Chapter 28

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   "Fucking shit!" I yelled out while running away from a demon by the name of Luce. I was running next to Nigel who was by first glance a rational person, but when you actually look for it you can tell that he's not always that put together. He also has this weird little two leaf plant growing on his head. It's kinda cute though. "What?" He yelled back at me and I whipped around to face Lice with my gun ready. Luce has had it out for me since the first day I got here. I shot at him and hit one of his bigger eyes. He fell while I replied to Nigel's question "I forgot Ray's birthday!" Nigel look confused but shrugged it off soon and started to run away from Luce who would soon be getting up.

   I followed behind him and we made our way back to the windmill as the music faded out. We walked into the windmill and I left Nigel with Gillian, a close friend of ours. Gillian wore a beanie and had pink hair. Overall she was very pretty and nice too. I ran into a meeting between Oliver, Lucas, and Lily when I was really just trying to find Oliver but oh well. I burst into the room and they all looked startled. "Alright bitches, what the date?"I asked and Lily just let out a small chuckle while the boys sighed. "January 26, why?" Lucas asked me and I though about it for a minute. I wasn't exactly sure why I had asked but I just have this feeling that something big is going to happen soon. "It's probably one of her hunches again." Lily spoke.

   She could be right considering that I do have them often and normally they're right. Oliver glanced over at me with questioning eyes. I nodded beforehand speaking "I just have this feeling that something big is gonna happen soon." They all looked at me before I was called away by Pepe. I walked out of the room and over to Pepe, who is in charge of the food provisions. He's also a great cook. "Y/n, it's your turn to pick what we eat today so what do ya want?" He asked looking down at me. He was almost five nine and had red hair and black eyes, along with a circular shaped scare on his face-right around his left eye. I looked back up at him with stats in my eyes "can we have sausage?!" I yelled loudly and he covered his ears. But nodded with a smile.

   I looked down at the ground with a serious look however; and he took notice of it. "I... need a favor." I said quietly and he hummed a response. "I could really use a weeks worth of food for one person packed into my bag tonight." I held a meek voice but Pepe could still hear it. "Why?" He cautioned and I only motioned him to a room that seemed empty. Only- it wasn't and when we walked in and shut the door Violet scared the living shit out of us. Violet was the lookout and had light purple hair and violet eyes. She was on the quieter side but spoke up when she wanted to be heard. "What're you two doing in here?" She eyed us suspiciously. "If I tell you-you have to promise not to tell anyone, ok?" I held my finger up to my lips like I was telling her to be quiet. She nodded and sat on the floor to listen.

   Pepe soon followed suit and the two sat there looking at me. I cleared my throat and spoke slowly "I have a really bad feeling about what's happening to a close friend right now. He's not here though and I need to leave in order to help him out." Their eyes widened at my statement "who is it then?" I tensed before answering "Emma, Norman, and Ray but Ray and Emma can wait a bit longer than Norman can, so will you help me out? Pepe with preparation to leave and Violet helping me get out?" They nodded determined and I spoke once more "take care of Lily and Ace while I'm gone and if I'm not back in a week and a half- assume the worst has happened ok?" They looked uneasy at this but agreed anyways and we all soon flooded out of the room we were in.

   It was my job to make it look like nothing had happened so I shouted, gaining everyone's attention "yeah it's almost time for dinner!" A lot of the younger kids that we had came over and swarmed me asking what we were going to eat. It reminded me of when I was back home and all of the younger kids would do things like this. God I miss them. I wanted to keep it a secret and shooed them all away. I walked over to where I saw Ace talking with Sonya. It's nice to know that while I'm gonna be gone he'll have all these people to support him. I walked up behind him and jumped onto his back. "Boo!" I yelled but he only flinched a little and smiled. I got off of his back and ran downstairs towards the room we all sleep in. When I got down there Lily was taking a nap.

   I tip toed over the where my bed was which was conveniently placed right next to hers and started to shove my things into my bag. First was the drawing of me, Ray, Emma, and Norman. Next was little bunny and I almost put my parasol from mama in there but figured that it would be extra weight and decided against it. I also had a box of matches and a small first aid kit. I threw in a hat that Ace had made me and saved the rest of the room for food and weapons. I carry Ray's pocket watch with me at all times and already had my green jacket on. I put my backpack under my bed with a large tan coat that would probably reach down to right above my knees. I ran back up stairs and shoved food down my throat.

   Everyone was yelling at me to slow down but of course I didn't listen and lets just say that Oliver had to give me the heimlich. I wasn't on dish duty so I went to sit and wait on Pepe and Violet. It was about midnight and I was getting antsy but Pepe and Violet showed up with my backpack and coat in hand. I smiled at them and took my things, pulling the coat over my jacket. Then we walked over to the weapon's room and started to think about what would be easier to travel with. I decided on duel pistols and about five throwing knives. We put the knives in my bag and I pulled holsters onto my legs for the guns. "Fuck" I grumbled under my breath and Violet immediately knew what was going on. The coat was in the way of me reaching my guns. She however had a great and terrible idea.

   "I'll cut it in half." She said with a straight face and did just that. She stabbed a hole in one side and then cut all the way around my waist. The way she had cut it turned the coat into some sort of crop top thingy but I only sweat dropped at her actions. "We coulda just got her a shorter jacket and used this one a different time" Pepe spoke my exact thoughts. I shrugged though, it'll work. I thanked them both and reminded them that if I wasn't back in a week and a half that I was most likely dead. And the off I went. It was a bit of a struggle to escape from Goldy pond but I managed. I got out and was ready to set off when I realized something. I don't have a compass or know which way lambda is. "Ahh this is fucking bullshit!" I yelled while pulling my hair. I figured that if I kept going I would get somewhere that I could use to find lambda so that's what I did. I kept running forward. "Fucking hell."

Word count: 1400

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