Chapter 9

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       Looking back at everyone sitting down I saw the sadness in their eye but in some cases I saw complete and utter fear. "A-adopted?" Emma uttered. I looked around and no one was even happy for me. The second Phil burst into tears so did everyone else. I looked at Ray and he had a few stray tears rolling down his face, I just smiled at him. "Come on everyone you should be happy for me, not sad that I'm leaving." "Oh my, why's everyone crying?" Krone asked walking into the dinning hall. Yvette ran up to her "y/n's getting adopted in two days!" She cried hugging Krone.

       Suddenly all the children came running towards me. "Please don't leave us!" They all yelled "I'm sorry but I can't change what's happening, but don't you think I should get to be happy outside the house?" I asked them, they burst into another round of tears "we're sorry! We want you to be happy!" They shouted again.

Later that night

       Ray, Norman, Emma, Gilda, Don, and myself all sat quietly in the dining hall. I decided to speak first to break the tension. "So, Don, Gilda anything you'd like to talk about?" I spoke looking them in the eyes. "W-well we" "where were you before dinner?" Ray interrupted  "we were in Mamas secret room" Don said "are you kidding me?! If you were caught you- no all of us would be-" "what would happen Ray?! Would we be killed?!" Don cut him off. Emma stood up and bowed to them apologizing "see Gilda, they were lying to us" Don said looking down on the main trio. "Well we obviously have to tell them" I said breaking the silence one more.

       When we were done explaining Gilda spoke up. "Wait, so y-y/n's going to be shipped out?" She asked, her green eyes boring into my sea-green ones. I simply smiled and nodded. "However I'm afraid a fate worse than death awaits me" I spoke but continued to smile. "Wait what do you mean?" Norman asked me "that is a secret that you will probably never get to hear" I answered. "Wait let me get this straight" Don started to speak, he sounded like he hadn't heard anything we just said. "C-Conny and everyone else is- they're dead" he said before bursting into laughter.

        I could tell from his body language that he was about to punch the person closest to him, which just so happened to be Norman. As fast as I could go I ran in front of Norman and took the punch myself. From what I could tell Don didn't punch the person he wanted to so he turned on Ray. Thank god I'm fast or Ray would have gotten a serious one to the face. "Y/n!" He shouted bending over beside me "I'm fine-" I cut myself off by running to grab Don's hand to stop him from punching Emma. "Don please don't hurt anyone else. If you want to let off some steam you can punch me all you want." I smiled at him tearing up. He dropped Emma "I just need a minute to cool off." Don said while walking away, Gilda following.

"A-are you guys ok?" I asked holding my cheek where I had been punched. "Are we ok?! You dumbass! Are you ok?!" Ray shouted at me "um? Yeah?" I answered. He just sighed and helped me get up. "I need to talk to you later in the library ok?" Ray told me. Apparently Emma and Norman had already gone outside to apologize. "We should go apologize to them too" I stood up and walked outside my hand firmly grasping his to drag him with me.

       "I'm sorry" Don said bowing to Emma and Norman. "It's no problem but if you're gonna apologize I think it's y/n that deserves to hear it." Emma said, Don soon turned frantically towards me. "I'm so sorry for punching you!are you ok?" "Don't worry about it, I kinda deserve it" I said scratching the back of my neck with a nervous smile. "What do you mean you deserve it?! You're going to die in two days!" Ray suddenly yelled at me. "How can you be so calm about this?!" He yelled, tears pooling in his eyes. "I already told you that it's a secret" I smiled "no, y/n, I shouldn't have done that to you especially-" Don started but I cut him off. "No. I don't want a never ending life. I just wanna be alive while I'm here with all of you." I spoke before walking off into the forest again.

        However on the way I gave a small thumbs up to sister Krone. I had reached the wall in no time and climbed up. "Alright I need to talk to Marko ASAP." I whispered while walking to her plant. Now for this, I decided to leave my tracker back at the house. 'Mama can't know that anyone else is involved.' Soon I reached Markos  plant and jumped off of the wall. For some reason I've always been able to jump from that height without being hurt. I don't know why but that's just how it's always been. I was running through the grand valley forest before I came across another person running. We both stopped, looking at each other before we started to giggle. "Come on Mama 2.0" I laugh before running back to the wall, climbing back up and sitting down.

         "So y/n I guess we both have something important we need to tell the other." Marko said to me "I'm going first!" I said happily "ok, go ahead" she said looking at me. "I'm getting shipped out!" I said giddily while smiling "gurl no way! Me too!" She said smiling with me. "So are you actually gonna die or are you gonna, you know go there?" She asked "I'm getting sent there , how about you?" I asked her "Sister we gonna burn that place down!" She laughed with me. "Yay, arsonist sisters!" I giggle looking at her "ok then, we need to promise to escape that place together!" I continued looking at her seriously this time, holding out my pinky for her to hook with her own.

       "Deadass" she said hooking her pinky with mine. "Besides we gotta take our own advice right?" She said looking at me. I nod right before we both start to speak. "When life gives you lemons and you don't like lemonade, you use em' to make people cry. You take those lemons and squirt em' right into their eyes." We both finished  "how did we even come up with that shit?" I questioned, smiling "two dumb asses put together is a bad idea" she smiled "so then, I'll see you tomorrow with some of your family and some of mine, ok?" I stood up helping her stand as well. She nodded "sure thing" she jumped into a tree and back to the ground. "Actually, do you think you could come to my plant? It's all part of my master plan." I smirked "even better, see ya claws."

Word count: 1200

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