we started sprinting for the center of town. We made it with five minutes to spare and now we're hiding on a roof behind Levuis and Emma.

    I listened in on their conversation. "Where's the other one? Y/n, was it?" Levuis leaned down near Emma and she gave a slightly shocked and saddened face. "S-she died" Emma looked away from Levuis with a few tears running down her face. 'Ah, she means the old me. She's saying this because the me from the house did die.' I gave a sad smile and watched Levuis for a reaction. He seemed intrigued. "How did she die?" "She was shot in the side of her stomach and bled to death last night because she 'wouldn't waste our supplies'" Emma gave air quotations to signify that's what I said. I check Ray's watch and my eyes widened. We only have 30 seconds left until we release our fury.

       Now it's 10. I brace myself- hoping everything will go according to plan. 9. If Lily or Oliver miss it might mean death for all of us. 8. Everyone else please, please be in position. 7.  Nigel, Violet, Gillian- I hope you took care of Nouma and Nous. 6. Emma please be careful,  you're in the most danger right now. 5. Lucas, be careful, you're still injured ya' know. 4. Ace, Pepe, Theo, Sandy, Zack, don't die. 3. Ray, Marko and all of the others, take care of yourselves. 2. Y/n, don't be stupid! 1. It's go time! "Well Emma, it seems all of your friends are dead." Levuis gave a wicked smile and Emma put her head down- a shadow casting over her eyes. "Now!" I stood to my feet as fast as I could and raised both fists, focusing all of my strength into keeping Levuis in his place.

    It went by in a flash- literally. Lily and Oliver shot the flash gun right into Levuis's face, successfully breaking his mask. Everyone started to open fire on him and I was struggling a bit. I had broken a sweat at this point and I knew I held a strained look on my face. It's really hard to keep Levuis in place. He's really on a different level than the other demons. I was starting to lose my footing and my energy was draining fast. Ace noticed continued to shoot with one hand and hold me up with his other. I noticed the bullets in the air were dwindling and Levuis was regenerating quickly. I have to do something other than hold him in place. I decided to do the same thing I had done to Luce earlier. I watched as Levuis was slammed into the ground below me  before everything started to fade from my view.

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