Chapter 38

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Third person POV:

    Not long after Ray picked Y/n up and started to carry her did she pass out. Everyone seemed worried for her and we're trying to rush her to the windmill for medical attention. Ray was panicking the most though, as he was running with Y/n he continued to trip on his feet. Oliver came up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, slowly stopping him. "Ray, give Y/n to me. You're panicking enough as it is and that won't help the situation." Ray didn't like the idea of giving Y/n to anyone he didn't trust- let alone know, but gave in because Oliver had a point. Ray handed Y/n over to Oliver and they continued to sprint for the windmill. "So, are you Y/n's boyfriend?" Oliver huffed out and Ray shook his head no. "Who gave you that idea?" Oliver chuckled a little "Emma, she was telling us all about when you finally met up again."

Ray scoffed and glanced at Y/n who seemed to be breathing heavily. "Of course she did, but why did you ask? What's it to you?" Oliver glanced at Ray "she's basically my little sister at this point and if you hurt her in any way at ALL, I'll tear you a knew one. So tread carefully." Ray tensed at his words as they stopped in front of the windmill before barging in. They brought Y/n to the makeshift infirmary where Marko, Emma, and a girl who looked very similar to Y/n, waited for them. They placed her on a table while she struggled to breath. Lucas walked in with what medical supplies they had. The other adult man walked in as well. They set all the supplies down and the girls made the boys leave, for privacy reasons. They removed Y/n's shirt and left her in a bra as they assessed the wound.

It was bad. Really bad. Levuis had stabbed all the way through Y/n so they couldn't do anything with the small amount of supplies they had. At this rate- she was going to die. They started to panic but Marko came up with a good idea. "What if we had mister run her all the way to the shelter ahead of us! He can make it there in no time without us slowing him down." Emma and Lily shared a look with each other and then at the dying girl in front of them. They turned back to Marko and nodded. She called the boys back in and told them the plan. At first mister was against the idea but Emma convinced him by bringing up the fact that he shot her. He gave in and prepared for travel. The girls did what they could to stop Y/n's bleeding before putting her shirt back on. Y/n opened her eyes but couldn't move- she was aware of everything but was still very weak.

All Y/n could feel was a throbbing pain in her stomach as she was lifted into the back of the other adult. She directed him to the place she escaped from previously. All she could really do though was mumble directions. The others saw them off to make sure they got out alright and to see where they exited. After they safely left Goldy pond the man started to run at almost full speed. "Hey mister, what's your name?" Y/n mumbled and the man furrowed his eyebrows "you don't need to know." Y/n let out a shaky breath "please?" The man shook his head but then whispered, "it's Yuugo" and with that Y/n smiled and passed out again.

Gilda POV:

   I waited near the entrance of the bunker along with Don, Carter, Ruth, and Luke as we did everyday. We're waiting for Emma, Ray, Marko, and the adult to return from traveling. The five of us just sat around and made small talk most of the time. Sometimes Y/n and the others get mentioned but not much. We were just about to leave our spot at the entrance when it flung open. A panicked mister slid down the ladder with a girl on his back who seemed to be bleeding a lot. It wasn't Emma or Marko because the hair was a lot different. "Stomper she needs medical attention from you and Baby sitter" the man said. He was talking about Carter and Anna. The man took her to what we used as an infirmary and laid he down on a table. Only then was I able to get a closer look at who he was carrying. "Y-Y/n?" I stepped back just a bit and the man turned to me with a ticked off face. "She can't hear you four eyes, now where are the other two? If they don't hurry up she might die." I scoffed and realized that the other three weren't with him. "Y/n is already dead- she died over half a year ago." He shook his head "apparently not."

    Don put a hand on my shoulder and teared up a bit. Anna and Carter came storming into the room and were assessing he wound. "What happened?" Carter asked the man and he answered "she was stabbed all the way through, by a demon." Anna raised and eyebrow "all the way through her body? Are you sure because the wound only goes about half way through her." The man stood there shocked and I watched as everything played out in front of me. "How did she heal so fast?" The man started to raise his voice and I decided that was enough and pulled him out of the room. "Where are the others?" I asked and he sighed, "they're on their way as we speak. They sent me ahead with Y/n because she's dying." I scoffed "how am I supposed to trust you?" He shook his head and started to walk away from me "I never said you had to but, I suggest that you at least believe me- or your friend in there might die."

Word count: 1030

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