Chapter 15

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(A/n: I would like to thank @Ari_platypus for being the fist person to comment on my story. It really made my day.) P.S If you want me to take down your name I gladly will.


Norman POV:

      She gave me a letter. That's all I have left of
y/n now. I suppose I should read it then. I flipped the letter over in my hand to open it. Slowly I ripped it open, as though it might shred itself at any second. I pulled the letter out of its envelope and carefully open it to find writing.

   'Dear Norman, If you're reading this you need to know that I'm dead, well I think so anyways. However if this letter were to fall into the hands of someone other than you, death would be inevitable for you. I'm about to tell you everything that you need to know to survive but, you might have a different way of doing so than the others. You see, not even Mama is aware that I know this but, it is my belief that you are going to be shipped out soon. However; I don't believe that you are going to die, not to begin with anyway. I was out exploring the wall about three years ago and I came across a part that I had never seen before. They call this place Lambada.'

   I stopped reading for a moment to take everything in. Me? Shipped out but not dying? Lambada? Before I could question myself further, I began to read the letter again, hopefully getting some answers.

'Lambada is a testing farm, a foul place where they experiment on kids. I'm not sure what kinds of tests go on there but they don't seem humane to me. I'm almost certain this is where you'll be sent due to your intelligence. The tests that they give you will probably be the kind that test your smarts. I'm sure you'll be able to blow right through them though. Knowing you though you'll be able to destroy that place and maybe even get a few people out. I've been looking into Minerva a bit more and I think that there is a supporter of his that works there, find him, do whatever it takes to escape.'

     I don't know how she knows all of this but I'll trust her. She's been right about everything so far.

'But, enough about that, it's time I tell you my plan to ensure everyone else's survival. The wall, yes, Emma did see trees on the other side of it but that's not the full extent of it. It's a cliff. It's not the kind you can easily jump over either. I've run that wall plenty of times as well. The only way to get across is a bridge, or that's what the demons think. There is one possibility that no one would expect though. Along the other side of the cliff there's a ledge that just so happens to be close enough to do something outrageous. I'd say it's like zip lining. You'll have to prepare everyone for this escape. I want you to start gathering supplies as soon as possible, you can store them in the well. Mama will never know if you're careful about it. I also think you should keep playing tag in teams. Teach them the hand signals and tell Emma to train their bodies, I'll leave using their heads up to you and Ray. I'm sure you can figure the rest out. Good luck. Be careful. Stay alive. -Your friend Y/n'

I'll do my best to do as you asked y/n! I thought after reading the letter. I'll make a plan. I'll get everyone out, even if it means that I do get shipped out. Ok, if I do as she said to everything will be fine, maybe. I slowly sank down onto by bed, suddenly feeling exhausted from the day. I looked around the room to find a place to hide the letter. Maybe I can hide it in my night stand or in my beds box springs. I'll do that and then I'll try to rest up.

      Quietly lifting my mattress, I shoved the letter in between the box spring and the mattress. I slowly layed down. I'm exhausted but I can't clear my mind. Well, if my mind won't stop working then I'll start working on the details of the plan. Zip lining? What did she mean about zip lining? As I got to thinking about where she could be going with this idea it hit me. Everything just seemed to fall into place. I'll have the girls make ropes, teach some of the older boys how to get the ropes over to the other side to begin with, but most importantly, I'm not going to tell Ray. Before y/n left, she told me what he was trying to do, telling me about the oil cans under his beds' floorboards.

       If I get shipped out I'll be able to play off if Emma and Ray's sadness. Emma however, can give instructions on what the children need to do when the come to 'check on her'. We'll keep playing tag and I'll work out more minor details about how to hide necessary things for the escape. Wait, did she say in the well? I get that there's no water down there anymore but wouldn't it be hard to get to? Unless.... The boards on top of it were placed there, not to stop someone from falling in, but to hide something. Not to self, check that tomorrow at play time.

      She also told me about that place that I should be going to. Lambada, I think she said it was. But, y/n, she was smarter than me and more athletic than Emma, so why wouldn't she be there too? I was thinking about this before I started to have what seemed like a flashback. It was when we met Don and Gilda in the dining hall. When Gilda asked her about her dying, what did she say again? C'mon! Think, Norman, think! That's it! I remember now. It was something along the lines of 'I'm afraid a fate worse than death awaits me' or something like that. So maybe, this could've been what she was referring to! Maybe she got shipped off to Lambada.

      As I was laying down the thought that she might still be alive made me smile. I wanted to jump up and tell Emma, but I'll wait for her to read her letter and if there's nothing said about a chance of y/n being alive, I won't say anything. I know that sounds like a cruel thing to do to your friends but, if it's not in Emma's letter than it's not there for a reason. With all these thoughts running through my head I barely noticed that I started to doze off until Gilda came rushing into the room. "Norman! I need to talk to you!" She huffed. I was looking at her expectantly until I noticed the letter in her hand. She spoke, "its about y/n."

Word count: 1201

(A/n: another thanks to anyone who added this to their reading lists or contributed to this story in any way!!)

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